Proto World

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Biome: Proto World
Biome image protoworld.jpg
Found on planets Proto World (primary biome), Irradiated, Chromatic
ID protoworld

Proto Worlds would seem to be the result of a bit of "mad science". They can be quite volatile with their frequent storms, some even dropping deadly Bio-Ooze instead of rain. This powerful poison can also be found in pools above and underground on these worlds.

However, despite the apparent dangers, Proto Worlds prove to be valuable to any spacefaring scientist. Proto Worlds are just about the only place one can find Protocite. It can also be found in its liquid form here as well, both of which can be used to craft a multitude of tools, weapons, and so forth.


Proto Worlds are typically covered in tall trees and a large variety of plants. The soil and even the rock that forms the planet's surface have a uniquely colorful appearance unlike anything found on other planets. Almost everything you see on a Proto World is 100% Frackin Universe original.


Proto-Worlds are permeated with a strange sort of toxin that seeps in through exposed skin and drains the player's health. In order to survive long enough to gather Protocite, you must harvest the Vextongue plant, which, when eaten will give the player temporary Proto-Poison immunity. Alternately, you can craft a Type-S Survival Pack ahead of time, which grants full time immunity & also grants health + energy buffs & protects from electrical storms.

There are powerful and dangerous storms to watch out for as well as Bio-Ooze to avoid, even underground. Threat levels vary, but typically Proto-Worlds don't teeter much on the extreme end, with most being Moderate or Dangerous at worst. The lack of atmospheric dangers means that a careful adventurer can seek out Protocite fairly easily by digging underground and watching one's footing, drawing little attention from the local wildlife.

As mentioned, storms don't always drop Bio-Ooze but they will still cause damage both to the player and to plants growing on the surface. This will make collection of plants and fibres much simpler, but at the risk of taking damage from the storms.

Codex description

These bizarre planets are not inhospitable, but the natural biological slime there can melt your flesh. Plus the slime storms, ew. And really, really weird plant life. But they are the only place to get the extremely valuable Protocite. You'll need it.

Notable Features

You can find on these worlds Protocite and Trianglium Ore.


  • Name: Proto World
  • Tier: 3 - 4.4
  • Found around stars: Temperate Star, Radioactive Star, Frozen Star, Binary Star, Red Star, Blue Star, Dying Star
  • Light level (day): 0.26 - 0.86: 0.26 (34%), 0.57 (34%), 0.43 (23%), 0.86 (12%)
  • Average output of Wind Turbine: 1W - 11W: 9W (34%), 1W (12%), 3W (12%), 6W (12%), 7W (12%), 8W (12%), 11W (12%)


Layer Primary region Secondary regions Dungeons


Proto World
  • Cave liquid: Black Tar Bio-Ooze Organic Soup Helium-3 Slime

biome/region ID: protoworld

Status effects
  • Proto Poison (Resist: Poison) Proto Poison (Resist: Poison) (immune at: 45% Poison)
Weather pools

Type 1 (average wind: 8W)

  • Weather icon heavyrain.png Torrential Rain 20%
  • (clear) 10%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 10%
  • Weather icon acidrain.png Acid Rain 10%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 10%
  • Weather icon fulightningrain.png Rainy Lightning Storm 10%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 10%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 10%
  • (heatwave) 10%

Type 2 (average wind: 3W)

  • (clear) 75%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 10%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 5%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 5%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 3%
  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 2%

Type 3 (average wind: 1W)

  • Weather icon groundmist.png Mist 25%
  • Weather icon fog.png Fog 25%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 25%
  • (fumisty) 25%

Type 4 (average wind: 7W)

  • (clear) 40%
  • Weather icon fupretty.png Butterfly Migration 20%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 20%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 20%

Type 5 (average wind: 9W)

  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 40%
  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 20%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 10%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 10%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 10%
  • (futhunderclaplesser) 10%

Type 6 (average wind: 9W)

  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 44.44%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 11.11%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 11.11%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 11.11%
  • (futhunderclap) 11.11%
  • (futhunderclaplesser) 11.11%

Type 7 (average wind: 11W)

