Neutron Bomb

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Item icon neutronbomb.png
Neutron Bomb
20 second fuse. Planet-busting power. Run. DO NOT THROW IN BASE, EVER.
Category throwableItem
Primary Damage per hit: 999
Rate of fire: 2.5
Rarity Rare
Price 0
Tags thrown_grenade
ID neutronbomb

Neutron Bomb is an item of unimaginable destructive magnitude. If thrown in the middle room of Hylotl Abandoned Castle (a fairly large surface dungeon), it has a very high chance of destroying it completely.

Its initial explosion instantly removes all blocks around the bomb, but doesn't kill the player. It does, however, create a difficult-to-escape vortex that exerts gravitational pull upon anyone (monsters, NPCs and player) within its range.

After that the vortex starts spitting random projectiles in all directions, and does so for 10-20 seconds. These are extremely destructive, and they will instantly kill the player who gets caught in their blast.

Fun facts

  • Neutron Bomb can be resisted by tile protection, including the protection from an active Field Generator.
  • Neutron Bomb doesn't destroy items, chests, etc. They fall to the ground and can be collected. However, as any non-mining explosive, it will destroy the blocks (so it can't be used for mining).
  • One of the Kevin's quests is to bring him Neutronium Rod and Anti-Neutronium Rod. Let's hope that even he wouldn't prank anyone with a Neutron Bomb.
  • Dead Core block has 2048 hitpoints, so it can survive 2 hits by projectiles of a Neutron Bomb (which deal 999 damage each).
  • If you throw this thing on your BYOS ship, you will unrecoverably lose the game (well, you can recover by deleting your shipworld file, but you'll lose anything on it).
Don't try this at home

How to obtain

Bio-Chem Lab