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Bandraflora walking.gif
It loves spewing out annoying little buggers.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 15 Radioactive 0 Poison 100 Electric 50 Fire -50 Ice 50 Cosmic 0 Shadow -99
ID bandraflora
Bandraflora Movement smol.gif

The Bandraflora is a unique evolution of the rare Mandraflora, whom can only be found in Giant Flower Biomes. This variety is noted by it's pale pink shell, and bright pink eyes. While it may look cute at a glance, this creature is anything but. Capable of propelling itself (literally) at breakneck speeds toward targets is just the beginning of this creatures tools for turning would be predators into fertilizer for their domains. The primary adaptation this creature has developed is the ability to spit globs of poison at foes. Able to fire three globs, each of which leave pools of poison upon contact with anything solid. To make matters worse, this attack can be used mid-spin, meaning the Bandraflora can attack with it's powerful poisons, and brute strength simultaneously. Lastly, the Bandraflora spawns copious amounts of Bulbops to aid it in battle. For such adaptations to be necessary, one would assume the Bandraflora must have grown in a tough environment and adapted to survive. However, it is more commonly believed that Bandraflora secretly just enjoy murdering the fhawk out of everything not part of their root system.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ The Bandraflora makes an excellent pet for a body shield, given it retains 50% hp when captured, and it's base is 150 - significantly more than many other creatures in the universe. Additionally, this creature is quite rare, and can make for a trophy of sorts.

~ This creature can be a source of infinite poison if you are too unmotivated to visit planets with poisonous or toxic lakes. Simply wear highly poison resistant armor, and remain just out of range of it's helicopter of doom attack, leaving it's only option to spit globs of poison at you - that you can then collect. Slow going however.

~ The Bandraflora has a chance of spawning a themed Bulbop upon taking damage. It appears that the chance of spawning 1 or more bulbop increases if the attack suffered was from melee. Comically enough, the Bulbops that are spawned are the same as ones randomly encountered as enemies. This means that even when captured, the Bandraflora has a chance of spawning 1-5 Bulbops upon being attacked, all of which are hostile to both the player, and the Bandraflora who spawned them.

Bandraflora Luna's Lab.png

How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 3 of the following:

Any 3 of the following:


Any 2 of the following:


Any 3 of the following:


Any 4 of the following:

14.94% (peaceful)

Used for


Monster drops

Monster drops (hunting)