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  4. description - Wikitext
  5. unlocks - List of String, delimiter: ,
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  7. children - List of String, delimiter: ,
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  9. parents - List of String, delimiter: ,
  10. parentsWikitext - Wikitext
  11. priceWikitext - Wikitext
  12. wikiPageLink - Wikitext

This table has 413 rows altogether.

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Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) frackinuniversemadness:cosmic1 Metaphysics Cosmic Mysteries

Tier 2

Unhappy with the paltry offerings of knowledge provided in conventional educational facilities, private collections and 'reputable' locations of the sort, you have begun to delve into the more fantastic and unknown.

Wild theories that defy physics, ludicrous tales about things living just outside our reality - you've determined through experiments that its all real. To prove it to the galaxy, you are willing to do just about anything.

erchiusghostback crewcontract_ghostbuster precursorgel matterconverter impossibletheories elderbookstandwood booksaboutbees weaponshuffler

Erchius Buddy, Ghostbuster Contract, State-Phase Gel, Matter Converter, Impossible Theories, Writing Desk, All About Bees, Weapon Shuffler


Dark Matter (Metaphysics tree)


Metaphysics (Metaphysics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) frackinuniversemadness:cosmic3 Metaphysics Dimensional Phasing

Tier 5

You have proven that there are multiple dimensions, and are close to devising a way to connect them.

With a bit of patience and study you could even learn to send messages or even -cross over- to the other side! The potential here is staggering, but the risk is equally high. You should take precautions before doing anything too crazy.

atmoscondensermadness translocator

Entropic Converter, Translocator


The Calling (Metaphysics tree)


The Void (Metaphysics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) frackinuniversemadness:psionicpower3 Metaphysics Psionic Power III

Tier 5

Now that you have a basic grasp of Psionic powers, you can begin to experiment in new ways to focus that power. You're able to fabricate various types of attacks for your Psionic Focus.

psionicenergy4 transdimensionalstaff psionicbulletammo

Psi-4 Energy, Void-Warp Locus, Overload Ammo

frackinuniversemadness:psionics3 frackinuniversemadness:psionicpower2

Astral Projection (Metaphysics tree), Psionic Power II (Metaphysics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) frackinuniversemadness:psionics4 Metaphysics Psionic Channeling

Tier 6

You can harness the raw essence of mental energy and utilize it to accomplish impossible feats, power technology, and so much more. None can doubt your mastery of the mind. If only you could stop the voices from whispering to you when nobody is looking...

psioniclab c_psionicharvester

Psionic Amplifier, Psionic Harvester


Astral Projection (Metaphysics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) frackinuniversemadness:psychiatry Metaphysics Psychiatric Help

Tier 1

Thanks to modern psychiatric help you can seek out a bit of aid should you feel disconnected from reality. Sure, they'll psychoanalyze you. Sure, it's expensive. Sure, they think you're nuts...but all of that is still better than eating your own face or ruining yourself with crippling addictions. It definitely won't be as fun, however.

crewcontract_counsellor instafreud

Counsellor Contract, Insta-Freud


Psychiatric Help II (Metaphysics tree)


Dream Whispers (Metaphysics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) frackinuniversemadness:starteroption Metaphysics Dream Whispers

Tier 0

Lately, you've been thinking of things in new ways. The numerous sciences feel new to you again, and you are anxious to utilize fresh methodologies in your experimentation and theorizing.

This all came about thanks to your dreams, where you swear you've heard voices whispering new theories and formulas to you. Obviously it's just your genius manifesting while you sleep, but it feels like more to you. You are compelled to investigate these thoughts.

frackinuniversemadness:basicelder frackinuniversemadness:psychiatry

Metaphysics (Metaphysics tree), Psychiatric Help (Metaphysics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_agriculture:aenema Agriculture Aenema Flowers

Tier 5.5

The searing hot petals of the Aenema plant are packed with useful Caliginous Gas just waiting to be extracted. Now that you can cultivate your own Aenema, you will have easy access to that resource.

aenemaflower aenemapetal

Aenema Flower, Aenema Petal

fu_agriculture:utilityplants3 fu_agriculture:combatplants3

Superior Utility Plants (Agriculture tree), Superior Combat Plants (Agriculture tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_agriculture:combatplants3 Agriculture Superior Combat Plants

Tier 5

Through much experimentation, you're gradually becoming a force to be reckoned with. Your plants can strengthen you to inhuman levels, sap your enemies' life and increase the damage you deal out.

batterystem batterystemcharge silverleafseed silverleaf rockrootseed rockroot teratomatoseed teratomato lasherplantseed lasherstem pinkloomseed pinkloom fayshroomseed fayshroom bladetree bladetreeblade

Battery Stem, Battery Stem Charge, Silverleaf Seed, Silverleaf Herb, Rockroot Seed, Rockroot, Teratomato Seed, Teratomato, Lasher Seed, Lasher Stem, Pinkloom Seed, Pinkloom Herb, Fayshroom Spore, Fayshroom, Blade Tree, Blade Tree Dart

fu_agriculture:combatplants4 fu_agriculture:aenema

Master Combat Plants (Agriculture tree), Aenema Flowers (Agriculture tree)


Advanced Combat Plants (Agriculture tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_agriculture:crops1 Agriculture Basic Crops

Tier 1

Though the universe is filled with many strange plants, the Protectorate academy taught you about quite a few. You've learned to start culvtivating these plants for yourself at a Greenhouse which can be made at your Machining Table. You can also (crudely) extract genetic material from plants for use in the creation of more complex plants at a Sprouting Table, also made at your Machining Table.

Tip: Grow lots of corn! Corn is an incredibly versatile crop, being a source of oil, cattle feed, and the basis of many more complex plants.

designlab sproutingtable potatoseed cornseed wheatseed riceseed mushroomseed carrotseed tomatoseed chiliseed avesmingoseed bananaseed grapesseed kiwiseed pineappleseed pearlpeaseed feathercrownseed beakseedseed eggshootseed dirturchinseed wartweedseed pussplumseed toxictopseed oculemonseed bonebooseed coralcreepseed reefpodseed currentcornseed boltbulbseed diodiaseed automatoseed

Greenhouse, Sprouting Table, Potato Seed, Corn Seed, Wheat Seed, Rice Seed, Mushroom Seed, Carrot Seed, Tomato Seed, Chilli Seed, Avesmingo Seed, Banana Seed, Grape Seed, Kiwi Seed, Pineapple Seed, Pearlpea Seed, Feathercrown Seed, Beakseed Seed, Eggshoot Seed, Dirturchin Seed, Wartweed Seed, Pussplum Seed, Toxictop Seed, Oculemon Seed, Boneboo Seed, Coralcreep Seed, Reefpod Seed, Currentcorn Seed, Boltbulb Seed, Diodia Seed, Automato Seed

fu_agriculture:crops2 fu_agriculture:xenolab1 fu_agriculture:kadavan

Advanced Crops (Agriculture tree), Improved Gene Extraction (Agriculture tree), Kadavan Crops (Agriculture tree)


Agriculture (Agriculture tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_agriculture:farming3 Agriculture Farming Mastery

Tier 3

You can make an hydroponics-powered Growing Tray that operates even faster when powered, and doesn't use extra water like the Heatlamp Tray does. You can find it at your Electronics Center.

isn_hydroponicstray fu_portablewaterpumpback HarvesterBeam3

Hydro Tray, Portable Water Pump, Harvester Beamgun III


Advanced Farming (Agriculture tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_agriculture:survival1 Agriculture Survival

Tier 1

You've learned to create some simple survival aids - namely portable light sources to help with exploration.

mininghathead mininglantern lanternstickback flashlight fuflashlight iceaxe flaregun portablelight throwingblock

Mining Helmet, Explorer's Lantern, Lantern Stick, Flashlight, Flashlight II, Ice Axe, Flare Gun, Disposable Light, Throwing Block


Advanced Survival (Agriculture tree)


Agriculture (Agriculture tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_agriculture:survival3 Agriculture Master Survival

Tier 3

You can craft top of the line lights and survival tools.

xenonpack survivaltent diamondlantern

Xenon Pack, TC-1 Survival Tent, Diamond Lantern


Advanced Survival (Agriculture tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_agriculture:thornitox Agriculture Thornitox Weaponry

Tier 3.5

Thornitox isn't good for eating, but it's a thick, tough vine that can create weapons perfect for killing.

thornitoxseed thornitox spikesword thornrifle thornslinger

Thornitox Seed, Thornitox Dongle, Thornitox Sword, Thorn Rifle, Thorn Slinger


Basic Combat Plants (Agriculture tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_agriculture:utilityplants1 Agriculture Basic Utility Plants

Tier 3

The universe is a gruelling place, requiring great effort to extract the meanest of resources from it. Your research uses the miracle of life to lift this burden, by creating plants which provide silk, genetic resources, healing, and mining aids, saving your valuable resources and effort for where they're needed elsewhere.

brackentreeseed varanberryseed varanberry grassremedy cellpodsplant cellpods onionseed onion kirifruitseed kirifruit oonfortaseed oonfortaglobule goldshroomseed goldshroom

Bracken Tree Seed, Varan Berry Bush, Varan Berries, Grass Remedy, Cellpod Seed, Cell Pods, Gurn Onion Seed, Gurn Onion, Sporing Kiri Fruit, Kiri Fruit, Oonforta Seed, Oonforta Globule, Gold Shroom Spore, Gold Shroom

fu_agriculture:utilityplants2 fu_agriculture:blisterbush

Advanced Utility Plants (Agriculture tree), Blister Bush (Agriculture tree)


Advanced Crops (Agriculture tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_chemistry:chemistrystuff1 Chemistry Chemical Reactions

Tier 1

You've learned to make chunks of pure carbon in your lab and a couple different compounds that will be useful in agriculture and medicine.

calciumnitrate magnesiumsulfate fu_carbon

Calcium Nitrate, Magnesium Sulfate, Carbon

fu_chemistry:chemistrystuff2 fu_chemistry:fertilizer2

Elemental Synthesis (Chemistry tree), Improved Fertilizer (Chemistry tree)


Chemistry (Chemistry tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_chemistry:fertilizer2 Chemistry Improved Fertilizer

Tier 2

You can make even better fertilizer using more complex chemicals. Your plants will thank you with faster growth and more yields.


