Racial Space Station Terminal (trading)

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Item icon racialspacestationconsole trading.png Item image racialspacestationconsole trading.png
Racial Space Station Terminal (trading)
A terminal used to interact with this space station.
Category other
Light 0.15
Rarity Common
Price 0
Colony tags misc
ID racialspacestationconsole_trading

Racial Space Station Terminal (trading) is a shop that always exists at NPC-controlled trading-type spacestations. It randomly sells 1-4 valuable items (see below), 8-11 generic items (see Any Station Terminal for the list) and trade goods. Here you can also invest into stations, which is costly at short-term, but gives you better buy/sell prices at that station, and slightly better buy/sell prices at all stations when fully invested.

For any given station, its stock never changes (it will keep selling the same items). Another station will have a different stock. Buy/sell prices are not fixed: they improve because of your charisma and prior station investments.

This shop can be purchased for home use (at Hiring Office) and placed on your base or ship. However, you can't move it (if you mine it with your Matter Manipulator, it self-destructs).

How to obtain

Hiring Office

Items crafted here

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