  • Weather icon windstorm.png Windstorms 85%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 10%
  • Weather icon hurricane.png Hurricane 5%

Type 8 (average wind: 9W)

  • (clear) 24.79%
  • Weather icon biorain.png Bio Rain 16.53%
  • Weather icon slimestormlesser.png Weak Slime Storm 16.53%
  • Weather icon fulightningstorm.png Lightning Storm 8.26%
  • Weather icon hurricaneelectric.png Electric Storm 8.26%
  • Weather icon acidrain.png Acid Rain 8.26%
  • (insanitystorm) 4.13%
  • Weather icon slimestorm.png Slime Storm 4.13%
  • Weather icon gravrainlight.png Light Anti-Gravity Rain 4.13%
  • Weather icon orangegravrainlight.png Light Gravity Rain 4.13%
  • Weather icon darkblast.png Dark Matter Blasts 0.83%

Type 9 (average wind: 6W)

  • (clear) 19.05%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 19.05%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 19.05%
  • Weather icon heavyrain.png Torrential Rain 9.52%
  • Weather icon fog.png Fog 9.52%
  • Weather icon staticcharge.png Static Charge 9.52%
  • Weather icon hurricane.png Hurricane 4.76%
  • Weather icon hurricaneelectric.png Electric Storm 4.76%
  • Weather icon windstorm.png Windstorms 4.76%
Infested Biome
  • Cave liquid: Blood Plasmic Fluid Pus Bio-Ooze

biome/region ID: futentacle

Wart Field
  • Cave liquid: Organic Soup Slime

biome/region ID: wartfield

Wasteland Mini Biome
  • Cave liquid: Dark Water Contaminated Water Oil

biome/region ID: wastelandmini

Alien Desert
  • Cave liquid: Healing Water Plasmic Fluid Liquid Protocite Liquid Irradium Loose Silt

biome/region ID: aliendesert

Birch Forest
  • Cave liquid: Water

biome/region ID: birchforest

Alien Forest
  • Cave liquid: Water Blue Grav-Liquid Liquified Crystal

biome/region ID: alienforest

Red Waste
  • Cave liquid: Oil Black Tar Loose Silt

biome/region ID: reddesert

Cloud Forest
  • Cave liquid: Water

biome/region ID: cloudforest

Rainbow Wood (biome)
  • Cave liquid: Healing Water Organic Soup Blue Grav-Liquid

biome/region ID: rainbowforest

  • Cave liquid: Swamp Water

biome/region ID: swamp

Hell Hive
  • Cave liquid: Crimson Honey Blood

biome/region ID: hellhive

Eldritch Field
  • Cave liquid: Essentia Obscura Bio-Ooze Dark Water

biome/region ID: elder

Eldritch Forest
  • Cave liquid: Bio-Ooze Pus Dark Water

biome/region ID: corruptedforest

Icefire Forest
  • Cave liquid: Lava Liquid Nitrogen

biome/region ID: icefire

Dark Zone
  • Cave liquid: Liquified Crystal Dark Water Black Tar Contaminated Water

biome/region ID: energyorbforest

Tar Pits
  • Cave liquid: Black Tar

biome/region ID: pitchfield

Blister Bush Field
  • Cave liquid: Plasmic Fluid Slime

biome/region ID: blisterbushfield

Ancient Glade
  • Cave liquid: Water Black Tar Swamp Water Healing Water Contaminated Water

biome/region ID: primevalforest

Irradiated Glade
  • Cave liquid: Poison Dark Water Slime Contaminated Water

biome/region ID: irradiatedwaste

Bloodstone Woods
  • Cave liquid: Blood Caliginous Gas

biome/region ID: bloodstonefield


biome/region ID: desert

  • Cave liquid: Healing Water

biome/region ID: oasis

Tar (biome)
  • Cave liquid: Oil

biome/region ID: tar


biome/region ID: colourful


biome/region ID: bones


biome/region ID: eyepatch

  • Cave liquid: Water

biome/region ID: forest


biome/region ID: spring

Mushroom Patch

biome ID: mushroompatch
region ID: mushroom

Giant Flowers

biome/region ID: giantflowers


biome/region ID: alpine

  • Cave liquid: Lava

biome/region ID: volcanic

Geode (biome)