Advanced Fertilizer


Peerless Fertilizer (Chemistry tree)

fu_chemistry:chemistrystuff1 fu_chemistry:fertilizer1

Chemical Reactions (Chemistry tree), Fertilizer (Chemistry tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_chemistry:glowinggels Chemistry Specialized Gels

Tier 3

You've developed some weird gels that glow in the dark and can accelerate anything that touches them to a high speed.

isn_glowgel isn_glowgel_b isn_glowgel_g isn_glowgel_p isn_glowgel_r isn_glowgel_y isn_bouncegel isn_accelgel isn_lowfrictionstrip isn_propulsionstrip_l isn_propulsionstrip_r

Glowing Gel, Blue Glowing Gel, Green Glowing Gel, Purple Glowing Gel, Red Glowing Gel, Yellow Glowing Gel, Bounce Gel, Accelerator Gel, Low Friction Strip, Propulsion Strip L, Propulsion Strip R


Advanced Liquids (Chemistry tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_chemistry:liquidcrafting2 Chemistry Advanced Liquids

Tier 2

You now know how to make a few more types of liquid, including some really hot or really cold ones.

With the engineered Spliced Cell, you have access to even greater genetic engineering.

cell_spliced liquidbioooze liquidironfu liquidorganicsoup liquidnitrogenitem liquidslime liquidsulphuricacid ff_mercury

Spliced Cell, Bio-Ooze, Liquid Iron, Organic Soup, Liquid Nitrogen, Slime, Sulphuric Acid, Mercury

fu_chemistry:cells1 fu_chemistry:liquidcrafting3 fu_chemistry:glowinggels

Cell Manipulation (Chemistry tree), Peerless Liquid Creation (Chemistry tree), Specialized Gels (Chemistry tree)


Liquid Creation (Chemistry tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_chemistry:plastic2 Chemistry Complex Plastics

Tier 3

Having learned a lot about plastic creation, you can now create a much more potent rigid plastic that is extremely durable and quite heat-proof. Advanced Plastic is a key ingredient in tons of things, and you can almost never have enough. Luckily, you've learned of several different ways to make this substance, though you'll probably be deriving it from petrol most of the time.

ff_plastic ff_divingmaskhead lavaballoon

Advanced Plastic, Diving Mask, Lava Balloon


Simple Plastics (Chemistry tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_craftsmanship:fashion3 Craftsmanship Fashion Mastery

Tier 3

So great is your artistry with fashionable clothing creation that you can make beautiful gowns that are sure to get you a discount when trading goods with space stations by virtue of your sheer magnificence.

fumantizitogalegs fumantizitogachest fumantizimerchlegs fumantizimerchchest celestaruniform4pants celestaruniform4chest shadowuniformpants shadowuniformchest midnightpants midnightchest madscientistpants madscientistchest goggles1 goggles2

Toga Bottom, Toga Top, Hawker's Trousers, Hawker's Top, Nonpareil Pants, Nonpareil Shirt, Shadekin Bottoms, Shadekin Top, Midnight Pants, Midnight Shirt, Mad Science Pants, Mad Science Jacket, Obliterator Goggles, Dr.Horrible Goggles


Silk Sewing (Craftsmanship tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_craftsmanship:sewing5 Craftsmanship Peerless Sewing

Tier 5

You've mastered the art of sewing. So great is your skill that you can weave the atom-thick Graphene into your synthetic material, creating a nearly indestructible cloth for use in the highest-quality armors available.


Molecular Nano-Fibre

fu_craftsmanship:sewing4a fu_craftsmanship:sewing4b

Synthetic Fabrics (Craftsmanship tree), Mutavisk Sewing (Craftsmanship tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_craftsmanship:workbenchslime Craftsmanship Slime Construction

Tier 1

You can shape furniture out of jelly and slime! Why would you want to do this? Unclear.

Most recipes require the Biochemist Table. Research it in the Geology tree.

flagslimeperson slimepersoncompost slimenpcteleporter fujellybath fujellydoor fujellysofa slimebed slimetorch slimenpcbed slimenpcbed2 slimenpcchair slimenpchangstorage slimenpchide slimenpclargestorage slimenpcsmallstorage slimenpcdoor slimenpclamp slimenpcstreetlamp slimepersonfridge slimenpcsmallconsole slimenpctable slimenpchumanconsole slimenpchumantable slimefire slimepersonscanner slimepersonscanner2 slimepersonshipdoor slimepersonshiphatch slimepersonshiplight ceilingslime1a ceilingslime2a ceilingslime3a slimeblob1a slimeblob2a slimeblob3a slimeblob4a slimeblob5a slimeplatform slimeshipsupport hardslimeblock stickyslime slimenoblewhitechest slimenoblewhitelegs slimenobleblackchest slimenobleblacklegs

Slime Flag, Compost Bin, Slime Teleporter, Jelly Bathtub, Jelly Door, Jelly Couch, Slime Bed, Slime Torch, Slime Wall Bed, Slime Wall Bed, Normal Slime Chair, Hanging Slime Storage, Slime Sack, Large Slime Storage, Slime Storage, Slime Door, Slime Lamp, Tall Slime Lamp, Slime Fridge, Small Slime Console, Slime Table, Slime Console, Slime Table, Slime Fire, Slime Proximity Scanner, Advanced Slime Scanner, Slime Ship Door, Slime Ship Hatch, Slime Ship Light, Dripping Slime, Dripping Slime, Dripping Slime, Slime Blob, Slime Blob, Slime Blob, Slime Blob, Slime Blob, Slime Platform, Strong Slime Glob, Hard Slime Glob, Sticky Slime Glob, White Sheer Blouse, White Sheer Dress, Black Sheer Blouse, Black Sheer Dress


Wooden Construction (Craftsmanship tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_craftsmanship:workbenchtriangulum Craftsmanship Trianglium Construction

Tier 4

You've turned Trianglium into some very triangular and pointy furniture.

triangliumbed triangliumbookcase triangliumcabinet triangliumchair triangliumchestlarge triangliumchestsmall triangliumcouch triangliumdesk triangliumdrawers triangliumendtable triangliumfridge triangliumlamp triangliumminifridge triangliumnightstand triangliumstool triangliumtable

Trianglium Bed, Trianglium Bookcase, Trianglium Cabinet, Trianglium Chair, Trianglium Chest, Small Trianglium Chest, Trianglium Couch, Trianglium Desk, Trianglium Drawers, Trianglium End Table, Trianglium Fridge, Trianglium Lamp, Trianglium Mini Fridge, Trianglium Nightstand, Trianglium Stool, Trianglium Table


Durasteel Construction (Craftsmanship tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_engineering:computers1 Engineering Research Computers

Tier 2

You've put your knowledge of computer parts to use to produce handy laptops that will automatically research items for you.


Personal Computer


Improved Researchers (Engineering tree)


Gold Circuits (Engineering tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_engineering:eppmres2 Engineering Advanced Protection

Tier 4

Your defensive modules have gotten even better, allowing you to resist more exotic elements like Cosmic and Shadow and completely protect from hot, cold or radioactive planets.

fuheataugment2 fucoldaugment2 furadaugment2 shadowresistanceaugment pushbackaugment2 futotalimmunity1 fucosmicresistanceaugment3

Heat Shield II, Cold Shield II, Radiation Shield II, Shadow Barrier, Repulsor Field II, Immunity I, Cosmic Resist III


Module Mastery (Engineering tree)


Defensive Modules (Engineering tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_engineering:mechsmobility3 Engineering Superior Mech Mobility

Tier 5

Your talent has produced some of the highest-end mech parts around, letting you run, jump and fly your mech through the stars at record pace.

mechboosterhammer mechboosterzero mechboostergallant mechboosterfuobserver mechlegsronin mechlegsintrepid mechlegshermes mechlegstitan mechlegsfuintrepid mechlegsfuobserver

Hammer Mech Boosters, Zero Mech Boosters, Gallant Mech Boosters, Observer Mech Boosters, Ronin Mech Legs, Intrepid Mech Legs, Hermes Mech Legs, Titan Mech Legs, Intrepid-X Mech Legs, Observer Mech Legs


Peerless Mech Crafting (Engineering tree)


Advanced Mech Mobility (Engineering tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_engineering:modulecrafting Engineering Upgrade Crafting

Tier 3

Using your knowledge of microengineering, you can now fabricate your own upgrade modules, manipulator modules and tech cards at your Auto Assembler.

upgrademodule manipulatormodule techcard

Upgrade Module, Manipulator Module, Tech Card


Graphene Circuits (Engineering tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_engineering:terraformer Engineering Terraforming II

Tier 5

You can now shape entire planets to your liking, altering their environment to new types. Note that this will not work for Ocean worlds, which is why no such terraformers exist.

terraformertabularasa terraformeralien terraformerbog terraformerdesert terraformerforest terraformerfungus terraformergarden terraformerjungle terraformermidnight terraformermountainous terraformersavannah terraformerscorched terraformerslimeworld terraformersnow terraformerthickjungle terraformertundra terraformervolcanic

Tabula Rasa Terraformer, Mutant Terraformer, Bog Terraformer, Sandy Terraformer, Wooded Terraformer, Fungal Terraformer, Lush Terraformer, Jungle Terraformer, Dark Terraformer, Mountainous Terraformer, Prairie Terraformer, Scorched Terraformer, Gelatinous Terraformer, Snowy Terraformer, Rainforest Terraformer, Icy Terraformer, Volcanic Terraformer


Terraforming III (Engineering tree)


Terraforming (Engineering tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_geology:metals_alloy3 Geology Tritanium Alloy

Tier 4.5

Few metals can look as beautiful as Tritanium, one of the most potent known alloys. Beneath its surface, subtly moving striations of gold and opalescent blue fluctuate in random fractal patterns. The effect is magical in appearance.


Tritanium Bar


Geology IV (Geology tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_geology:metals_copper Geology Copper

Tier 1

The simplest of the metals for you to work with. It is soft, conductive and abundant. Copper remains useful in most industrial processes thanks to its requirement in wiring.

You'll find Copper on most worlds, as it is extremely abundant throughout the cosmos.


Copper Bar


Geology I (Geology tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_geology:metals_durasteel Geology Durasteel

Tier 4

A dense metal with the uncanny ability to meld seamlessly against a vaccuum, Durasteel is a favorite among space engineers.

Durasteel can be found on nearly all Tier 4 worlds. Alien, Sulphuric, Mountainous are all good sources.


Durasteel Bar


Geology IV (Geology tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_geology:metals_effigium Geology Effigium

Tier 5

Learn to process Effigium.

You can find Effigium only on Lightless worlds, where it blends into the terrain around it as if it were insubstantial. This is a strange trick of physics that few can even begin to understand, but many have theorized that it is able to repel light photons.


Effigium Bar


Geology V (Geology tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_geology:metals_irradium Geology Irradium

Tier 4.5

Learn to process Irradium.

You can find Irradium primarily on Irradiated biomes. Easily the most radioactive of ores you can safely work with, it fills an interesting niche in geological terms: it both creates and nullifies radioactivity.


