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Nikaw rawr.gif
A nasty fungal mutation that just can't stop spewing explosive spores.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 0 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 0 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID sporgus3

Nikaw is a unique type of Sporgus which has adapted to the volatile, and chemically imbalanced environments. Due to this imbalance, the sporadic chemicals and spores that are launched frequently from the Nikaw's back are highly explosive. Twitchy is the word to best describe the Nikaw. Shy and tending to avoid contact with other creatures - as when it is startled or backed in to a corner, the Nikaw begins to launch high impact spores at an astounding rate. These spores are so volatile that they often result in the destruction of the creatures home, or even fatal injuries to itself. The mushrooms themselves that grow upon their back are highly prized by demolitions and arsonists.

Relatively harmless at range, the Nikaw can however launch a volly of explosive spores at anything nearby. This creature typically only resorts to such actions if it feels threatened however. These spores can deal rapid damage when in close quarters to the creature. As such, it is best to approach these creatures with pleanty of space. Additionally, it is encouraged to avoid this species all together as they are reactive, rather than proactive in the harming of other organisms.

Professor Luna's Lab Notes

~ The Nikaw will stand dazed after unleashing a volley of explosive spores, leaving the target vulnerable to riposte.

~ If you know someone who is an arsonist, this is the perfect creature to give as a gift.

Nikaw Luna's Lab.png


How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 2 of the following:


Any 3 of the following:


Used for


Monster drops

Monster drops (hunting)