Delta Freya II

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Delta Freya II is a very difficult mission involving lots of enemies, and some of the strongest bosses in the mod. It is generally considered the "Final Level" of Frackin' Universe. The mission is heavily influenced by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and John Carpenter, especially "The Thing" and the short story "At the Mountains of Madness".

This mission is unlocked by finding a Tattered Grimoire in a secret area of the vanilla Glitch mission (Baron's Keep). You'll need a microsphere for this - pay attention to Esther's radio messages. You can then beam to Delta Freya II through S.A.I.L.'s interface, as with other instance missions.

Take Note: This can be a very difficult mission if not properly prepared. Take your time while doing the mission and read Every codex you find. Some books have valuable crafting recipes used at an Elder Altar, while others give vital hints needed to solve the puzzles found within this mission.

The following are essential to surviving Delta Freya II:

  • Tier 6+ armour and weapons, the mission is rated tier 7+ so come geared accordingly.
    • Breath. If your armour of choice does not have breathing built in, you will need either a breathing EPP or the rebreather augment.
    • Extreme cold immunity, or 60% cold resistance. Races which suffer penalties in cold biomes - Delta Freya II is considered an Ice Waste - may need further preparations to meet this level.
    • Some means to combat Insanity and Madness. 0 armour will quickly become fatal, and this mission is challenging enough without madness effects to contend with.
    • Resistance to Sulphuric Acid and Liquid Nitrogen will be helpful.
  • Multiple damage types. Some enemies are immune to one or more damage types, and many key enemies are broadly resistant to multiple damage types. Do not rely on a singular type of damage, or risk death. Silver weapons (including Penumbrite) are effective here, assuming they're upgraded sufficiently. Fire-element weapons are also quite useful, as Fire tends to be the least commonly resisted element against the enemies found here. Cosmic and Shadow weapons tend to be highly ineffective
  • An explosive of some variety, to get past a blast door. The distortion sphere bomb is effective here.
  • Food. Unlike a lot of other instanced missions, you can starve on this mission.
  • Any light source. Growing a supply of Oonforta Globule is great for this - the light they emit is rather bright and lasts a long time.
  • Jump and Microsphere techs are very useful.
  • A Hookshot, Grappling Hook, jump techs, Physics Field etc. to cross platforms over a deep ravine.
  • Many healing items, the horrors within DFII are keen to prey on the unwary and unprepared.

A rudimentary guide to Delta Freya II:

  • Enter the building [this text is scratched out with glowing claw marks], there's a switch in the top right of the building that opens the door to downstairs, turn the power on down there to leave.
  • After crossing the icy area and getting into the elder area, there is a door that will stay closed if you have a glow effect, otherwise it will be open.
  • At the chains, one of them will open the door(and spawn a miniboss), I pull a chain, wait a bit, and then un-pull it if the door doesn't open. If you have a glow effect here, the lava to the left will start flowing.
  • Go all the way down and to the right, in the liquid area, pull the switch in the hole to the top right instead of going through the hole in the floor, this will speed things up later.
  • At the bottom of the fire platforms, the switch causes lava to start filling the room, enemies to spawn, and a sigil on the background that will prevent your character from going up or down periodically. Get out of there and go to the left, where the door there will now be open.
  • For the next puzzle there are 4 switches, it's always exactly two of them. I suspect it has something to do with the elderstone above them, my theories are either the ones that are square, or the ones that are most similar, but rotated. [The world 'sometimes' is scratched in after]
  • Proceeding down the stairs and past the respawn point, go left and flip the switch down below
  • Continue left, up, across the ravine, and flip the switch. There is a small door on the left wall of the ravine that if opened would lead to the boss, but I do not know how to open it.
  • Come back to the right of the respawn point, past the now open door and up. In the room there is a sea monster and a switch, after pulling the switch, the door will close and the room will flood. To the top right there is a hole and switch that allows you to leave downwards.
  • Back down and through the newly opened door, there is a miniboss fight, the door will not open until all enemies are defeated.
  • There is a puzzle with 8 switches, two alone and 6 in a 2x3 pattern. Flip the first solo switch and [more text is scratched out with deep, glowing claw marks] This will take a lot longer if lava is what is flowing. The liquid opens a door to the right with a switch.
  • Past the respawn point to the left there are 3 doors opened by pressure plates immediately before them, the area is dark, but there are two enemies waiting directly after the 3rd door.
  • There is a long room with several enemies in it, at the end The Shoggoth spawns in a Bowser-style fight where it chases you and destroys the pillars.
  • After killing The Shoggoth, all enemies must be killed in order for the door at the end to open. This process can be quite annoying if you killed The Shoggoth early in the room.