Irradium Bar


Geology IV (Geology tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_geology:metals_prisilite Geology Prisilite

Tier 4

Learn to process Prisilite.

Prisilite is a truly interesting mineral. Capable of holding charge but not discharging it without an impact, it has been harnessed for many creative purposes across the galaxy.

You can find this chromatic crystal in many places, but Chromatic biomes are among the best places to hunt.


Prisilite Star


Xithricite Crystal (Geology tree)


Lunari Crystal (Geology tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_power:centrifuge3 Electronics Isotope Processing

Tier 4

With AI technology, you've designed a centrifuge that is so efficient and capable that it can even process radioactive isotopes into exciting new forms.


Gas Centrifuge


Laboratory Centrifuging (Electronics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_power:electricfurnace Electronics Powered Smelting

Tier 2

You've learned to use electrically-generated heat to smelt materials automatically. The Electric Furnace can only process common and uncommon ores, but it's great for getting extra materials from ores and blocks.


Electric Furnace


Industrial Smelting (Electronics tree)


Electronics (Electronics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_power:quantumpower Electronics Quantum Nucleonics

Tier 6

Generating electricity from quantum mechanics is something very few people have done, but you can count yourself among them with your new Quantum Reactor. Capable of burning both traditional and esoteric fuels, it generates unfathomably large amounts of power.


Quantum Reactor


Advanced Fusion (Electronics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_power:turrets Electronics Defense Systems

Tier 4

You've put your wiring expertise to work, and can now create many autonomous turrets for defense or automation.

standingturret fu_flameturret fu_cripplerturret fu_vashtaturret fu_gaussturret fu_laserturret fu_rocketturret fu_teslaturret fu_autoBeamer fu_autoBeamer2 fu_autoBeamer3 lavarooftrap slimerooftrap craftsawblade

Defense Turret, Flame Turret, Crippler Turret, Vashta Turret, Gauss Turret, Laser Turret, Rocket Turret, Tesla Turret, Harvester Turret v1, Harvester Turret v2, Harvester Turret v3, Fire Trap, Acid Trap, Crafted Sawblade Trap


Technical Wiring (Electronics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_power:worker4 Electronics Peerless Producers

Tier 4

You've learned to upgrade your titanium pumps and quarries into Densinium versions, which work extremely quickly.

network_pump_densinium network_quarrydensinium

Densinium Pump, Densinium Quarry


Advanced Producers (Electronics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_warcraft:advancealloygear Armor and Weapons Advanced Alloy Gear

Tier 4

Advanced Alloy takes all the best parts of its components and combines them together into one metal. While its weapons and armor tend to be rather bulky, they are fantastic when put to test in combat.

fugaussmachinegun fugausspistol fugaussrifle fugaussshotgun fugausssniper curvebroadsword curvedagger curvestaff advalloycrossbow advalloystynger advalloylongsword nigtarbow magnorbfrost advalloyshotgun fucellgun curvepistol curvesmg mobiuspistol mobiusrailgun mobiusrifle isn_microwaveray fudiverlegs2 fudiverchest2 fudiverhead2 fuguardianpants fuguardianchest fuguardianhead wastelandlegs2 wastelandchest2 wastelandhead2

Gauss Machinegun, Gauss Pistol, Gauss Rifle, Gauss Shotgun, Gauss Sniper Rifle, Breach Plasma Cleaver, Breach Knife, Plasma Quarterstaff, Alloy Crossbow, Alloy Stynger, Master's Longsword, Brightsteel Bow, Frost Lobber, Alloy Shotgun, Cellular Rifle, Breach Pistol, Breach Blaster, Sentry Pistol, Sentry Railgun, Sentry Rifle, Sonic Cannon, Kraken Leggings, Kraken Cuirass, Kraken Helmet, Guardian Greaves, Guardian Carapace, Guardian Visor, Hunter's Pants, Hunter's Chestpiece, Hunter's Mask

fu_warcraft:protocitegear fu_warcraft:penumbritegear fu_warcraft:zerchesiumgear

Protocite Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree), Penumbrite Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree), Zerchesium Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_warcraft:densiniumgear Armor and Weapons Densinium Equipment

Tier 6

As the heaviest and most generally indestructible metal found naturally, the only thing harder than finding veins of Densinium is forging it. Nonetheless, you've succeeded at this Herculean feat, creating nigh-indestructible and unbelievably powerful armor and weapons.

densiniumsword densiniumshortsword densiniumlongsword densiniumshortspear densiniumspear densiniumquarterstaff densiniummace densiniumscythe densiniumkatana densiniumwhip flaildensinium densiniumpistol densiniumsniper densiniumshotgun densiniumrifle autocrossbow quantumshield densiniumshield densiniumlegs densiniumchest densiniumhead densiniumhead2 kirhostier6spants kirhostier6schest kirhostier6shead geistpants geistchest geisthead

Densinium Broadsword, Densinium Shortsword, Densinium Longsword, Densinium Shortspear, Densinium Spear, Densinium Quarterstaff, Densinium Mace, Densinium Scythe, Densinium Katana, Densinium Whip, Densinium Striker, Densinium Pistol, Densinium Sniper Rifle, Densinium Shotgun, Densinium Rifle, Auto-Crossbow, Quantum Shield, Densinium Shield, Densinium Greaves, Densinium Armor, Densinium Helm, Densinium X7 Helm, Gladiator Greaves, Gladiator Hardsuit, Gladiator Helm, Geist Greaves, Geist Plate, Geist Helm


Aetherium Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree)


Solarium Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_warcraft:durasteelgear Armor and Weapons Durasteel

Tier 4

Durasteel is known to be tailor-made for use in a vacuum because of its amazing ability to smooth dents and cuts, assuming anything is strong enough to scratch it. Unsurprisingly, it is a great metal to make armor and weapons out of - something you now have the skill to do after much painstaking practice with 'easier' metals.

durasteelassaultrifle durasteelassaultrifle2 durasteelaxe durasteelbroadsword durasteeldagger durasteelgreataxe durasteelhammer durasteelkatana durasteelmace durasteelmachinepistol durasteelrevolver durasteelshortspear durasteelshortsword durasteelshotgun durasteelsniperrifle durasteelspear durasteelboomerang energyblade moltenaxe flaildurasteel floatstaff fu_lasereyestaff rifledurasteelfu fucarbonhandcannon pistoldurasteelfu shurikencannon friendmaker energylance ionstrike fucoralcleaver quiverback4 durasteelshield xenoshield graphenelegs graphenechest graphenehead fuprotectorpants fuprotectorchest fuprotectorhead fumantizitier4pants fumantizitier4chest fumantizitier4head wastelandlegs wastelandchest wastelandhead fubearlegs2 fubearchest2 fubearhead2 xenolegs xenochest xenohead

Durasteel Assault Rifle, Durasteel Burst Rifle, Durasteel Axe, Durasteel Broadsword, Durasteel Dagger, Durasteel Greataxe, Durasteel Hammer, Durasteel Katana, Durasteel Mace, Durasteel Machine Pistol, Durasteel Revolver, Durasteel Shortspear, Durasteel Shortsword, Durasteel Shotgun, Durasteel Sniper Rifle, Durasteel Spear, Durasteel Boomerang, Energy Blade, Molten Axe, Durasteel Striker, Gravity Wand, Cane of Eyes, Durasteel Rifle, Blasthammer, Durasteel Magnum, Shuriken Cannon, Friendmaker, Power Lance, Orbital Strike, Coral Cleaver, Amazing Quiver, Durasteel Shield, X10 Shield, Graphene Leggings, Graphene Jacket, Graphene Helm, Protector Robes, Protector Plating, Protector Mask, Primus Skirt, Primus Armor, Primus Helmet, Survivor's Pants, Survivor's Chestpiece, Survivor's Mask, Savage Bear Greaves, Savage Bear Coat, Savage Bear Hood, X10 Power Legs, X10 Power Armor, X10 Power Helm

fu_warcraft:violiumgear fu_warcraft:feroziumgear fu_warcraft:aegisaltgear fu_warcraft:quietusgear fu_warcraft:irradiumgear fu_warcraft:triangliumgear fu_warcraft:prisilitegear

Violium Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree), Ferozium Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree), Aegisalt Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree), Quietus Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree), Irradium Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree), Trianglium Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree), Prisilite Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree)


Titanium Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_warcraft:effigiumgear Armor and Weapons Effigium Equipment

Tier 5

Effigium is strange and hard to forge because of its tendency to phase in and out of existence, but it is one of the few sources of the deadly Shadow element. With your skill, you can handle it with ease, putting it to use in some quite fearsome weaponry.

blooddiamondkatana blooddiamondlongsword obsidianblade effigiumaxe effigiumbroadsword effigiumdagger flaileffigium effigiumhammer effigiumlongsword effigiumwhip effigiummace effigiumrapier effigiumshortsword shadowburst effigiumspear shadowstring magnorbneutron magnorbshadow fushadowdagger effigiumstaff effigiumwand shadowstaff gravitonpistol gravitongun pistoleffigiumfu rifleeffigiumfu warswornshield shadowshield

Plasmic Crystal Katana, Plasmic Crystal Longsword, Obsidian Sword, Phantasm Axe, Phantasm Greatblade, Phantasm Knife, Effigium Striker, Phantasm Hammer, Phantasm Blade, Effigium Whip, Phantasm Mace, Phantasm Rapier, Phantasm War-Knife, Shadow Reaper, Phantasm Spear, Shadowstring, Neutron Star Orbs, Shadow Orbs, Shadeclaw, Effigium Staff, Effigium Wand, Shadow Staff, Graviton Pistol, Graviton Gun, Effigium Revolver, Effigium Rifle, Warsworn Shield, Shadow Shield


Xithricite Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree)


Dense Alloy Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_warcraft:epps4 Armor and Weapons Peerless EPPs

Tier 6

You've mastered the art of EPP creation and can make the best EPPs around.

batterypack_quantum fieldgenerator isn_plasmalight

Quantum Energy Pack, Field Generator, Plasma Light Pack


Superior EPPs (Armor and Weapons tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) fu_warcraft:slimegear2 Armor and Weapons Slime Equipment II

Tier 4

It might seem pretty gross, but with some clever engineering you could form solid slime capable of being used as weapons or armor. Don't argue. Just accept.

slimegrapplinghook xelslimegrapplinghook guslimegrapplinghook slimebroadsword slimegrenadelauncher magnorbslime slimesword2 wavyslimesword2 slimewhip2 electricslimewhip2 fireslimewhip2 iceslimewhip2 poisonslimewhip2 slimetendrils2 electricslimetendrils2 fireslimetendrils2 iceslimetendrils2 poisonslimetendrils2 impactslimetendrils2 ff_slimelegs2 ff_slimechest2 ff_slimehead2

