Weather Beacon

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Item icon fu weatherbeacon.png Item image fu weatherbeacon.png
Weather Beacon
A scanning radar used to measure light and wind levels.
Category decorative
Rarity Uncommon
Price 300
Colony tags wired electronic science
ID fu_weatherbeacon

The Weather Beacon can be placed anywhere to measure the power output that a renewable energy generator (a Solar Panel, Solar Array, Solar Tower or Wind Turbine) would produce at that location and time, to determine how useful they would be without spending the resources on a potentially-useless generator.

How to obtain

Electronics Center

Power sources
Low-tech (fuel) Alternator Generator (=4W) · Combustion Generator (=12W) · Hydraulic Dynamo (5-21W, depending on fuel)
Low-tech (renewable) Solar Panel (<=4W) · Solar Array (<=10W) · Solar Tower (<=24W) · Wind Turbine (<12W) · Weather Beacon (tool to check light/wind level)
Madness Neuro-Psionic Generator (=60W) · Nocturn Array (<=10W, renewable)
Advanced Fission Reactor (10-360W, depending on fuel, + has useful byproducts) · Small Fusion Reactor (15-360W, depending on fuel) · Large Fusion Reactor (35-600W, depending on fuel) · Quantum Reactor (60-620W, depending on fuel)
Precursor Precursor Reactor (up to 1055W, noncraftable: can only be found)