Protocite Bar

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Item icon protocitebar.png
Protocite Bar
A bar of compressed protocite, found on Protoworlds.
Category craftingMaterial
Rarity uncommon
Price 270
Tags reagent
ID protocitebar

Protocite, found primarily on Proto Worlds, is one of the biggest 'da f*** is this?!?' things in the universe; this metal liquefies readily at even very low temperatures (>10K) and yet is seen as a solid all over; light and energy are gratuitously thrown off by it without any chemical/radiological processes; and it is (most importantly) not supposed to exist. By that I mean: it didn't come from our universe. Nobody knows who or what brought this metal here.

Because it generates so much energy, protocite is used in fuel and batteries. These can be (and are) used in ion and plasma weaponry to devastating effect.

When ingested, protocite is a Class XV (Immediately Life-Threatening) cytotoxin and carcinogen. It is highly radioactive and can kill in doses lower than that of polonium; thus, this material is best handled with especial care.

Protocite, due to its high value and toxicity, is rarely used for non-scientific/military purposes. The price of protocite is exorbitant thanks to its main location: highly volatile, mutagenic biomes.

How to obtain


Industrial Furnace


Electric Furnace

Blast Furnace

Arc Smelter


Trading Station Terminal

(3.4% chance to be in stock)

Used for


Assembly Line


Chemistry Lab

Colony Station

Engineering Bench

Foraging Table

Industrial Furnace

Industrial Workbench

Matter Assembler

Mech Part Crafting Table


Personal Tricorder

Power Station

Psionics Table


Wooden Workbench