Hell Hive

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Biome: Hell Hive
Biome image hellhive.jpg
Found on planets Shadow Moon, Nightmare Atropus, Aether World, Lightless, Tar Ball, Dark Primeval, Volcanic Primeval, Bloodstone, Volcanic, Wasteland, Irradiated, Alien, Chromatic, Forest, Proto World, Shadow Proto World, Penumbra, Strange Sea
ID hellhive

Hell Hive is a subbiome populated by murderous bees. It is rich in both food sources (Raw Steak and tentacles, anyone?) and mineable ores, but at the cost of red bees all over the place ready to sting you in your who-knows-what. It is​ called a Hell Hive for a reason, after all.


Hell Hives are overall quite easy to traverse - unless you count the bees, the cobwebs, and the admittedly unappealing scenery. First off, they consist mostly of Honey Material, Red Honeycombs... and Spider Silk, which will induce a debuff that decreases your movement rapidly but leaves shortly after stepping off of a Spider Silk block. On top of this lie 'disgusting blobs of seeping flesh', Heck Lights (both of which procure Raw Steak, Raw Tentacles, and Flesh Strands), Heck Pillars, Heck Altars, and many, many more weird and disgusting things.

On the bright side, Hell Hives are also good resources of Gold, Solarium, Cinnabar, and possibly a couple other resources, so you might want to plan a trip to a planet that has one. Or don't. I mean, do you really​ want to traverse a biome swarming with bees and gross stuff? Do you?

Come.png Bees. Why'd it have to be bees?


Biome blocks

Biome chests

Biome monsters

All of the following:

Biome objects

Drops from breakable objects

Biome trees

How to obtain