Slime Hook, Purple Slime Hook, Dark Slime Hook, Slime Morph Sword, Slime Grenade Launcher, Slime Lobber, Slime Sword II, Slime Rapier II, Slime Whip II, Electric Slime Whip II, Fire Slime Whip II, Ice Slime Whip II, Poison Slime Whip II, Slime Tendrils II, Electric Slime Tendrils II, Fire Slime Tendrils II, Ice Slime Tendrils II, Poison Slime Tendrils II, Impact Slime Tendrils II, Black Slime Legs, Black Slime Chest, Black Slime Helm


Slime Equipment III (Armor and Weapons tree)


Slime Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) notree:default-floran No Default unlocks (Floran-specific)

These items are unlocked by default. They don't need to be researched via the Research Tree.

flagfloran florantier1head florantier1chest florantier1pants florantier2head florantier2chest florantier2pants ironshortsword ironbroadsword tungstenaxe tungstenhammer florantier3head florantier3chest florantier3pants florantier4head florantier4chest florantier4pants titaniumdagger titaniumspear durasteelbroadsword durasteelshortsword florantier5ahead florantier5achest florantier5apants florantier6ahead florantier6achest florantier6apants florantier5mhead florantier5mchest florantier5mpants florantier6mhead florantier6mchest florantier6mpants florantier5shead florantier5schest florantier5spants florantier6shead florantier6schest florantier6spants aegisaltpistol aegisaltbow feroziumwand feroziumstaff violiumshortsword violiumbroadsword floranstoragelocker floranshipdoor floranshiphatch floranfurnivourchest floranfurnivourlegs floranhunterchest floranhunterlegs floranleafchest floranleaflegs floranpeltchest floranpeltlegs floransurvivalistchest floransurvivalistlegs

Floran Flag, Sprout's Circlet, Sprout's Chestguard, Sprout's Anklets, Bonesmith's Skullhat, Bonesmith's Chestguard, Bonesmith's Loincloth, Iron Shortsword, Iron Broadsword, Tungsten Axe, Tungsten Hammer, Nomad's Crown, Nomad's Chestguard, Nomad's Trousers, Hunter's Hood, Hunter's Chestguard, Hunter's Skirt, Titanium Dagger, Titanium Spear, Durasteel Broadsword, Durasteel Shortsword, Wiseman's Thinking Hat, Wiseman's Chestguard, Wiseman's Loincloth, Sentinel's Helm, Sentinel's Breastplate, Sentinel's Shorts, Cannibal's Mask, Cannibal's Chestguard, Cannibal's Trousers, Shaman's Mask, Shaman's Chestguard, Shaman's Skirt, Gatherer's Helm, Gatherer's Chestpiece, Gatherer's Skirt, Synthesizer's Helm, Synthesizer's Chestguard, Synthesizer's Trousers, Aegisalt Pistol, Aegisalt Bow, Ferozium Wand, Ferozium Staff, Violium Shortsword, Violium Broadsword, Floran Storage Locker, Floran Ship Door, Floran Ship Hatch, Furnivour Chest, Furnivour Legs, Savage Chest, Savage Legs, Leaf Chest, Leaf Legs, Pelt Chest, Pelt Legs, Survivalist Chest, Survivalist Legs

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) notree:default-fupeglaci No Default unlocks (Peglaci-specific)

These items are unlocked by default. They don't need to be researched via the Research Tree.

peglacisnowsuitjacket peglacisnowsuitpants peglaciskijacketjacket peglaciskijacketpants peglacisnowrobejacket peglacisnowrobepants peglacigreatcoatjacket peglacigreatcoatpants flagpeglaci peglacitier1knife peglacitier2knife peglacitier3knife peglacitier4knife peglacitier5knife peglacitier6knife peglacitier7knife peglacitier8knife peglacitier9knife peglacitier10knife peglacipurifier peglacitesterbox giantek peglaciicecolumn hexpane inscribedpykreteblock peglacicableconnector peglacicablenexus peglacihorcable peglacivertcable peglacilightcable pykreteblock pykreteplatform alloyplatform pykretedecor pykretefoundation peglacimetalblock peglacimetalpanel peglacimetalscreen pykretestrip painttool wiretool alloydoor alloydoor2 peglacibed peglacibed2 peglacibox1 peglacibox2 peglacichair peglacichair2 peglacichest peglacilight peglacilightstripcross1 peglacilightstripcross2 peglacilightstripcross3 peglacilightstriphoriz peglacilightstripvert peglacilightstripcurveup peglacilightstripcurvedown peglacilightstripsplithud peglacilightstripsplitdh peglacilightstripsplituh peglacilighttall peglacilighttall2 peglacilightembedded peglacisupport peglacitable peglacitorch peglacidrain peglacihorizontalairlock peglaciverticalairlock peglacibookcasepillar peglacibookcasemiddlestraight2 peglacibookcasemiddlestraight1 peglacibookcasemiddlehex2 peglacibookcasemiddlehex1 peglacibookcaselight peglacibookcaseend2 peglacibookcaseend1 peglacibookcaseconsole bread acutaque slushpaste redsnow coldmarrowpanini berrymeat humanstoragelocker flaghuman

Arctic Coat, Arctic Leggings, Tundra Jacket, Tundra Pants, Taiga Bindings, Taiga Robe, Fur Greatcoat, Fur Pants, Peglaci Flag, Farclaw, Burster, Ricoshave, Spiker, Fanblade, Hobbler, Typhoon Harpoon, Backscatter, Witherblade, Disabler, Peglaci Box, Ice Column, Chilled Cable Connector, Chilled Cable Nexus, Chilled Hor. Cabling, Chilled Vert. Cabling, Peglaci Light Cabling, Alloy Metal Block, Alloy Panel, Alloy Screen, Paint Mode, Wire Mode, Alloy Wall Bed, Alloy Force-field Bed, Alloy Crate, Alloy Narrow Crate, Alloy Chair, Alloy Throne, Alloy Chest, Alloy Lantern, Glowstrip (Crisscross), Glowstrip (Crisscross), Glowstrip (Cross), Glowstrip (Horizontal), Glowstrip (Vertical), Glowstrip (Curved Up), Glowstrip (Curved Down), Glowstrip (H-U-D Split), Glowstrip (D-H Split), Glowstrip (U-H Split), Alloy Lamp Post, Alloy Glowspire, Alloy Wall Lantern, Alloy Support, Alloy Table, Glowflare, Sturdy Drain, Alloy Airlock Door, Alloy Airlock Hatch, Alloy Bookcase Pillar, Alloy Bookcase Straight Middle, Alloy Bookcase Straight Middle, Alloy Bookcase Hex Middle, Alloy Bookcase Hex Middle, Alloy Bookcase Light, Alloy Bookcase End, Alloy Bookcase End, Alloy Bookcase Console, Bread, Acutaque, Slushpaste, Red Snow, Coldmarrow Panini, Berrymeat, Human Storage Locker, Human Flag

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) notree:default-radien No Default unlocks (X'i-specific)

These items are unlocked by default. They don't need to be researched via the Research Tree.

xi_bulb thoriumradien neptuniumradien plutoniumradien uraniumore uraniumradien flagradien xibed algaegreen liquidwater xiwell fu_carbondioxide xipod radienquarterstaff radiendagger radienaxe radienspear radienbroadsword radiengreataxe radienstaff radienbulb radiengrenadelauncher floatleaf radienlantern radienwaterwalk radienhook radienaugment1 xibulb ff_silicon radiencrafting reactivegel shellplatehead shellplatechest shellplatepants radienshield radienpistol radienpistol2 radienflamer radiencarbine

X'ian Seed Bulb, Edible Thorium, Edible Neptunium, Edible Plutonium, Uranium Ore, Edible Uranium, X'ian Flag, X'ian Bed, Algae, Water, X'ian Well, Carbon Dioxide, X'ian Pod, X'ian Quarterstaff, X'ian Dagger, X'ian Axe, X'ian Spear, X'ian Broadsword, X'ian Greataxe, X'ian Rad-Staff, X'ian Rad Bulb, X'ian Bulb Gun, X'ian Floatbulb, X'ian Lantern Bulb, X'ian Water Repulsor, X'ian Grapple Vine, X'i Chitin, X'ian Bulb, Silicon, X'ian Forming Bulb, Reactive Gel I, X'ian Leather Helm, X'ian Leather Chest, X'ian Leather Greaves, X'ian Shield, X'ian Diffuse Burst, X'ian Acid Gun, X'ian Radthrower, X'ian Arm Blaster

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) notree:default-shadow No Default unlocks (Shadow-specific)

These items are unlocked by default. They don't need to be researched via the Research Tree.

fushadowdagger humanstoragelocker flagshadow

Shadeclaw, Human Storage Locker, Shadow Flag

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk1 (edit) notree:default-veluu No Default unlocks (Vel'uuish-specific)

These items are unlocked by default. They don't need to be researched via the Research Tree.

flagfloran florantier1head florantier1chest florantier1pants florantier2head florantier2chest florantier2pants magnorbveluu veluulongsword fuveluushortsword veluudagger duskiline veluupistol armcannonveluu armcannonveluubullet armcannonveluupoison armcannonveluufire armcannonveluurocket veluuclaws veluurifle florantier3head florantier3chest florantier3pants florantier4head florantier4chest florantier4pants florantier5ahead florantier5achest florantier5apants florantier6ahead florantier6achest florantier6apants florantier5mhead florantier5mchest florantier5mpants florantier6mhead florantier6mchest florantier6mpants florantier5shead florantier5schest florantier5spants florantier6shead florantier6schest florantier6spants floranstoragelocker floranshipdoor floranshiphatch floranfurnivourchest floranfurnivourlegs floranhunterchest floranhunterlegs floranleafchest floranleaflegs floranpeltchest floranpeltlegs

Floran Flag, Sprout's Circlet, Sprout's Chestguard, Sprout's Anklets, Bonesmith's Skullhat, Bonesmith's Chestguard, Bonesmith's Loincloth, Veluu Lightweaver, Vel'uuish Longsword, Vel'uuish Shortsword, Vel'uuish Dagger, Duskiline Crystal, Vel'uuish Recoiler, Vel'uuish Riot Gun, Vel'uuish Prowler, Vel'uuish Reaver, Vel'uuish Burner, Vel'uuish Claw, Vel'uuish Rifle, Nomad's Crown, Nomad's Chestguard, Nomad's Trousers, Hunter's Hood, Hunter's Chestguard, Hunter's Skirt, Wiseman's Thinking Hat, Wiseman's Chestguard, Wiseman's Loincloth, Sentinel's Helm, Sentinel's Breastplate, Sentinel's Shorts, Cannibal's Mask, Cannibal's Chestguard, Cannibal's Trousers, Shaman's Mask, Shaman's Chestguard, Shaman's Skirt, Gatherer's Helm, Gatherer's Chestpiece, Gatherer's Skirt, Synthesizer's Helm, Synthesizer's Chestguard, Synthesizer's Trousers, Floran Storage Locker, Floran Ship Door, Floran Ship Hatch, Furnivour Chest, Furnivour Legs, Savage Chest, Savage Legs, Leaf Chest, Leaf Legs, Pelt Chest, Pelt Legs

