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Rajaflora SPIIIIIIN.gif
A mutation of the common genus.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 15 Radioactive 0 Poison 100 Electric 50 Fire -50 Ice 50 Cosmic 0 Shadow -99
ID bandraflora3

The Rajaflora is a unique evolution of the rare Mandraflora, whom can only be found in Giant Flower Biomes. This variety is noted by it's pale blue shell, dull greenish grey eyes, and the prominent green particle effect that surrounds it's body. One of the primary differences possessed by the Rajaflora is that it's spinning capabilities are taken to an entirely new level, becoming an incarnate of SPEED. As one would imagine, the primary adaptation this creature has developed is the ability to fling itself at targets at such incredible speeds it often turns a creature to bloody paste upon contact. Upon seeing a target, the Rajaflora begins to spin at high speeds, upon reaching a rapid spin, it launches toward it's target. Additionally, the Rajaflora possesses a short range slime spew attack. This attack inflicts the slow status, slowing the target significantly, and has a moderate chance of inflicting poison - which deals low damage over time.

For such adaptations to be necessary, one would assume the Rajaflora must have grown in a tough environment and adapted to survive. However, it is more commonly believed that Rajaflora secretly just enjoy murdering the fhawk out of everything not part of their root system.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ The Rajaflora makes an excellent pet for a body shield, given it retains 50% hp when captured, and it's base is 150 - significantly more than many other creatures in the universe. Additionally, this creature is quite rare, and can make for a trophy of sorts.

~ This creature can literally kill itself with how ludicrously high it's movement speed and charge distance/height has been turned up. Standing directly above this creature at the moment of a charge, causes it to launch directly in the air. Prepare your sides because I was dying of laughter the first time I saw this thing rocket at mach10 into the stratosphere. It launches itself so high, that with no ceiling to stop it, the Rajaflora will take 151 falling damage on a directly vertical launch, killing itself instantly, when it finally returns to the ground.

Rajaflora Luna's Lab.png

How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 1 of the following:

Any 4 of the following:

Any 3 of the following:

Used for


Monster drops

Monster drops (hunting)