biome/region ID: geode


biome/region ID: rust

Lava (biome)
  • Ocean liquid: Lava

biome/region ID: magma

  • Cave liquid: Water

biome/region ID: savannah

  • Apex city
  • Apex military complex
  • Apex research complex
  • Apex test chamber
  • Apex test facility
  • Avian airship
  • Avian crypt
  • Avian deep pyramid
  • Avian native village
  • Avian pyramid
  • Avian temple
  • Avian village
  • Floran canyon
  • Floran green tower
  • Floran hell
  • Floran hunting grounds
  • Floran hut village
  • Floran village tower
  • Fungal den
  • Glitch castle
  • Glitch dungeon
  • Glitch farm
  • Glitch fortress
  • Glitch joust
  • Glitch sewer
  • Glitch village
  • Human apartments
  • Human bunker
  • Human camp
  • Hylotl castle
  • Hylotl city
  • Lakes
  • Novakid outlaw camp
  • Novakid village
  • Ocean city
  • Science complex
  • USCM military base
  • USCM penal colony
  • Unidentified spaceship
  • Unknown alien ruins
  • Unknown green ruins
  • Volcano
  • Weapons factory
  • crystalcavern
  • cultistlair
  • elderruins
  • elderruins
  • fupeglacipeacekeeper
  • mantiziestate
  • shipwreck


Proto Caves
  • Cave liquid: Water Black Tar Organic Soup Bio-Ooze Poison Helium-3

biome/region ID: protoworldunderground


Proto Caves
  • Cave liquid: Water Black Tar Organic Soup Bio-Ooze Poison Helium-3

biome/region ID: protoworldunderground

Infested Cave
  • Cave liquid: Blood Plasmic Fluid Essentia Obscura Pus Bio-Ooze

biome/region ID: futentacleunderground

Underground Hell Hive
  • Cave liquid: Crimson Honey

biome/region ID: ffhellhiveunderground

Crystalline Expanse
  • Cave liquid: Organic Soup Dark Water Blue Grav-Liquid Healing Water Lava Poison Bio-Ooze

biome/region ID: ffcrystalrealm

Zen Caves (vanilla)
  • Cave liquid: Healing Water

biome/region ID: zen

Old Hive
  • Cave liquid: Dark Water Black Tar

biome/region ID: hiveold

Tar Pit
  • Cave liquid: Oil Black Tar

biome ID: fftarpit
region ID: fftarunderground

Volcanic Caves
  • Cave liquid: Lava Black Tar

biome/region ID: ffvolcanic

Zen Caves (FU)
  • Cave liquid: Water Poison

biome/region ID: ffzen

Cell Caves (vanilla)
  • Cave liquid: Poison

biome/region ID: cellcaves

Cell Caves (FU)
  • Cave liquid: Blood Pus Healing Water

biome/region ID: ffcellcaves

Irradiated Cavern
  • Cave liquid: Swamp Water Poison Bio-Ooze Slime

biome/region ID: irradiatedunderground


Proto Caves
  • Cave liquid: Water Black Tar Organic Soup Bio-Ooze Poison Helium-3

biome/region ID: protoworldunderground

Precursor Underground
  • Cave liquid: Black Tar Hydrogen Nitrogen Bio-Ooze Caliginous Gas Helium-3 Blue Grav-Liquid Orange Grav-Liquid

biome/region ID: precursorunderground

Infested Cave
  • Cave liquid: Blood Plasmic Fluid Essentia Obscura Pus Bio-Ooze

biome/region ID: futentacleunderground

Underground Hell Hive
  • Cave liquid: Crimson Honey

biome/region ID: ffhellhiveunderground

Crystalline Expanse
  • Cave liquid: Organic Soup Dark Water Blue Grav-Liquid Healing Water Lava Poison Bio-Ooze

