Metaphysics tree

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Metaphysics (Madness) tree contains weird/crazy technologies. It appears after you complete Esther Bright's quest "Scan the Outpost". Until you do, this tree is hidden from Tricorder.

See the page Madness for "how to obtain Madness currency".

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List of nodes


Tier 1

You've done a fair amount of pondering things beyond the limits of modern science thanks to your new insights.

You know without a doubt that you can revitalize the entire scientific community, but to do it you'll need to be willing to take ethical and moral steps outside of the conventional.

Psychic powers, otherworldly entities and more are all within your grasp if you're willing to step above and beyond silly limits put in place by cowards afraid to truly discover.
RequiresDream Whispers (Metaphysics tree)

Cosmic Mysteries

Tier 2

Unhappy with the paltry offerings of knowledge provided in conventional educational facilities, private collections and 'reputable' locations of the sort, you have begun to delve into the more fantastic and unknown.

Wild theories that defy physics, ludicrous tales about things living just outside our reality - you've determined through experiments that its all real. To prove it to the galaxy, you are willing to do just about anything.
RequiresMetaphysics (Metaphysics tree)
Allows to research: Dark Matter (Metaphysics tree).

Dark Matter

Tier 3

You have not only discovered Dark Matter, but also how to harvest and harness it for your own ends. Through perseverance and know-how you have done what billions before you failed to accomplish!

This should prove both profitable and educational, and the changess this may bring to all areas of galactic life will make you a public name in no time.
RequiresCosmic Mysteries (Metaphysics tree)

Dimensional Phasing

Tier 5

You have proven that there are multiple dimensions, and are close to devising a way to connect them.

With a bit of patience and study you could even learn to send messages or even -cross over- to the other side! The potential here is staggering, but the risk is equally high. You should take precautions before doing anything too crazy.
RequiresThe Void (Metaphysics tree)
Allows to research: The Calling (Metaphysics tree).

The Calling

Tier 6

You have, beyond a doubt, communicated with a being from another reality. Such was its voice that you are forever changed, and all of this dimension must know the truth you have gleaned.

They will all worship the glory of the Thing you have glimpsed beyond the veil. If they know what is good for them.
RequiresForbidden Knowledge (Metaphysics tree), Dimensional Phasing (Metaphysics tree)

Dark Matter Gear

Tier 4

Now that you've uncovered a new form of particle and the sciences to utilize it, it's obviously time to start weaponizing it to shoot at other beings to see what happens!

Not only have you utilized its more defensive properties to design new armor suits, but you've also devised a line of weapons that should cause ample amounts of pain and misery! Enjoy.
RequiresDark Matter (Metaphysics tree)

Dream Visions

Monstrous Visages

Your dreams just get weirder and weirder as time goes on. You keep seeing this many-tentacled face in your dreams, so much so that you feel you can recreate its horrible form in reality...through using adorable plush toys suitable for all! Share the insanity with kids and adults alike! They'll thank you for it...eventually.
RequiresMental Energy (Metaphysics tree)

The Void

Tier 4

You've discovered how to see past our own dimension, and the limits of our own minds and bodies, and find a way to transcend into greater realms of existence. Unfortunately, the cost is rather high for this sort of research, but whats a few extra test subjects?
RequiresMental Energy (Metaphysics tree), Dark Matter (Metaphysics tree)

Forbidden Knowledge

Tier 4

You're ready to move into new areas of research few even dare to attempt. Mostly because of law, ethics and morality...but those in the pursuit of science cannot waver in the face of adversity.
RequiresGenetic Aberration (Metaphysics tree), Particle Entropy (Metaphysics tree)


Tier 2

You've seen strange things, and know that there are beings out there we cannot comprehend with our limited perception of reality. You seek to learn of how living things work, no matter how exotic. What you do with that knowledge then, well...that's another matter entirely.

Flesh is your canvas, and many would disagree with your methods. So long as nobody knows...nobody will mind. Right?
RequiresMetaphysics (Metaphysics tree)

Genetic Aberration

Tier 3

Through examination of corpses, you've learned a great deal about how life and death work. But you aren't interested in just the DNA, you seek something grander. A symphony you can play on flesh and show the universe how truly beautiful life is, whether they agree with you or not.
RequiresCryptobiology (Metaphysics tree)


Tier 5

Life and Death are only suggestions to you. You have learned to work within both the realm of the living and that of the dead. By fusing the two, you will accomplish the long-sought secret of eternal life, and so much more.

Your perception of reality isn't what it used to be, though, and you've a tenuous grasp on best.
RequiresForbidden Knowledge (Metaphysics tree)
Allows to research: Genesis (Metaphysics tree).


