Hydraulic Dynamo

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Item icon hydraulicdynamo.png Item image hydraulicdynamo.png
Hydraulic Dynamo
Boils water to drive an enormous piston. Generates up to 21W using thermal fuels such as lava or core fragments. Each slot outputs independently. Needs water coolant. Left Input: On/Off Switch
Category wire
Slot count 4
Rarity common
Price 300
Colony tags science foundry
ID hydraulicdynamo

Hydraulic Dynamo is a power generator. It consumes coolant (Water or Salt Water) and very hot fuel like Core Fragment or Lava.

It has 3 slots for fuel, but it's not necessary to fill them all: if you place Lava into one of the slots, it will generate 4W, but if you fill 3 slots, it will generate 12W. As the Dynamo consumes fuel, it will also consume a unit of liquid. If you have 100 units of fuel in each fuel slot, you'll need 300 units of liquid to use them all. The Hydraulic Dynamo can generate up to 21W of energy (using either 3 Scorched Core or 3 Volatile Powder).

Accepted fuel

Fuel Power Decay Rate (seconds)
Lava 4 10
Core Fragment 5 40
Liquid Iron 6 32
Volatile Powder 7 40
Scorched Core 7 180
Liquid Nitrogen 6 20


The Hydraulic Dynamo is 8 blocks long and 14 tiles tall, which makes it the biggest early game reactor.

How to obtain

Electronics Center

Items crafted here

  • 5W (40s)
  • 4W (10s)
  • 6W (32s)
  • 6W (20s)
  • 7W (180s)
  • 7W (40s)
Power sources
Low-tech (fuel) Alternator Generator (=4W) · Combustion Generator (=12W) · Hydraulic Dynamo (5-21W, depending on fuel)
Low-tech (renewable) Solar Panel (<=4W) · Solar Array (<=10W) · Solar Tower (<=24W) · Wind Turbine (<12W) · Weather Beacon (tool to check light/wind level)
Madness Neuro-Psionic Generator (=60W) · Nocturn Array (<=10W, renewable)
Advanced Fission Reactor (10-360W, depending on fuel, + has useful byproducts) · Small Fusion Reactor (15-360W, depending on fuel) · Large Fusion Reactor (35-600W, depending on fuel) · Quantum Reactor (60-620W, depending on fuel)
Precursor Precursor Reactor (up to 1055W, noncraftable: can only be found)