Telebrium Chakram

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Item icon telebriumchakram.png
Telebrium Chakram
Bounces off walls

Counts as 'energy' for set bonuses

Category chakram
Tier 2
Primary Damage per hit: 6
Rate of fire: 1.7
Rarity common
Price 165
Stack size 1
Two-handed? No
Upgradeable? Yes
Tags weapon chakram telebrium upgradeableWeapon
ID telebriumchakram

This weapon will attempt to fly to the location clicked (if within range) or out to its maximum range of 20 tiles in that direction. If it doesn't hit anything, then it will attempt to hover in place for approximately 1 second before flying back to the user. If at any moment the Telebrium Chakram hits a solid block, it will immediately fly back to the user. If it hits a target, it will deal poison damage, apply a small poison damage-over-time, and instantly teleport back to the user.

The Telebrium Chakram dimly illuminates areas. It does not pierce targets.

How to obtain