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) frackinuniversemadness:forbidden1 Metaphysics The Void

Tier 4

You've discovered how to see past our own dimension, and the limits of our own minds and bodies, and find a way to transcend into greater realms of existence. Unfortunately, the cost is rather high for this sort of research, but whats a few extra test subjects?

madnessbrainbeast elderscrolldesk fu_nocturnarray bloodritual eyeofyokar

Ghast, Esoteric Research, Nocturn Array, Blood Ritual, The Eye of Yokar

frackinuniversemadness:psionics3 frackinuniversemadness:cosmic3

Astral Projection (Metaphysics tree), Dimensional Phasing (Metaphysics tree)

frackinuniversemadness:psionics2 frackinuniversemadness:cosmic2

Mental Energy (Metaphysics tree), Dark Matter (Metaphysics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) frackinuniversemadness:forbidden2 Metaphysics Forbidden Knowledge

Tier 4

You're ready to move into new areas of research few even dare to attempt. Mostly because of law, ethics and morality...but those in the pursuit of science cannot waver in the face of adversity.

wretchelseed xaxseed wretchelpoultice elderbookstand fuexosuitchest fuexosuitlegs fuexosuithead madnessbomb fucharmbomb

Wretchel Seed, Xax Seed, Wretchel Poultice, Antediluvian Texts, Bio-Flesh Torso, Bio-Flesh Abdomen, Bio-Flesh Head, Madness Bomb, Charm Bomb

frackinuniversemadness:genes3 frackinuniversemadness:weapon3 frackinuniversemadness:cosmic4

Reanimation (Metaphysics tree), Biomorphic Particles (Metaphysics tree), The Calling (Metaphysics tree)

frackinuniversemadness:genes2 frackinuniversemadness:weapon2

Genetic Aberration (Metaphysics tree), Particle Entropy (Metaphysics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) frackinuniversemadness:genes1 Metaphysics Cryptobiology

Tier 2

You've seen strange things, and know that there are beings out there we cannot comprehend with our limited perception of reality. You seek to learn of how living things work, no matter how exotic. What you do with that knowledge then, well...that's another matter entirely.

Flesh is your canvas, and many would disagree with your methods. So long as nobody knows...nobody will mind. Right?

madnessoculob madnessderrick madnesspoptop cell_spliced cell_mutated reanimationfluid madnessmaggot elderhealingstation elderscrolldeskwood jellylump alienwoodsap fubloodchalice

Oculob, Psilamander, Poptop, Spliced Cell, Mutated Cell, Reanimation Fluid, Maggot, Mutari Healing Station, Linguistics Table, Jelly Lump, Xenophagic Substance, Blood Chalice


Genetic Aberration (Metaphysics tree)


Metaphysics (Metaphysics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) frackinuniversemadness:genes3 Metaphysics Reanimation

Tier 5

Life and Death are only suggestions to you. You have learned to work within both the realm of the living and that of the dead. By fusing the two, you will accomplish the long-sought secret of eternal life, and so much more.

Your perception of reality isn't what it used to be, though, and you've a tenuous grasp on best.

haleflowerseed haleflowerpetal floralytplantseed swarmgun unknowngene madnessjellyking madnessslimeking madnessadultpoptop fusluggun

Haleflower Seed, Hale Flower Petal, Floralyt Seed, Swarm Gun, Unknown Gene, Gelatinous Eye, Slime Eye, Poptop Adult, Slug Gun


Genesis (Metaphysics tree)


Forbidden Knowledge (Metaphysics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) frackinuniversemadness:myphis3 Metaphysics Weird Concoctions

Tier 3

Well, you've gone and learned stuff about chemicals after all. Turns out it was actually pretty useful, because now you can make narcotics and stimulants that don't even make sense in this reality! You'll be the talk of the town. Or simply insane. Either way, awesome.

thesauce uberstim ultrastim serumstim devilsbargain

The Sauce, Uber-Stim, X-Stim, Blood Serum Stim, The Devil's Bargain


Applied Narcotics (Metaphysics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) frackinuniversemadness:weapon4 Metaphysics Reality Bridge

Tier 6

The Reality Bridge is a new theory you've formulated that states that all things in creation are connected to all other things, regardless of their dimensional phase or location. You can link biology with technology, biomass with particle antimatter...and limitless other things.

This is what they get for doubting you.

antineutronium hydrogencore fugrenadearm isn_atmosregulatorwarped neutronbomb timewinderschnapps hypercompressor elderhealingstationauto densiniumlegskhe densiniumheadkhe densiniumchestkhe

Anti-Neutronium Rod, D-Hydrogen Phase Core, Pulsar Grenade Arm, Warped Regulator, Neutron Bomb, Timewinder Schnapps, Hyper Compressor, Mutari Automatic Healer, Densinium EVA Greaves, Densinium EVA Helm, Densinium EVA Armor


Biomorphic Particles (Metaphysics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_agriculture:explorationplants1 Agriculture Basic Exploration Plants

Tier 3

The universe is a dangerous place, filled with many environments your physiology isn't equipped to handle. Your research has given you access to a number of plants that make the universe a little more forgiving, including plants that assist in traversing difficult terrain, produce natural antitoxins, and shore up your physiology from dangerous climates.

nissseed nisscap kamaranpodsplant kamaranpods fusnowberryseed fusnowberry slimeplantseed slimeleaf wubstemseed wubstem diodiahybridseed diodiahybrid talonseedseed talonseed mireurchinseed mireurchin

Niss Seed, Niss Cap, Kamaran Pod Seed, Kamaran Pod, Snowberry Seed, Snowberry, Slime Glob Bush, Slime Leaf, Wubstem Seed, Wubstem, Diodia Hybrid Seed, Diodia Hybrid Fruit, Talon Seed, Talon Sprout, Mireurchin Seed, Mire Urchin


Advanced Exploration Plants (Agriculture tree)


Advanced Crops (Agriculture tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_agriculture:explorationplants3 Agriculture Superior Exploration Plants

Tier 5

You're becoming especially adept at exploring alien worlds through the use of bioengineering, and have created several new plants protecting from more esoteric threats, including the crushing pressure of gas giants, eldritch ghosts, and even the poor mental health hours of slaving away over a gene lab results in.

lactariusindigoseed lactariusindigo zathiseed zathitails ghostmushroomseed ghostmushroom lumivineseed lumivine darklightflower darklightblossom

Lactarius Indigo, Lactarius Indigo Mushroom, Zathi Seed, Zathi Node, Ghost Mushroom, Ghost Mushroom Spore, Lumivine Seed, Lumivine, Darklight Flower, Darklight Blossom

fu_agriculture:explorationplants4 fu_agriculture:garpberry

Master Exploration Plants (Agriculture tree), Garp Berries (Agriculture tree)


Advanced Exploration Plants (Agriculture tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_agriculture:farming2 Agriculture Advanced Farming

Tier 2

With a Heatlamp Tray made at your Electronics Center, you can turn electrical power into faster plant growth. They'll use more water per plant than a Growing Tray, but the added speed is worth it!

In addition, you've learned to create hydroponic and aeroponic tubing, more advanced sprinkler systems, and other useful farming enhancements for farming the old-fashioned way if you prefer that.

irongrowingtray sprinklerroof hydrotubematerial avaliaeroponics sprinkler liquidpumpwell HarvesterBeam2

Heatlamp Tray, Sprinkler (roof), Hydroponic Tubing, Aeroponic Tubing, Sprinkler, Water Generator, Harvester Beamgun II


Farming Mastery (Agriculture tree)


Farming (Agriculture tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_agriculture:foragingn Agriculture Agriculture

Tier 1

You've learned how to build a Foraging Table which is the place to invest into agricultural pursuits and hunting. You also learn to make some simple farming tools and a means to capture useful wild bugs.

Investing into this tree will allow you to learn to create your own plant seeds to grow foodstuffs or useful effect-granting plants, how to raise farm beasts, how to hunt and fish, advanced farming techniques and how to raise bees.

craftingfarm fuprotectorateflag hoe woodenwateringcan farmwell bugnet fuwaterbarrel scarecrow huntingspear flare flashlight_new

Foraging Table, Protectorate Flag, Hoe, Wooden Watering Can, Well, Bug Net, Water Barrel, Scarecrow, Hunting Spear, Flare, Faulty Flashlight

fu_agriculture:crops1 fu_agriculture:survival1 fu_agriculture:gathering1 fu_agriculture:farming1 fu_agriculture:husbandry1 fu_agriculture:bees1 fu_agriculture:fishing1

Basic Crops (Agriculture tree), Survival (Agriculture tree), Gathering (Agriculture tree), Farming (Agriculture tree), Husbandry (Agriculture tree), Beekeeping (Agriculture tree), Basic Fishing (Agriculture tree)


Basic Training (Agriculture tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_agriculture:garpberry Agriculture Garp Berries

Tier 5.5

You've created Garp berries, an incredibly useful plant which can be used both eaten to protect yourself from radioactive burns, and processed in your extraction lab to create the rare and extremely useful Alien Compound.

garpberryseed garpberry

Garp Berry Plant, Garp Berry

fu_agriculture:explorationplants3 fu_agriculture:utilityplants3

Superior Exploration Plants (Agriculture tree), Superior Utility Plants (Agriculture tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_agriculture:gathering3 Agriculture Master Gathering

Tier 4

You've mastered hunter-gatherer tactics and can make top-shelf hunting gear.

compoundbow fuhuntingrifle3 throwingaxe javelin energyjavelin throwingknife throwingkunai throwingstar

Compound Bow, Hunting Rifle III, Throwing Axe, Javelin, Energy Javelin, Throwing Knife, Throwing Kunai, Throwing Star


Advanced Gathering (Agriculture tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_chemistry:cells1 Chemistry Cell Manipulation

Tier 3

You are now able to engineer advanced cells and mutagenic samples in your lab that are especially useful in bioweapons and plant design as well as craft and utilize bizarre biological slimes.

