The Vel'uuish (codex)

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Item icon veluuish3-codex.png
The Vel'uuish (codex)
About the Vel'uuish.
Category codex
Rarity common
Price 125
ID veluuish3-codex
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The Vel'uuish homeworld is inhabited mostly by Kir'vat, and is used as a massive store for the knowledge that they have gathered over the time that their race has existed. The Vat'iish, naturally, stay away from the homeworld as much as possible, although in times of great emergency, they willreturn home to offer their strength should it be needed, for a price.
The Kir'vat hope that one day the Vat'iish will see that there is strength in unity, and as such do not resent the Vat'iish for their prickly nature. Until then, they are content to exist in relative safety, knowing that despite their differences the Vat'iish are reliant on them in order to survive: who else is going to make the weapons and prepare the food rations?

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool