Gelatinous Behemoth

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Gelatinous Behemoth
An array of eyes immersed in a violet viscous fluid.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 35 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 50 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID eyejellyking

Gelatinous Behemoths live up to their namesake, their sheer size dwarfs many of the universes naturally occurring inhabitants. Semi-sentient slime, with the intent on digesting and growing itself so that it may divide and continue the cycle anew. This creature spews jelly blocks from its underside, coating the ground in small pieces of itself. Due to this loss of mass, the Gelatinous Behemoth must aggressively seek out new prey to devour and incorporate into its mass. This effort is to sustain itself. A Gelatinous Behemoth is not picky about its food source, preying upon any type of organic compound, devouring plantilfe, and any within. Able to use it's sticky tendrils much like an octopus to grapple prey and drag it into it's body for dissolving. Upon reaching a sizable mass, the Gelatinous Behemoth begins to divide itself, creating an exact copy, albeit slightly smaller, ready to begin itself own journey for food and division. Due to this creatures lack of need for air, there have been cases of entire eco-systems being wiped clean of organic matter, only to have a swarm of massive Gelatinous Behemoths float toward a new planet in the system.

Able to spawn several Eyejellyroller creatures, the small eyes roll across the ground and disable prey for the Behemoth to devour. Upon the submission of prey, the Behemoth will reabsorb the eyes released, breaking them down if needed and reincorporating their mass, or producing additional ones in preparation to divide. The Gelatinous Behemoth is composed of five controlling eyes, each of which escape the failing body of the Behemoth upon loss of too much mass, or destruction. In the event of this, the eyes will aggressively seek targets and organic matter to absorb to begin reassembling its body. Additionally, when attacked, the Gelatinous Behemoth can choose to launch several of it's floating eyes into attack - an attempt to protect the primary body, and accumulated mass.

Gelatinous Behemoth is a unique monster found on Gelatinous worlds.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ If one needs to farm jelly blocks, this creature is a wonderful means to do this. They spawn massive amounts of the material.

~ The Eyejellyrollers spawned by a captured Gelatinous Behemoth are hostile toward the primary host, and will attempt to attack and kill the body that spawned them.

~ The Gelatinous Behemoth is composed of three primary monsterparts.

  • Head - this is the shifting, ever watching eye located in the center of the mass. This creatures spawns the floating eyes as a defensive measure.
  • Body - the primary mass of the creature, and what shoots the jelly blocks and summons Eyejellyrollers
  • Tendrils - the flailing tentacles that deal high contact damage.

~ Not to be confused with the Slime Behemoth, or Alien Queen Minion

Gelatinous Behemoth Luna's Lab.png


How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 3 of the following:

Any 2 of the following:

Any 2 of the following:


Any 5 of the following:


Any 3 of the following:

Any 2 of the following:


Any 3 of the following:

Any 4 of the following:


Any 2 of the following:

Any 2 of the following:

Used for


Monster drops