cell_mutated blobbushjelly mutagene3 mutagene1

Mutated Cell, Putrid Slime, Mutagene, Potent Mutagene


Cell Mastery (Chemistry tree)


Advanced Liquids (Chemistry tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_chemistry:cells2 Chemistry Cell Mastery

Tier 5

Your knowledge of cells is vast. You can make even more strange cells and mutagenic samples.

cell_viral mutagene2 mutagene4

Viral Cell, Powerful Mutagene, Durable Mutagene


Cell Manipulation (Chemistry tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_chemistry:explosives1 Chemistry Explosives

Tier 1

Perhaps one of the most classic chemical reactions is something going boom. Now, you can make that happen on demand with some neat new explodables to help you mine.

thorngrenade fucopperbomb fuironbomb chilibomb powderkeg crudebomb molotov

Thorn Grenade, Copper Bomb, Iron Bomb, Chili Pepper Bomb, Powder Keg, Crude Bomb, Molotov


Advanced Explosives (Chemistry tree)


Chemistry (Chemistry tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_chemistry:fertilizer3 Chemistry Peerless Fertilizer

Tier 3

You've mastered not just plant fertilization, but also the making of pesticides. Just make sure to wash it before you eat it.

ff_fertilizer3 pesticide methyliodide

Superior Fertilizer, Pesticide, Methyl Iodide


Improved Fertilizer (Chemistry tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_chemistry:graphene Chemistry Carbon Latticing

Tier 3

Graphene is one of the most wonderful substances ever created, and now you know how to make it yourself. A one-atom thick sheet of hexagonal graphite, graphene is ridiculously durable. In addition to being a key component in many powerful weapons and armor, graphene is also very useful in the creation of complex circuitry.




Morphic Super-Compounds (Chemistry tree)


Simple Plastics (Chemistry tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_chemistry:medicinen1 Chemistry Basic Medicine

Tier 1

You've taught yourself some basic medical knowledge and can make simple healing items.

Did you know? Healing items in Frackin' Universe impose a moderately long cooldown upon use during which no other healing items can be used. Don't expect to spam bandages to victory!

craftingmedical bandage fuhoneysilkbandage antidote redstim yellowstim syringe

Apothecary, Bandage, Honeysilk Bandage, Poison Antidote, Red Stim Pack, Yellow Stim Pack, Medical Syringe


Advanced Medicine (Chemistry tree)


Basic Training (Chemistry tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_craftsmanship:cooking3 Craftsmanship Bizarre Cooking

Tier 3

You're not satisfied with just 'edible' or 'tasty' food ingredients. You've made some home recipes for meals that could be charitably called experimental.

chewablemagnet chunkymeatcoffee bloodypuss leadandjsandwich aetherdonut sourmilkandbees butteronastick bloodycorpsewaffles bowlofbrains fusoggypaper caramelsoggypaper fuwarmsoup crunchychickpie apejuice bloodypuss slamrockshake duncecookie eldercookie fleshcookie icecookie magmacookie plutoniumcookie solariumcookie uraniumcookie orphanpaste smallcrayonbox fualgaemeal fuerithianalgaemeal glowburger solstew uberdinner solusjam plasmangoicecream codezerches corvexdrink crystalcola phaseshake violirootplate petfood1 petfood2 petfood3 petfood4 pukacolaquantum ocularoobleck awfuloffalsmoothie ictea nightmarefuel bloodyboogerbread boogerbread eldurkey gnomeandveggiesandwich plaguepestpancakes putridpestpuree sewerfrieswithbacon bluecheese bowelchocolate cthushi erchiusomlette gutstoppers hobbyglue idiotsandwich marrowsoup sentientcookie spidercotton chickenjuice

Chewable Magnet, Chunky Meat Coffee, Bloody Puss, Pb and J Sandwich, Aether Donut, Sour Milk and Bees, Butter on a Stick, Bloody Corpse Waffles, Bowl o' Brains, Edible Soggy Paper, Caramelized Soggy Paper, Warmed Organic Soup, Crunchy Chick Pie, Ape Juice, Bloody Puss, Slamrock Shake, Dunce Cookie, Elder Cookie, Fleshy Meat Cookie, Frozen Cookie, Magma Cookie, Plutonium Cookie, Solarium Cookie, Uranium Cookie, Orphan Paste, Small Crayon Box, Compressed Algae, Compressed Erithian Algae, Glowburger, Solstew, Uberdinner, Solus Jam, Plasmango Ice Cream, Code Zerchesium, Corvexxor, Crystalline Cola, Phaseshake, Violiroot Plate, Quasi-Sentient Being Chow, Wartweed Kibble, Mr. Chow's Troll Food, Soylent Periwinkle, Puka-Cola, Ocular Oobleck, Awful Offal Smoothie, I-C Tea, Nightmare Fuel, Bloody Boogerbread, Boogerbread, Eldurkey, Gnomewich, Plague Pest Pancakes, Putrid Pest Puree, Sewer Fries with Bacon, Blue Cheese, Bowel Chocolate, Cthushi, Erchius Omlette, Gutstoppers, Hobby Glue, Idiot Sandwich, Marrow Soup, Sentient Cookie, Spider Cotton, Chicken Juice


Culinary Arts (Craftsmanship tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_craftsmanship:crew1 Craftsmanship Mercs

Tier 1

Sure, there's merit to traveling with friends, but with mercenaries you won't need friends. Though 'reliable' mercs may pass you up, you can nonetheless hire some greenhorns eager for work at the Science Outpost.

Hold shift while using a crew contract to satisfy your inner xenophobe, and guarantee a recruit of the same race as you.

crewcontract crewcontract_warrior crewcontract_janitor crewcontract_tailor crewcontract_fuhunter crewcontract_researcher

Red Shirt Contract, Warrior Contract, Custodian Contract, Tailor Contract, Hunter Contract, Researcher Contract


Skilled Mercs (Craftsmanship tree)


Basic Training (Craftsmanship tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_craftsmanship:dye1 Craftsmanship Dyes

Tier 1

You've learned to make dyes which can recolor your worn clothing and armor.

blackdye bluedye browndye dyeremover greendye greydye orangedye pinkdye purpledye reddye whitedye yellowdye

Black Dye, Blue Dye, Brown Dye, Dye Remover, Green Dye, Grey Dye, Orange Dye, Pink Dye, Purple Dye, Red Dye, White Dye, Yellow Dye


Advanced Dyes (Craftsmanship tree)


Plant Fibre Sewing (Craftsmanship tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_craftsmanship:dye2 Craftsmanship Advanced Dyes

Tier 2

You can make more advanced dyes out of metals and other more complex materials.

aegisaltdye aliendye amephiumdye azurockdye biodye bloodstonedye brassdye brickdye coalblackdye copperdye densiniumdye durasteeldye duskilinedye emeradye emeritedye exonitedye feroziumdye feyadye fu_blackdye fu_bluedye fu_browndye fu_greendye fu_greydye fu_orangedye fu_pinkdye fu_purpledye fu_reddye fu_whitedye fu_yellowdye golddye goldinedye honeydye hotmetaldye irondye jellydye apalitedye koanitedye kespardye metaldye nhydridye oceanitedye onyxdye opuldye paperdye pearlstardye phositedye plantdye platinumdye plutoniumdye rasilinedye rekitedye rukardye sahkitedye seaweeddye silverdye sivitedye solariumdye synthdye tealdye thanatitedye tokanitedye tungstendye upilitedye uraniumdye violiumdye woodbrowndye zerchesiumdye vantadye

Aegisalt Dye, Alien Dye, Amephium Dye, Azure Dye, Biowaste Dye, Bloodstone Dye, Brass Dye, Brick Dye, Coal Dye, Copper Dye, Densinium Dye, Durasteel Dye, Duskiline Dye, Emera Dye, Emerite Dye, Exonite Dye, Ferozium Dye, Feya Dye, Enhanced Black Dye, Enhanced Blue Dye, Enhanced Brown Dye, Enhanced Green Dye, Enhanced Grey Dye, Enhanced Orange Dye, Enhanced Pink Dye, Enhanced Purple Dye, Enhanced Red Dye, Enhanced White Dye, Enhanced Yellow Dye, Gold Dye, Goldine Dye, Honeysuckle Dye, Hot Metal Dye, Iron Dye, Jelly Dye, Apalite Dye, Koanite Dye, Kespar Dye, Metal Dye, Nhydri Dye, Oceanite Dye, Onyx Dye, Opul Dye, Paper Dye, Pearl Star Dye, Phosite Dye, Plant Dye, Platinum Dye, Plutonium Dye, Rasiline Dye, Rekite Dye, Rukar Dye, Sahkite Dye, Seaweed Dye, Silver Dye, Sivite Dye, Solarium Dye, Synth Dye, Teal Dye, Thanatite Dye, Tokanite Dye, Tungsten Dye, Upilite Dye, Uranium Dye, Violium Dye, Wood Brown Dye, Zerchesium Dye, Vantablack Dye


Dyes (Craftsmanship tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_craftsmanship:workbenchavian Craftsmanship Avian Construction

Tier 3

You've learned to make ornate Avian-styled blocks.

slopedavianhullpanel avianmetalceiling avianmetalfloor avianmetaltrim avianmetaltrim2 avianWallLamp avianWallLamp2 fukluexstatue fukluexstatue2 fukluexstatue3 fukluexstatue4 fukluexstatue5 fukluexstatue6 redalert

Avian Hull Panel, Avian Metal Ceiling, Avian Metal Floor, Avian Yellow Metal Trim, Avian Red Metal Trim, Avian Wall Lamp, Small Avian Wall Lamp, Kluex Statue, Kluex Statue, Kluex Statue, Kluex Statue, Kluex Statue, Kluex Statue Head, Warning Light


Titanium Construction (Craftsmanship tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_craftsmanship:workbenchlunari Craftsmanship Lunari Construction

Tier 3

You've made furniture out of lunari crystals. They're very glowy and shiny.

lunaribed lunaribookcase lunaricabinet lunariceilinglamp lunarichair lunarichestlarge lunarichestsmall lunaricouch lunaridesk lunaridesklamp lunaridrawers lunariendtable lunarifridge lunarilamp lunariminifridge lunarinightstand lunaristool lunaritable lunariwalllamp erchiuspillar

Lunari Bed, Lunari Bookcase, Lunari Cabinet, Lunari Ceiling Lamp, Lunari Chair, Lunari Chest, Small Lunari Chest, Lunari Couch, Lunari Desk, Lunari Desk Lamp, Lunari Drawers, Lunari End Table, Lunari Fridge, Lunari Lamp, Lunari Mini Fridge, Lunari Nightstand, Lunari Stool, Lunari Table, Lunari Wall Lamp, Erchius Pillar