Tier 6

You are a god among sentient beings. You, the one who has mastery over life and death can now simply create life at a whim. You will seed the universe with your creations and change the very face of the cosmos.
RequiresReanimation (Metaphysics tree)

Chemical Experiments

Tier 1

Who needs knowledge and chemistry education when you can just jam things into beakers until something neat happens? That's your process, and so far it works well. You see no reason to change.
RequiresMetaphysics (Metaphysics tree)

Applied Narcotics

Tier 2

You bad little scientist, you! You've gone and devised illegal substances that can alter perception of reality itself...provided you don't die of course! Also, you've got poutine. What could go wrong?
RequiresChemical Experiments (Metaphysics tree)

Weird Concoctions

Tier 3

Well, you've gone and learned stuff about chemicals after all. Turns out it was actually pretty useful, because now you can make narcotics and stimulants that don't even make sense in this reality! You'll be the talk of the town. Or simply insane. Either way, awesome.
RequiresApplied Narcotics (Metaphysics tree)

Psionic Power

Tier 3

Now that you have a basic grasp of Psionic powers, you can begin to experiment in new ways to focus that power. You're able to fabricate various types of attacks for your Psionic Focus.
RequiresMental Energy (Metaphysics tree)

Psionic Power II

Tier 4

Now that you have a basic grasp of Psionic powers, you can begin to experiment in new ways to focus that power. You're able to fabricate various types of attacks for your Psionic Focus.
RequiresPsionic Power (Metaphysics tree)

Psionic Power III

Tier 5

Now that you have a basic grasp of Psionic powers, you can begin to experiment in new ways to focus that power. You're able to fabricate various types of attacks for your Psionic Focus.
RequiresAstral Projection (Metaphysics tree), Psionic Power II (Metaphysics tree)


Tier 2

You've learned that the brain is a marvellous thing, and unlocking its secrets is only the beginning. To really dig in you'll need to...dig in. Are there ethical issues with removing brains from subjects? Yes. Do you care? Probably not...

You can now harvest brains from subjects for further study with the use of a Brain Extractor.
RequiresMetaphysics (Metaphysics tree)

Mental Energy

Tier 3

The energy that binds all things, the very life-essence of the cosmos, is at long last a thing you can quantify. While the results are less than concrete, you cannot deny the truths you have discovered in your studies.

You can now use brains and their 'Psionic Energy' to accomplish incredible things.
RequiresPsionics (Metaphysics tree)

Astral Projection

Tier 5

Not only have you proven psionics are real, you've learned to harness the brain itself to grant untold possibilities to science! Your next task is to learn to use your own mind to do impossible things. You can start by connecting with your Astral self...who knows what awaits beyond that.
RequiresThe Void (Metaphysics tree)

Psionic Channeling

Tier 6

You can harness the raw essence of mental energy and utilize it to accomplish impossible feats, power technology, and so much more. None can doubt your mastery of the mind. If only you could stop the voices from whispering to you when nobody is looking...
RequiresAstral Projection (Metaphysics tree)

Psychiatric Help

Tier 1

Thanks to modern psychiatric help you can seek out a bit of aid should you feel disconnected from reality. Sure, they'll psychoanalyze you. Sure, it's expensive. Sure, they think you're nuts...but all of that is still better than eating your own face or ruining yourself with crippling addictions. It definitely won't be as fun, however.
RequiresDream Whispers (Metaphysics tree)

Psychiatric Help II

Tier 2

You can hire more reliable help, thanks to your rapidly escalating mental issues. It's much easier to get approved on your health plan now!
RequiresPsychiatric Help (Metaphysics tree)

Psychiatric Help III

Tier 3

Why settle for a conventional psychiatrist when you can hire an empath? That's where this spiralling madness you keep fostering has taken you, so you may as well benefit from all the modern advancements in mental help. Don't ignore your problems, they will never get better.
RequiresPsychiatric Help II (Metaphysics tree)

Dream Whispers

Tier 0

Lately, you've been thinking of things in new ways. The numerous sciences feel new to you again, and you are anxious to utilize fresh methodologies in your experimentation and theorizing.

This all came about thanks to your dreams, where you swear you've heard voices whispering new theories and formulas to you. Obviously it's just your genius manifesting while you sleep, but it feels like more to you. You are compelled to investigate these thoughts.

Emergent Technology

Tier 2

You're trying to delve into ways to improve existing technology as well as new sorts of machines and ideas beyond those of your peers. No topic is too strange!

You've been dreaming of a mathmatical formula that has been driving you slowly mad...and the only solution is to unscramble the numbers until the formulas speak to you. Whatever comes of it will surely be amazing!
RequiresMetaphysics (Metaphysics tree)

Particle Entropy

Tier 3

Conventional physics says that all energy simply becomes something else, and that nothing is truly ever destroyed. You're out to prove this wrong, because you know better! You can reach right into subspace and manipulate the fabric of reality to create a new sort of matter, and can construct potent robotic minions.
RequiresEmergent Technology (Metaphysics tree)

Biomorphic Particles

Tier 5

Being this smart sure is great! Nobody understands particles quite like you do, and you've got a way to prove it: By combining particles with biomass to form entirely new constructs that violate the ordinary laws of existence!
RequiresForbidden Knowledge (Metaphysics tree)

Reality Bridge

Tier 6

The Reality Bridge is a new theory you've formulated that states that all things in creation are connected to all other things, regardless of their dimensional phase or location. You can link biology with technology, biomass with particle antimatter...and limitless other things.

This is what they get for doubting you.
RequiresBiomorphic Particles (Metaphysics tree)