Evernight Jungle

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Evernight Jungle is an extra dungeon categorized as threat 5. Talk to S.A.I.L. to beam there.

You will need to find and interact with a map to unlock the quest and the dungeon location in S.A.I.L. interface. The map appears in common mini-structures on Bog planets.
A Strange Map (3) found within the Fungal Den of a Jungle planet

Quest Reward
1 Transmutation Matrix, 5 Microparticle Brush, 1 Alien Broadcast Node, 1 Quagmutt Figurine, 1 Research Holodisc
Items Requirement
As the name of the dungeon warn you, a light source will be handy. You will find poison during this mission so poison resistance can help, but you can easily not fall in those ponds.

Dungeon Guide

This dungeon will mostly put you against Frogs wielding various guns and Cultists wielding melee weapons. One path will also have a few monsters.

First part of the dungeon

You will start the dungeon at a teleporter at the bottom of a cliff. Head to the right and you will reach a crossroad: climbing the stairs will lead you to the Frogs Village, where you will have to fight a lot of Frogs and Cultists, while the path leading underground will first lead you to some old ruins where you will find a few monsters and traps, and Frogs/Cultists later on.

Frogs Village

Climb the stairs and you will reach a broken bridge crossing a poison pond. After crossing the metal gate to the right of this pond, watch your step because 3 poison mines lay on the ground. You will then find the first house of the Frogs Village. A Frog is ambushed behind a window of the house and a Cultist patrol inside the house. You will then reach the bulk of the Village. Climb on the first platform where 2 Frogs and 1 Cultist will attack you. Get to the platform above you using the stairs to your right. Another Frog is ambushed behind a window of the house to your right. You will need to enter this house, but it is locked from the inside. Instead head to the stairs to your left and enter the house you find there. 1 Frog and 1 Cultist await you on the ground floor and another Frog wait near the exit at the top of the house. Exit this house through the door at the top right and you will reach another small building guarded by 2 Frogs. The window to the right of this building and open and it give you a clear line of shot inside the bell tower to your right. Shoot the explosive barrel inside that tower to open the locked door from before.

Backtrack to this door and you can enter the house now. 3 Frogs and 1 Cultist are patrolling inside. You will need to activate the console found in the upper stairs of this house. Exit the house and head back to the platform below you. The house to your right is guarded by a single Frog. To the right of this house, you will see some Ancient technology and a hatch leading you below (1 Frog stands of the hatch). To open this hatch, you will need to activate one more console. To the right, 2 Frogs and 1 Cultist will attack you. Climb the stairs above the hatch and watch out for the 2 Frogs ambushed at windows to your left and right. Once you're at the top of the stairs, enter the house to the right. 4 Cultists and 1 Frog are patrolling inside. On the top floor, you will find the second consoles required to open the hatch. Activate it and head back to the hatch to enter the second part of the dungeon.

Underground Path

Climb down the stairs and cross the poison pond you find. You will then reach a swamp water pond. 2 poison mines are hidden inside that pond. The locked door to your right is a shortcut you can unlock further inside the dungeon, so just follow the stairs leading below. Jump down the cliff and you will land in a pool of slime (the pool is not big enough to mitigate fall dammages). Once you reach the middle of the pool, 6 Slimetops will attack you. The door to the left lead you to some old ruins. At the bottom of the stairs, 2 Pteropods await you, and 3 more Pteropods are patrolling above the swamp water pond to the right. To the right of the pond, you will find a small room above you with explosive barrels and a console. S.A.I.L. will tell you that you need a guided rocket launchers to blow up the barrels and open a room to your right. Don't listen to S.A.I.L.. You can enter the area where the barrels are with the Double Jump tech and a Sphere tech, or just use a Spike Sphere to climb the walls. Once you're inside blow up the barrels or turn the console on and you will open a small room with Pixel dispensers and Diamond deposits to your right. Once you're done looting, take the path below this room. You will reach stairs leading up with lasers shooting periodically. You can fit between 2 lasers by crouching. Keep making your way through the ruins until you find a door opened by a console. A poison mine is set in the swamp water pond behind the door. You will then find a locked door to your right (more in the Secrets section) and platforms leading you up. Climb the platforms and you will reach an area guarded by Frogs and Cultists.

You will exit the ruins in a small house. 2 Cultists and 1 Frog await to the left of the house. Cross the swamp water pond to the left and you will reach another house guarded by 2 Frogs and 1 Cultist. Exit this house through the door at the top right and climb the stairs leading you to another house. 2 Frogs patrolling the house and 1 ambushed at the window to your left might spot you depending on your timing. Inside the house, 1 Frog and 1 Cultist will attack you. You will also find a locked door in this house leading you to some minor loot (more in the Secrets section). Exit the house to the right and you will reach a platform defended by 2 Frogs and 1 Cultist. You will find a friendly merchant Frog on this platform and a switch above you. Pull this switch to open the door to the right of the platform, leading you to the second part of the dungeon.

Second part of the dungeon

Once you reach the second part of the dungeon, you might hate this mode creator: to open the door, you will have to activate the console, dropping the dog in the lava and killing it. There's no way around it, you have to kill the dog to complete the dungeon. Climb down the stairs and then ignore the room to your right for now and go through the platforms leading below. The room to your left will have another console that will open the door below you and drop the cat in poison, thus killing it. You will find a few Pixels dispensers if you kill the cat. At the bottom of the platforms, you will find a dark room to your right. Entering it will lock the door behind you. You will need to cross the stone bridge to reach the console at the other side of the room, opening the door from where you entered and allowing you to cross the room above you. However, 4 Frogs are ambushed in the swamp water below you and 5 poison mines are set on the bridge. There's also spike in the swamp water, so jumping down there is not recommended. Once the console is activated, exit the room and head back to the room to the right above you. Hard light platforms are now activated inside the room. Those platforms will block lasers shot from the roof/floor, so use them to cross the room.

You will the reach a checkpoint before entering a long vertical room. You will need to make your way to the top of the room, amidst laser shooting horizontally, platforms appearing/disappearing, moving platforms and fire traps. If this was not enough, poison will start dropping from the top of the room, slowly filling the room with poison. After the moving platforms part, the poison will stop dropping and 2 Frogs will attack you. Exit the room through the door at the top right and you will reach one final room before the end of the dungeon. Stairs will lead you to the top of this room, but 4 Frogs are ambushed at windows along the way. You will then reach the last room of the dungeon where you will only find the diamond pedestal to turn in the quest and the teleporter to get back to your ship. The room with the loot is locked to your left (more in the Secrets section).


During your exploration of the underground, you may have seen a few locked door. Behind those doors you will find a few chests. There's also a locked door at the very end of the dungeon. Find out here how to open these doors.