Tungsten Construction (Craftsmanship tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_craftsmanship:workbenchperfect Craftsmanship Perfectly Generic Construction

Tier 7

You've used the mysterious PGIs to create furniture that is both perfectly generic and generically perfect.

fu_perfectbathtub fu_perfectbed fu_perfectbookcase fu_perfectcabinet fu_perfectceilinglamp fu_perfectchair fu_perfectcorner fu_perfectcouch fu_perfectcounter fu_perfectdesk fu_perfectdoor fu_perfectdresser fu_perfectendtable fu_perfectkitchensink fu_perfectlamp fu_perfectnightlamp fu_perfectshelf fu_perfectsink fu_perfectstand fu_perfectstool fu_perfectswitch fu_perfecttable fu_perfecttalllamp fu_perfecttoilet fu_perfectwallbutton fu_perfectwalllight perfectorgan fu_perfectarmchair

Perfect Bathtub, Perfect Bed, Perfect Bookcase, Perfect Cabinet, Perfect Ceiling Lamp, Perfect Chair, Perfect Support, Perfect Couch, Perfect Counter, Perfect Desk, Perfect Door, Perfect Dresser, Perfect End Table, Perfect Kitchen Sink, Perfect Lamp, Perfect Night Lamp, Perfect Shelf, Perfect Sink, Perfect Stand, Perfect Stool, Perfect Switch, Perfect Table, Perfect Tall Lamp, Perfect Toilet, Perfect Wall Button, Perfect Wall Light, Perfect Organ, Perfect Armchair


Densinium Construction (Craftsmanship tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_engineering:batteries Engineering Compact Power

Tier 3

You've learned to make space-efficient batteries at an Atomic Furnace which will be useful as surplus power sources in machinery and some weapons.

battery smallbattery

Battery, AA Battery


Gold Circuits (Engineering tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_engineering:computers2 Engineering Improved Researchers

Tier 3

Access to quantum computing means you can make stronger computers that research more quickly and store more data.


Advanced Computer


Neural Networks (Engineering tree)


Research Computers (Engineering tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_engineering:computers3 Engineering Neural Networks

Tier 4

With AI technology, you've designed a data tower which will generate huge amounts of research for your benefit, vastly outstripping all computers that came before it.


Research Server


Superior Networks (Engineering tree)


Improved Researchers (Engineering tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_engineering:gadgets1 Engineering Gadgetry

Tier 1

You've developed a number of useful tools. Their functionality can be improved by upgrading them with manipulator modules.

fuautohookshot statustablet fu_monsterdetector fu_monsterinspector railhook oredetector1 cavedetector1 tunableoredetector1

Hookshot, Personal Tricorder, Monster Detector, Monster Inspector, Rail Hook, Multi-ore Detector, Cave Detector, Precision Ore Detector


Advanced Gadgets (Engineering tree)


Tinkering (Engineering tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_engineering:mechsbody2 Engineering Advanced Mech Bodies

Tier 4

You can now make even stronger mech bodies using more complex materials.

mechbodyglitch mechbodyavian mechbodyapex mechbodyfloran mechbodyhylotl mechbodynovakid mechbodyhuman mechbodychinook mechbodydrakaet mechbodyemissary mechbodyexitus

Arthuria Mech Body, Champion Mech Body, Dominion Mech Body, Golem Mech Body, Kabuto Mech Body, Marshal Mech Body, Venturer Mech Body, Chinook Mech Body, Drakaet Mech Body, Emissary Mech Body, Exitus Mech Body


Superior Mech Bodies (Engineering tree)


Improved Mech Bodies (Engineering tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_engineering:mechsmobility1 Engineering Improved Mech Mobility

Tier 3

You've improved on the movement systems of your mech and can now craft faster legs and boosters.

mechboosterastro mechboosterstalwart mechboosterzed mechlegshopper mechlegstwinjet mechlegsarc mechlegsfuexplorer2 mechlegsheavy2

Astro Mech Boosters, Stalwart Mech Boosters, Zed Mech Boosters, Hopper Mech Legs, Twinjet Mech Legs, Arc Mech Legs, Explorer II Mech Legs, Falcon II Legs


Advanced Mech Mobility (Engineering tree)


Mech Creation (Engineering tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_engineering:mechsweapons3 Engineering Superior Mech Weapons

Tier 5

The way you see it, there's no reason to own a mech if you can't strap a BFG to it and go to town on someone (or something) that deserves it. Your newest death-dealing mech weapons are perfect for doing just that.

mecharmspikefist mecharmmultidrone mecharmenergyblade mecharmbeamdrill mecharmshielddrone mecharmdualrifle mecharmgravitymine mecharmguidedmissiles mecharmteslastream mecharmbeamsniper mecharmenergyrifle mecharmdrill4 fumechmining2 mecharmshielddrone2 mecharmbreachdefense sinclustermine fumechdensinium mecharmsinfist fuflamearm3 fuicearm3 fuheatcannon fumeltaarm mecharmsinsniper mecharmpointdefense3 mecharmsinchaingun

Spikefist Mech Arm, Swarm Drone Mech Arm, Energy Blade Mech Arm, Beam Drill Mech Arm, War Ward Mech Arm, Dual Rifle Mech Arm, Gravity Mine Mech Arm, Guided Missile Mech Arm, Tesla Stream Mech Arm, Beam Sniper Mech Arm, Energy Rifle Mech Arm, Densinium Drill Arm, Mining Cannon III, Ward Mech Arm, Breach Defense, Cluster Mine II, Densinium Blaster, Fist Cannon, Flame Arm III, Ice Arm III, Fusion Mech Arm, Melta Arm, Omega Laser, Point Defense III, Ripper Cannon


Peerless Mech Crafting (Engineering tree)


Advanced Mech Weapons (Engineering tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_engineering:protocitecircuitry Engineering Protocite Circuits

Tier 3

You've put the insane energy-transferring properties of Protocite to work in highly complex processors which work with quantum bits - no longer just 1 or 0, but sometimes both! Quantum Procesors have many uses in higher-end electronics.


Quantum Processor

fu_engineering:morphitecircuitry fu_engineering:focusingarray

Morphite Circuits (Engineering tree), Focusing Arrays (Engineering tree)


Graphene Circuits (Engineering tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_engineering:techs2 Engineering Improved Techs

Tier 2

You can make improved Techs that provide greater utility and function. They are accessed via your Personal Tricorder.

armorsphere_tech bouncesphere_tech emergencybounce3_tech combatmaneuvering3_tech fadesprint2_tech fragmentblast_tech fuarmorboost2_tech zeroburst2_tech fuwallcling_tech fuwalljump_tech speedboots_tech sonicburst_tech longjump2_tech

Armor Sphere, Bounce Sphere, Emergency Bounce MK2, Dodge III, Phase Sprint II, Shard Blast, Defense Matrix II, Zero Burst II, Magnet Grip I, Wall Jump II, Stimulant Rig II, Sonic Burst, Flutter Jump


Superior Techs (Engineering tree)


Homemade Techs (Engineering tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_engineering:teleporters Engineering DIY Teleportation

Tier 4

No longer do you need to pay a professional - you are that professional! You can make a variety of personal teleporters on your own.

blackteleporter brassteleporter crossteleporter fuaetherdustteleporter fuaetherteleporter futeleporter futeleporter2 futureteleporter scienceteleporter stoneteleporter tombteleporter woodenteleporter

Executive Teleporter, Brass Teleporter, Angelic Teleporter, Aether Dust Teleporter, Aether Teleporter, Warp Teleporter, Simple Teleporter, Futuristic Teleporter, Scientific Teleporter, Stone Teleporter, Tomb Teleporter, Wooden Teleporter


Improved Cores (Engineering tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_geology:isotopes4 Geology Thorium

Tier 5

Not inherently dangerous or unstable, Thorium is quite a beneficial material when used creatively in a lab.


Thorium Rod


Plutonium (Geology tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_geology:metals_solarium Geology Solarium

Tier 6

Learn to process Solarium.

You can find Solarium on any world that is Tier 6.


Solarium Star


Geology VI (Geology tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_geology:metals_tier1 Geology Geology I

Blacksmithing - Tier 1

Learn to process Copper and Iron ores. Through these materials you'll be able to dive into crafting and really get started. This research will lead to greater knowledge of metalworking.

You've also learn to smelt basic items like Clay and Glass. Should you have trouble locating the requirements for these, you'll need to dig. You'll find both Clay and Sand readily.

craftingfurnace firedclay volatilepowder paper nicepaper glass bottle

Primitive Furnace, Fired Clay, Volatile Powder, Paper, High Grade Paper, Glass, Empty Bottle

fu_geology:metals_tier2 fu_geology:metals_copper fu_geology:metals_iron fu_geology:metals_silver fu_geology:metals_gold

Geology II (Geology tree), Copper (Geology tree), Iron (Geology tree), Silversmithing (Geology tree), Goldsmithing (Geology tree)


Basic Training (Geology tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_geology:metals_tier5 Geology Geology V

Elemental Metals - Tier 5

Aegisalt, Ferozium and Violium are sought after resources of relatively high value, and are capable of being forged into very useful equipment.

fu_geology:metals_tier6 fu_geology:metals_alloy4 fu_geology:metals_effigium fu_geology:metals_aegisalt fu_geology:metals_violium fu_geology:metals_ferozium

Geology VI (Geology tree), Dense Alloy (Geology tree), Effigium (Geology tree), Aegisalt (Geology tree), Violium (Geology tree), Ferozium (Geology tree)


Geology IV (Geology tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_geology:metals_tier6 Geology Geology VI

Superior Metals - Tier 6

Solarium, Pyreite, Isogen and Densinium are all remarkable metals guaranteed to excel in their particular idiom. Through these metals you will be able to forge fantastic things.

fu_geology:metals_tier8 fu_geology:metals_solarium fu_geology:metals_isogen fu_geology:metals_pyreite fu_geology:metals_densinium

Geology VIII (Geology tree), Solarium (Geology tree), Isogen (Geology tree), Pyreite (Geology tree), Densinium (Geology tree)


Geology V (Geology tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_geology:metals_tungsten Geology Tungsten

Tier 2

Tungsten is a tough metal with a very high melting point. This makes it a favorite in advanced construction, as it is exceptionally useful in weapons and equipment.

Tungsten can be found on many worlds but is most easily found on Forest and Desert biomes. You've also learned to make a functionally similar steel-like substitute by alloying Iron ore at an Industrial Furnace.

tungstenbar tungstenore skathreinforcedglass

Tungsten Bar, Tungsten Ore, Reinforced Glass


Geology II (Geology tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_geology:metals_zerchesium Geology Zerchesium

Tier 3.5

Learn to process Zerchesium.

