Eyeless Anglure

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Eyeless Anglure Scream.gif
Eyeless Anglure
This type of anglure has no eyes, yet can still murder you.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 15 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 0 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 100
ID anglure6

The Eyeless Anglure is a medium sized creature akin to it's relative the Anglure. Adapted to environments of deep caves and lightless days, this creature also hunts through deception using it's bio-luminescent stalk atop its head to lure in prey. There are not many lights in the areas these creatures live, and so the presence of their bio-luminescence attracts all sorts of creatures to them - easy hunting. Be wary of a glowing light in the middle of a dead of night for it might just be your end rather than your salvation.

The Eyeless Anglure fights by stalking prey slowly and when in range, launching a set of streaking red hot exhalation that cuts through the air and travels for a few seconds before exploding violently enough to deal damage to terrain and tiles. Interestingly enough, the Eyeless Anglure will only attack creatures touching the ground with this attack. While not the most dangerous of attacks, it is when you are attacked at night, and at your most desperate when these creatures tend to strike. This is what makes an Anglure so deadly..

Luna's Lab Notes

~ The Eyeless Anglure appears to rely on tremor-sense, using the vibrations in the ground to locate and target prey. While able to still chase creatures in the air through careful hearing, it can do little more than run in the vague direction of an airborne target, choosing not to unleash it's deadly attacks unless a target is touching the ground.

Eyeless Anglure Luna's Lab.png



How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 3 of the following:


Any 3 of the following:


Any 3 of the following:

Used for


Monster drops

Monster drops (hunting)