Shadow Staff

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Item icon shadowstaff.png
Shadow Staff
This powerful staff summons a deadly shadow snake.
Category staff
Tier 5
Primary Shadow Special: <elementalName> Orb
Alt Special: <elementalName> Orb
Rarity rare
Price 4320
Stack size 1
Two-handed? Yes
Upgradeable? Yes
Tags weapon staff upgradeableWeapon shadow
ID shadowstaff

This incredibly powerful staff summons two unique types of "energy orb" attacks. Both attacks consume all of your energy but also persist until cancelled. The primary fire summons a smoke-like orb with a long trail that deals Shadow damage approximately 4 times every second it touches an enemy. The alt-fire summons a slower-moving orb with a long trail that appears to be made out of carbon filaments; this version deals Physical damage approximately 4 times every second.

The persistence of either attack allows for the possibility of simply exploring with an active orb at all times. This may prove to be useful in some enemy-dense dungeons.

How to obtain


Used for

Upgrade item