Baron's Keep

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To arms! For the Baron!

The Baron's Keep is the penultimate mission of the vanilla main questline. You are tasked with retrieving the Glitch Artifact, but things get much more complicated when the Occassus show up to claim it for their own nefarious purposes.

Frackin Universe makes drastic changes to this Mission. For starters, The Baron has more guards besides the two archers on the towers. There are now three guard towers, interconnected by a wooden walkway, that span almost the entirety of the field, instead of just one tower near the gate. Spawns can now occur on both the top level of these walkways, and the lower "floor" of the area.

Said spawns still consist of Occassus Cultists donning medieval gear. However, said cultists (well, the archers, anyway) have a bigger variety of bows (and crossbows) to draw from. Also, they are now joined by cultists wielding more modern (Frackin) weapons (Fresh from the Hylotl mission), as well as various creatures (including a few cosmic intruders they've managed to pull out of cyberspace... somehow.) Rumor has it that they have been hanging onto a few massive dinosaurs for just such an occasion, though that remains unconfirmed.

The Bone Dragon has also received a tune-up. It has a bit more health, and has learned a few more tricks.

The Baron believes that there is a second, much more ominous artifact buried somewhere underneath the Keep. But this is most assuredly not true. You should not dig around with your Matter Manipulator or other digging tools, especially near totally non-suspicious bricks. Because there is definitely nothing there, and you'd be wasting your time looking.