Monster Detector

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Item icon fu monsterdetector.png
Monster Detector
Reveals nearby monsters.
Category Tool
Rarity essential
Price 1
Stack size 1
Two-handed? No
Tags tool
ID fu_monsterdetector
Not to be confused with Monster Inspector.

Monster Detector is a tool that shows the location of nearby monsters, even those that you normally can't see (monsters below the ground and in other non-illuminated areas, ghost-like monsters like Spookit that are currently inside the solid blocks, very small critters like wild bees, etc.).

The Monster Detector needs to be placed in a toolbar then activated with a left-click or right-click (depending on which of your character's hands it's in). When activated, all monsters within a certain radius will immediately start glowing. The glow effect persists upon switching to a weapon or another tool, but the glow is only applied to monsters that were within range at the time of activation. Other monsters that come within range later will not glow unless the Monster Detector is activated again. So, it is possible to be fighting a bunch of glowing monsters and then be surprised by a monster that isn't glowing because it only arrived after the Monster Detector was activated.

How to obtain


Tinkering Table


Treasure pool