Ancient Temple

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Ancient Temple is an extra dungeon categorized as threat 2. Talk to S.A.I.L. to beam there.

Once you reach the Outpost, complete the quest "Visit the Outpost" given by Esther to receive a Strange Map as reward. Place that map on a wall and interact with it to receive the Ancient Temple quest and unlock the quest location in S.A.I.L. interface.
Quest Reward
1 Murder Manipulator, 30 Iron Bars, 1 Crystalline Trophy, 1 Trictus Figurine, 400 Research
Items requirement
Some oxygen source.

Dungeon Guide

When you beam to the dungeon, two paths are open to you. You can either go to the right toward the temple main entrance where you'll face angry avian cultist, or to the left, which will lead you to the underground and where you'll face some monsters.

Path to the right

If you go to the right, you'll be greeted by 2 cultists wielding bows right before the gate of the temple. Once inside the temple, you will see a closed door that you cannot open yet. Go upstairs where you'll find a big wooden door to your right and the cultists bedroom above you. Inside the bedroom, 5 cultists await you, 4 wielding sword and bow and the last one wielding a flamethrower, Who are guarding a few Crates. Behind the big wooden door, you'll find the temple garden which is guarded by 2 cultists wielding swords and bows and 1 commander wielding a spear.

After crossing the garden, you'll find a tower to the right which does not hold anything of value. Taking the path downstairs, you will find a merchant locked in a room. Just use the switch in front of the rooms door to unlock it and interact with the merchant if you need to sell some items to empty your inventory. Then follow the path to your left. You will find a button on the floor that will open the locked door to the left, but someone needs to stand on it to keep the door open. You cannot open this door alone, so take the path to the right. You'll reach the jail of the temple which is guarded by quite a lot of cultists. The first room to your right is guarded by 4 cultists wielding sword and bow. In this room, you'll find a switch that will open the cells downstairs, freeing the captives. You will also find a room guarded by 2 cultists wielding sword, 1 wielding a flamethrower and a commander wielding a spear.

Once you freed the captives, they will follow you like a crew member. Go back to the button on the ground and tell one of the captive to wait there so you can reach the room unlocked by this button. Inside this room you'll find a console that unlock the room you're in and another one that unlock the door that you couldn't open at the entrance of the temple. If you have a pet or a crew with you, you can skip freeing the captives and use them to open the door as well. (You can use one of the cultists to open the previous buttoned door if the captives die)

Backtrack to the entrance of the temple where the door leading to the depth of the temple is now open. You will need to go down a long staircase. If you use the inspect mode of your matter manipulator, you can spot some pressure plates on your way down. Stepping on them will release some enemies. The first one will release 2 flamethrower wielding cultists, one in front of you and one behind you. The second one will release 4 Snaunt, once again two in front of you and two behind you. Finally the third pressure plate will turn on the lights, no enemies this time. At the end of the stairs, you'll reach the Aberrant Sentry, a small boss you'll have to take down before going further. See below for information about the Sentry.

Path to the left

If you go to the left at the start of the map, you will find a well. Jump down and don't worry about fall damage, there's a large pool of Healing Water down there. You'll find 5 batons and 2 Sporgus in the first cavern. You will find after that a locked metal door. To open it, you need to dive into the pond below. You will need to swim through there to reach a lever that is guarded by 6 aggressive fish that will open the locked gate. along the way trough you will find a crossroad: the right path leading to the lever, while the path going down will lead to a room containing 2 chests and an aggressive fish. You will need the sphere tech to enter this room.

Once you activate the lever you can swim right out the now open hatch, go back up to the gate that is now open. In the next cavern you will find 4 juveniles Poptop and 1 adult one. You will then reach a huge cavern without any enemies. Slowly make your way down (don't just jump down, it's a pretty big fall). Once you reach the floor, if you head to the left, you will find a few chest, barrels and crates. They do not hold anything and opening the chest will remove the floor you came by. You will need to cross a pool of slime with 4 Miasmop to get back. There are two breakable rocks that contain ~10 copper ore each in the slime pool. Head to the right of the long cavern, where you will find a path leading you inside the temple at the end of witch has several wall doors just open them, straight into the room guarded by the Aberrant Sentry (see below for information about the Sentry).

After the Aberrant Sentry

After destroying the Sentry, interact with the jewel pedestal in the centre of the room. It will activate some timed platforms that you will need to use to reach the exit in the top right of the room(you can also skip this with the grapple hook). You will then reach a room containing a pool of slime. Inside it, 4 aggressive fish await to eat you while you are slowed by the slime, the floor of the pool is covered is spikes (which you can destroy with your weapon). Inside the pool, you will need to activate two iron shackles to open the way. They are situated at the bottom of the pool, one at the far left and the other at the far right. After activating the shackles, head out of the pool and go to the right. Go down the stairs and two paths will be open to you.

If you go to the right, the door will lock behind you. You will need something to cross a pillar blocking your way or you will be stuck there. You can either use a wall jump tech, a hook-shot or some rope to get above the pillar. The room behind the will pillar contain a pool of lava under the platform you stand on. In the centre of the room, you will find a console that will start draining the lava but cultists will start coming out of the doors surrounding the console. You will first fight 4 cultists wielding sword and bow, then 4 flamethrowers, then 4 commanders with spears. This fight can be a bit tricky if you do this dungeon early on, so be careful, if you die here you'll have to restart the dungeon from the beginning. Once the lava is fully drained, you can go down and activate the console that will open the door from where you came.

If you go to the left, you will have to cross a trapped room. A few seconds after you enter the room, laser will start falling from the roof, moving from the right of the room to the left, while 3 flamethrower trap on the floor will activate. Just run toward the left and jump above the flamethrower, the lasers are not faster than you. After this room, a path leading up will head in a room with a console opening a door leading back to the room you fought the Aberrant Sentry. Instead, go to the left and go down the stairs. You will find a room containing a few tombs to your right and stairs going further down. Following the stairs, you'll find a room with a pool of lava and some platforms above it. The platforms will start disappear once you move into the room, so just run and don't turn back. You will then reach a room guarded by a single spear wielding cultist. He has more health than the other one, but he shouldn't be a threat to you. You will then reach the last room of the dungeon, which contains... one chest, as well as the pedestal to complete the quest. Head down to find a teleporter to get back to your ship.

You can see that there's also 5 locked gates which block your way to more treasures. To open those gates, you need to find some hidden switches through the dungeon. The walkthrough for those secret can be found in the Secret part.


Aberrant Sentry: This boss is basically a tougher Kluex Sentry. It is immune to poison and resistant to fire and ice, but weak to electricity... . Its attacks are:

  • A short range flamethrower
  • Slow moving red energy shots
  • Creating a red sphere of energy that will fire a fast moving energy shot at you after a few seconds. The sphere will aim at where you were when it was created, not at your position when it fires.
  • Multiple blue energy shots firing in all directions (only use it after taking some damage)

When destroyed, the Sentry will drop the Relic Shield.


Secrets: The secrets of this dungeon are explained on this page.