Blast Furnace

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Item icon fu blastfurnace.png Item image fu blastfurnace.png
Blast Furnace
A superior furnace for processing mass quantities. Can smelt up to rare ores, and many more materials. Requires 50W power.
Category Extraction Device
Slot count 15
Rarity rare
Price 2000
Colony tags science
ID fu_blastfurnace

Blast Furnace automatically smelts 2 ores into 1 bar (e.g. Quietus Ore into Quietus Bar) and has a chance to produce additional materials. Its speed is 2 operations per second.

It can smelt ores that are Common, Uncommon or Rare. Later in the game it gets replaced by Arc Smelter, which can also smelt Legendary ores, can smelt Metallic Hydrogen and Deuterium Rod, and also produces more additional materials.

Blast Furnace replaces earlier Electric Furnace, which can only smelt ores of Common/Uncommon rarity and produces less additional materials.

How to obtain

Power Station

Used for

Power Station

Items crafted here