Mount Gigant

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Mount Gigant is an extra dungeon categorized as threat 8. Talk to S.A.I.L. to beam there.

Find an interact with a map to unlock the quest and the dungeon location in S.A.I.L. interface. It is found in the Mysterious Pagoda mech mission.
Quest Reward
3 Transmutation Matrix, 1 Oculob Figurine, 1 Tintic Figurine, 2000 Ancient Essence
Items Requirement
Nothing is required. Bring some high tier weapon/armor since it's a tier 8 dungeon. Lava immunity and a light source are recommended.

Dungeon Guide

Mount Gigant is a threat 8 dungeon, so prepare some good weapons/armor if you want to make it through. You will face all kind of enemies: various monsters, some machines and the "Yokai" who are Hylotl warriors using either a melee weapon or summoning a monster and switching to a bow. There's also plenty of traps in this dungeon. If you like fossils excavation, you can also find a few in this dungeon so bring a few brushes.

First Part

You will start the dungeon in a small house. Get to the upper floor of the house and call down the elevator to get to the upper part of the dungeon. You will then have two paths open to you: the gate to the left will lead you through many traps as well as a bunch of enemies, while the gate to the right will have less traps but more enemies.

Left Path

Exit through the left door and you will reach a room with disappearing platform above spikes. After crossing that pit, boulders will roll down towards you. Climb up the stairs and open the door to your left to enter a room with a lava pool and moving sawblades. Activate the console in the room on the other side of the lava pool and come back to the stairs. The door above you is now open. Head to the right and open the next door by pressing the wall button. Once inside, the doors will lock and 4 Twiguns will appear. Once they are destroyed, 4 Omnicannons will spawn. Once they are down, the doors will open. The next room to your right has a healing water pond and will spawn 6 Gosmets when you reach the center of the room. Climb in the room above you and head to the left. Climb the small wooden tower and be careful when you open the doors: 2 melee Yokai will attack you. Go to the left until you reach a console. Activating it will open a door in the room where the Gosmets attacked you, but Yokai will attack you on your way there. 3 ranged Yokai will spawn right behind you and 2 melee in the small house. Head back to the Gosmet room and you will find the door to the right open. Climb up the stairs and you will reach the first boss of the dungeon.

Right Path

Exit through the right door and keep going right until you reach some stairs leading you up. 4 Yokats will spawn in front of the stairs. Climb inside the small building and exit it with the stairs in the top right. You will reach a small hallway with a door in the background. As you approach it, 2 melee Yokai will come out of that door. When you step to the right of that door, 3 ranged Yokai will also come out of the door. Climb the platforms to your right and you will reach another hallway with background doors. Approaching the first door to the right will release 2 melee Yokai behind you and 3 ranged Yokai in front of you. Reaching the second door, 2 melee Yokai will spawn in front of you and behind you. Finally opening the gate to the left will release 2 more melee Yokai. Keep going to the left and you will reach the first boss of the dungeon.

Second Part

Both path will converge in the same room where you will have to fight a Vault Guardian. It is your usual Vault boss, so it shouldn't be to hard to take down. This one will always be of the electric element.

Once the Vault Guardian is dead, exit the room through the left and climb the stairs. You will reach a checkpoint and an elevator leading you in the second part of the dungeon. Head to the right and light up the statue behind the glass on top of the stairs. This will open the exit to the right. Your scanner light will work if you don't have any other light source. You can also find 2 fossils in this room. Use a rope/grappling hook to reach the one that is to high to dig from the ground. Exit through the left and climb down the stairs. On the second stairs, 6 Gosmets will attack you. You will then reach another room with a statue to light up above you. Once it is illuminated, a gate will form above the lava pool for ~5 seconds. Keep going to the right and you will find another elevator. This one has 2 stops, each leading to a different path. The first stop has more fighting while the second stop has more traps.

First Elevator Stop

Exit the elevator on the first stop and enter the room to your right. Activating the console will close the door and release some enemies. First 6 Triplods will attack you, followed by 2 Omnicannons and 2 Twiguns. Once the turrets are dead, a Heavy Drone will attack you. You can then exit the room to the right and you will find another crossroad. The stairs leading you below is the long route while the room to the right is faster.

At the bottom of the stairs, 2 ranged Yokai will attack you. You will then reach a small library where 2 additional ranged Yokai await you. 2 Omnicannons will appear when you enter the pool of slime to the right. Climb up the stairs and watch out for the boulders rolling down.

If you go to the room to the right, you will find a statue in the top right of the room. Light it up with any light source and the floor will open (watch out for the poison pool and the spikes) and a door will open to the right.

Both path will lead you in the same room when you will find another fossil. Head to the right and you will find another statue to light up. This will open temporarily the door to the right. Inside the next room, activate the console and kill the 3 melee Yokai who appear. Once they are dead, the floor will open into a pool of lava and 4 Omnicannons will appear. Then a Scandroid and 2 small flying Drone will appear. The exit in the top right of the room will open once everything is dead. Ride the elevator and you will find a Frog merchant before reaching the final room before the boss to your left.

Second Elevator Stop

Exit the elevator on the second stop and go to the right. You will reach a room with sawblades. Just jump between those to cross the room. You will find 2 fossils behind the saws. Use a rope to reach the higher one. The next room consist in a race with disappearing platforms, sawblades, lasers and lava. Activate the wall button at the start of the room to spawn the platforms above the lava and open the door above you. Then hurry up and start crossing those platforms: they will start disappearing making you fall in the lava. The exit door in the upper room will also close if you tarry to long. On the upper floor, you can also light up a statue above you (right after the laseR) to open a room in the next room with 2 Ancient Essence chests. Then head to the left and you will find 2 fossils in a hallway. Be careful: the floor will open under those fossils, dropping you in a poison pool with spikes. Ride the elevator to the left of this pit and exit to the left. Another trapped room to cross before you reach the last room before the boss: jump above the saws to reach the platforms above the lava but time your jump well because there's some energy ball crossing the platforms every few seconds.

End of the dungeon

After reaching the last room through one of the two paths, light up all 4 statues to open the door to the final boss of the dungeon, which is another Vault Guardian. It's once again an electric guardian, but it is harder than the first one you fought (read has more hp and deal more damage). After destroying it, the exit to your left will open, leading you to a Terraforge, the diamond pedestal to turn in the quest, 4 Ancient Essence chests and the teleporter to get back to your ship. You may also notice a locked door below the statue to the left and 5 light on the wall...


  • Be careful when using elevators. Hatches can only be opened by a passing elevator, so if you get yourself stuck between 2 hatches (by using a grappling hook, flying, jumping, or simply going off the elevator at the wrong time), it will be 100% impossible to get out, except beaming up to your ship.


The Mount Gigant hides a few secret rooms with extra chests to pilfer. There's also two important secrets: a special station and the locked room at the end of the dungeon. Find the walkthrough to these here.