Nocturn Array

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Item icon fu nocturnarray.png Item image fu nocturnarray.png
Nocturn Array
Generates energy out of darkness. Can potentially generate 10W.
Category wire
Rarity rare
Price 300
Colony tags science macabre madness
ID fu_nocturnarray

Nocturn Array is the opposite of Solar Panel. The darker it is around the Nocturn Array, the more power it will generate. Its maximum output is 10W (in complete darkness).

Unlike the solar generators, Nocturn Array doesn't have any higher-tier upgrades like Solar Tower.

Power output

  • If light <= 0.01, Nocturn Array produces 10W.
  • If 0.01 < light <= 0.15, it produces 8W.
  • If 0.15 < light <= 0.35, it produces 5W.
  • If 0.35 < light <= 0.5, it produces 3W.
  • If light > 0.5, then it doesn't produce anything.

Nocturn Array is affected by light of torches, etc., but for this calculation they are considered to be 3 times less bright than they really are (see List of lights for how bright are the light sources).

Unlike the Solar Panel, Nocturn Array can work underground, and it doesn't care about day/night cycle. However, it doesn't work when submerged in liquids.

How to obtain

Power Station

Power sources
Low-tech (fuel) Alternator Generator (=4W) · Combustion Generator (=12W) · Hydraulic Dynamo (5-21W, depending on fuel)
Low-tech (renewable) Solar Panel (<=4W) · Solar Array (<=10W) · Solar Tower (<=24W) · Wind Turbine (<12W) · Weather Beacon (tool to check light/wind level)
Madness Neuro-Psionic Generator (=60W) · Nocturn Array (<=10W, renewable)
Advanced Fission Reactor (10-360W, depending on fuel, + has useful byproducts) · Small Fusion Reactor (15-360W, depending on fuel) · Large Fusion Reactor (35-600W, depending on fuel) · Quantum Reactor (60-620W, depending on fuel)
Precursor Precursor Reactor (up to 1055W, noncraftable: can only be found)