biome/region ID: ffcrystalrealm

Zen Caves (vanilla)
  • Cave liquid: Healing Water

biome/region ID: zen

Old Hive
  • Cave liquid: Dark Water Black Tar

biome/region ID: hiveold

Tar Pit
  • Cave liquid: Oil Black Tar

biome ID: fftarpit
region ID: fftarunderground

Volcanic Caves
  • Cave liquid: Lava Black Tar

biome/region ID: ffvolcanic

Zen Caves (FU)
  • Cave liquid: Water Poison

biome/region ID: ffzen

Cell Caves (vanilla)
  • Cave liquid: Poison

biome/region ID: cellcaves

Cell Caves (FU)
  • Cave liquid: Blood Pus Healing Water

biome/region ID: ffcellcaves

Irradiated Cavern
  • Cave liquid: Swamp Water Poison Bio-Ooze Slime

biome/region ID: irradiatedunderground


Proto Caves
  • Cave liquid: Water Black Tar Organic Soup Bio-Ooze Poison Helium-3

biome/region ID: protoworldunderground

Precursor Underground
  • Cave liquid: Black Tar Hydrogen Nitrogen Bio-Ooze Caliginous Gas Helium-3 Blue Grav-Liquid Orange Grav-Liquid

biome/region ID: precursorunderground

Infested Cave
  • Cave liquid: Blood Plasmic Fluid Essentia Obscura Pus Bio-Ooze

biome/region ID: futentacleunderground

Underground Hell Hive
  • Cave liquid: Crimson Honey

biome/region ID: ffhellhiveunderground

Crystalline Expanse
  • Cave liquid: Organic Soup Dark Water Blue Grav-Liquid Healing Water Lava Poison Bio-Ooze

biome/region ID: ffcrystalrealm

Zen Caves (vanilla)
  • Cave liquid: Healing Water

biome/region ID: zen

Old Hive
  • Cave liquid: Dark Water Black Tar

biome/region ID: hiveold

Tar Pit
  • Cave liquid: Oil Black Tar

biome ID: fftarpit
region ID: fftarunderground

Volcanic Caves
  • Cave liquid: Lava Black Tar

biome/region ID: ffvolcanic

Zen Caves (FU)
  • Cave liquid: Water Poison

biome/region ID: ffzen

Cell Caves (vanilla)
  • Cave liquid: Poison

biome/region ID: cellcaves

Cell Caves (FU)
  • Cave liquid: Blood Pus Healing Water

biome/region ID: ffcellcaves

Irradiated Cavern
  • Cave liquid: Swamp Water Poison Bio-Ooze Slime

biome/region ID: irradiatedunderground


Blaststone Core Layer
  • Ocean liquid: Lava
  • Cave liquid: Lava

biome ID: blaststonecorelayer
region ID: core

Magmarock Core Layer
  • Ocean liquid: Lava
  • Cave liquid: Lava

biome ID: magmarockcorelayer
region ID: core

Obsidian Core Layer
  • Ocean liquid: Lava
  • Cave liquid: Lava

biome ID: obsidiancorelayer
region ID: core

Proto Core
  • Ocean liquid: Liquid Protocite
  • Cave liquid: Bio-Ooze

biome ID: protocorelayer
region ID: liquidprotocore

Proto Core
  • Ocean liquid: Bio-Ooze
  • Cave liquid: Bio-Ooze Helium-3 Caliginous Gas

biome ID: protocorelayer
region ID: protocore



biome/region ID: clouds


Elder Asteroids

biome/region ID: elderasteroid


biome/region ID: asteroids

Corrupt Asteroids

biome/region ID: corruptasteroid

Erchius Asteroids

biome/region ID: erchiusasteroid

Gleaming Asteroids

biome/region ID: gleamingasteroid

Ice Asteroids

biome/region ID: iceasteroids

Flesh Blobs

biome/region ID: fleshasteroid

Tentacle Mass

biome/region ID: tentacleasteroid

Slime Asteroids

biome/region ID: slimeasteroid


Biome blocks

Biome chests

Biome monsters

Any 4 of the following:

Any 4 of the following:

Biome objects

Drops from breakable objects

Biome trees

Atmospheric Condenser

How to obtain