Zerchesium can be located on Mountainous biomes, but sometimes appears on Sulphuric worlds as well.


Zerchesium Bar


Geology III (Geology tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_power:hydraulicdynamo Electronics Steam Power

Tier 2

You've mastered the primitive-but-useful art of steam power. You can build a hydraulic piston that boils water using 'hot' fuels like lava or core fragments to generate early power.


Hydraulic Dynamo


Electronics (Electronics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_power:mixer Electronics Controlled Reactions

Tier 3

Mixing liquids can have many beneficial effects, especially now that you designed a machine to do just that. The liquid mixer can not only produce liquid reactions quickly and cleanly, but also allows for some reactions that couldn't happen when mixing liquid manually.


Liquid Mixer


Condensation (Electronics tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_warcraft:aetheriumgear Armor and Weapons Aetherium Equipment

Tier 7

Though you only recently discovered what you've dubbed 'Aetherium' alloy, you've already set about weaponizing it in the creation of the literal best weapons and armor known to man, Floran, and everything in between. You'd have to make a pact with an eldritch god to do better than this.

aetheriumaxe aetheriumbroadsword aetheriumcleaver aetheriumdagger aetheriumfist aetheriumhammer aetheriumkatana aetheriumlongsword aetheriumwhip aetheriummace aetheriumrapier aetheriumscythe aetheriumshortsword aetheriumspear aetheriumboomerang aetheriumdisc aetheriumcrossbow aetheriumstynger aetherstaff aetheriumpistol aetheriumassaultrifle aetheriumshotgun aetheriumsniperrifle aetheriumrocketlauncher mineralcannonadv2 chainstaff fuchainsword hailstrike phaseblade fuobliterator shadowtentaclegun aetherquiverback tritaniumstarpants tritaniumstarchest tritaniumstarhead warangellegs warangelchest warangelhead

Aetherium Axe, Aetherium Broadsword, Aetherium Cleaver, Aetherium Punyal, Aetherium Claw, Aetherium Hammer, Aetherium Katana, Aetherium Longsword, Aetherium Whip, Aetherium Mace, Aetherium Rapier, Aetherium Scythe, Aetherium Scimitar, Aetherium Spear, Aetherium Boomerang, Aether Disc, Aetherium Crossbow, Aetherium Stynger, Aetherium Staff, Aetherium Vigilant, Aetherium Decimator, Aetherium Titan, Aetherium Vindicator, Aetherium Rocketlauncher, Hyperion Particle Cannon, Chain Staff, Chain Blade, Hail Strike, Phase Blade, Obliterator, Shadow Lurch, Aether Quiver, Phase Greaves, Phase Chestplate, Phase Helmet, War Angel Greaves, War Angel Chest, War Angel Helm

fu_warcraft:densiniumgear fu_warcraft:pyreitegear fu_warcraft:isogengear fu_warcraft:xithricitegear

Densinium Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree), Pyreite Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree), Isogen Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree), Xithricite Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_warcraft:epps1 Armor and Weapons Improved EPPs

Tier 2

You've learned make better EPPs which improve on the basic breathing model or do other useful things like resisting elements or improving your combat capability.

Reminder: EPPs in Frackin' Universe are much different than vanilla! There's no one EPP that is perfect for all situations, and the kind of EPP you choose should be tailored to the planet you want to explore.

battlepack tw_spacesuitback tw_spacepunkback repulsorfieldback batterypack_erithian fusurvivorback radiationprotectionback heatprotectionback coldprotectionback poisonprotectionback

Battle Pack, Spacesuit Airtank, Spacepunk Tank, Repulsor Field Pack, Erithian Energy Pack, Type-S Survival Pack, Radiation EPP, Cooling EPP, Heating EPP, Poison EPP I


Advanced EPPs (Armor and Weapons tree)


Tungsten Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_warcraft:monsterplategear Armor and Weapons Advanced Woven Armors

Tier 4

Your skill in weaving is matched by few. You can make the best non-metallic armors available and have also learned to work with monster plating to create powerful organic armor.

vinewhip reptileshield reptilianlegs reptilianchest reptilianhead fumonsterplatedlegs fumonsterplatedchest fumonsterplatedhead tacticalpants tacticalchest tacticalhead fuwolflegs2 fuwolfchest2 fuwolfhead2 chaospants chaoschest chaoshead fuprophetpants fuprophetchest fuprophethead agilitysuitlegs agilitysuitchest agilitysuithead

Vine Whip, Reptilian Shield, Reptile Scale Legs, Reptile Scale Chestpiece, Reptile Scale Head, Monster Plate Leggings, Monster Plate Chestguard, Monster Plate Helmet, Ghost-Weave Pants, Ghost-Weave Chestpiece, Ghost-Weave Mask, Wolf Leggings, Wolf Coat, Wolf Hood, Chaos Pants, Chaos Robe, Chaos Hood, Prophet Pants, Prophet Chest, Prophet Significa, Agent Legs, Agent Chest, Agent Headset


Silk-based Armors (Armor and Weapons tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_warcraft:quietusgear Armor and Weapons Quietus Equipment

Tier 4

Quietus metal is a strange, highly poisonous substance that almost seems to be alive, somehow. Few metals hold a sharp edge like Quietus, making it great in melee weapons. It's also quite potent in armors and ballistic weapons.

quietusaxe quietusgreataxe quietusshortspear quietusquarterstaff quietushammer quietusemperor quietusknight quietusassassin quietusgeneral diamondblade quietusmace diamondrapier quietusrapier quietusscythe quietuscaptain quietusknave quietusmercenary quietusrogue quietusspear quietusboomerang quietusassaultrifle carnagebow quietusstaff quietuswand futinydancer pistolquietusfu quietuspistol quietussmg quietusshotgun quietussniper riflequietusfu quietusrocketlauncher quietuskatana hellfiremace goldmace quietusbow quietuscrossbow quietusshield shadowbonecape shadowbonearmorpants shadowbonearmorchest shadowbonearmorhead ff_scoutpants_melee ff_scoutchest_melee ff_scouthelm_melee fuinfernopants fuinfernochest fuinfernohead quietuslegs quietuschest quietushead maverickhunterpants maverickhunterchest maverickhunterhead spacefarerpantsadv spacefarerchestadv spacefarerheadadv

Quietus Axe, Quietus Greataxe, Quietus Shortspear, Quietus Quarterstaff, Quietus Hammer, Emperor Blade, Knight Blade, Assassin's Blade, Generals' Blade, Diamond Blade, Quietus Mace, Diamond Rapier, Scarlet Empress, Quellhound Scythe, Captain's Blade, Knave's Blade, Mercenary's Blade, Rogue's Blade, Quietus Spear, Quietus Boomerang, Quietus Assault Rifle, Carnage Bow, Quietus Staff, Quietus Wand, Tiny Dancer, Quietus Revolver, Quietus Pistol, Quietus Machinepistol, Quietus Shotgun, Quietus Sniper Rifle, Toxin Rifle, Quietus Rocket Launcher, Quietus Katana, Hellfire Mace, Golden Maul, Quietus Bow, Quietus Crossbow, Quietus Shield, Vortex Cape, Shadow Greaves, Shadow Chestplate, Shadow Helmet, Warrior Greaves, Warrior Chestpiece, Warrior Helm, Inferno Pants, Inferno Chest, Inferno Helm, Ranger Greaves, Ranger Plate, Ranger Helm, Maverick Hunter Leggings, Maverick Hunter Chestplate, Maverick Ocular Implants, Spacefarer mk2 Greaves, Spacefarer mk2 Chest, Spacefarer mk2 Helm


Bio-weaponry (Armor and Weapons tree)


Durasteel (Armor and Weapons tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_warcraft:telebriumgear Armor and Weapons Telebrium Equipment

Tier 2

You've learned how best to utilize Telebrium in the creation of lightweight, poison-themed weapons and armor.

telebriumaxe telebriumbroadsword telebriumdagger telebriumfist telebriumgreataxe telebriumhammer telebriumkatana telebriummace telebriumquarterstaff telebriumrapier telebriumscythe telebriumshortspear telebriumshortsword telebriumspear flailtelebrium telebriumboomerang telebriumchakram telebriummachinepistol telebriumpistol telebriumrifle telebriumsniperrifle telebriumlongsword telebriumwhip telebriumbow telebriumcrossbow telebriumstynger telebriumstaff telebriumwand telebriumshotgun telebriumrocketlauncher magnorbmoonstone telebriumshield fumantizitier2pants fumantizitier2chest fumantizitier2head

Telebrium Hatchet, Telebrium Broadsword, Telebrium Knife, Telebrium Cestus, Telebrium Greataxe, Telebrium Hammer, Telebrium Katana, Telebrium Mace, Telebrium Quarterstaff, Telebrium Rapier, Telebrium Scythe, Telebrium Shortspear, Telebrium Sword, Telebrium Spear, Telebrium Striker, Telebrium Boomerang, Telebrium Chakram, Telebrium SMG, Telebrium Pistol, Telebrium Carbine, Telebrium Sniper Rifle, Telebrium Longsword, Telebrium Whip, Telebrium Bow, Telebrium Crossbow, Telebrium Stynger, Telebrium Staff, Telebrium Wand, Telebrium Shotgun, Telebrium Rocket, Telebrium Orbs, Telebrium Shield, Telebrium Greaves, Telebrium Armor, Telebrium Helmet


Kirhosi Weapons (Armor and Weapons tree)


Weapons and Armor Forging (Armor and Weapons tree)

Template:Cargo/node/Chunk2 (edit) fu_warcraft:violiumgear Armor and Weapons Violium Equipment

Tier 5

You've learned to work with the potent crystal Violium to create fantastic weapons and armor.

violiumbroadsword violiumshortsword violiumlongsword pistolvioliumfu riflevioliumfu fuenergymachinegun frostcannonarm splittergun fuenergyblaster artillerygun ff_diamondarmorpants ff_diamondarmorchest ff_diamondarmorhead kirhostier5spants kirhostier5schest kirhostier5shead fumantizitier5spants fumantizitier5schest fumantizitier5shead

Violium Broadsword, Violium Shortsword, Violium Longsword, Violium Revolver, Violium Rifle, Thresher, Mistral Icethrower, Fissure Splitrifle, Energy Lobber, Volatile Missile Salvo, Gishinanki Greaves, Gishinanki Chestpiece, Gishinanki Helmet, Rifter Greaves, Rifter Hardsuit, Rifter Helm, Millenion's Greaves, Millenion's Coat, Millenion's Helm


Dense Alloy Equipment (Armor and Weapons tree)


Durasteel (Armor and Weapons tree)
