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Alien Queen Minion flail.gif
A horrifying abomination with acid-coated glistening flesh.
Capturable? No
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 40 Radioactive -20 Poison 50 Electric 70 Fire -50 Ice 60 Cosmic -35 Shadow 100
ID alienqueenminion

Salitekch are one of the most horrid life-forms to grace the universe. An eerie red glow marks their presence, and the partially digested victims of the creature's latest hunt can be seen within its form. Semi-sentient and rapidly reproducing, each lesser form of the greater body possesses the same qualities and intent: The unstoppable drive to devour all life in an effort to divide and expand. The Salitekch is ultimately dedicated solely to its own survival, propagation and evolutionary advancement. The Salitekch and its minions collectively form a monstrous super-organism that travels across the universe in unimaginable swarms, systematically consuming all other life and organisms to enable its own rapid reproduction. Broken down into several classes, the Salitekch is not the most capable fighter, though it serves as a controlling hub for more capable replica fighters to spawn from and fight for. Capable of mass reproduction of these replicas, there is no end to the amount a Salitekch can make - only time is the determining factor. Theoretically, a Salitekch could float down to a planet and begin its rapid reproduction immediately. While hidden, a minion can spawn indefinite amounts of smaller, indescribably deadly replicas of itself to swiftly expand and devour all life once sufficient strength has been accumulated.  

It is only capable of contact damage. The touch of an Salitekch is painful though not always fatal, but the small replica warriors it spawns, however, are capable of inflicting lethality and pain that is amplified a hundredfold relative to its host, which kills most creatures on contact. They attack by sending such a shock of overwhelming energy through a target on contact that living organisms are destroyed with great efficiency. Additionally, the Salitekch will attempt to flee from direct contact, choosing to float away from enemies while spawning replica warriors to fight in its place. The Salitekch should be dealt with immediately, as a prolonged fight only offers it more time to spawn deadly replica warriors.  

Salitekch is a unique monster found ________ 

Luna's Lab Notes

~ A small bug is noticeable when checking the monsterfile - the creature is supposed to possess a health regeneration of 8336% however in game, the creature possesses no ability to heal or regen. Perhaps the value was put too high, and thus doesn't function in game... Will need to do further testing before results can be considered conclusive or supported. 

~ Decided to test the limit of this creatures spawning capabilities - I conclude that they can spawn minions indefinitely (though my game crashed once it got into the hundreds). Do not leave unchecked.

Luna's Personal Log 432877: "This creature genuinely frightens me. I had begun my testing outside, on the same testing site as the Gas Bags. Given this, there were still massive craters and holes in the ground from my research and the Gas Bags violent tendency to explode. I spawn the Alien Queen Minion at night time, thinking little of it at first - then I see the writing creature. It's bloodied eye locks mine, and it begins to retreat, taking the unsettling glow with it into the abyss of the massive hole caused by previous testing. From the massive hole, I see the feint, unsettling red glow at it's depths, just out of my field of view - even when scrolling and zooming out as far as I could.. It always remained just out of sight, with only the red glow to denote it's continual presence. My scanner was ineffective despite being tested on countless subjects and never failing me once.. Mayhaps that should have been my first indication that something was truly wrong here.

Then the glow began to rise up toward me - a replica of the creature I had spawned, it raises itself out of the night sky in an attempt to pursue me. I let it give chase and test it's attacks and damage. The "lesser" version almost kills me in a single strike (I am incredibly well armored, and prepared for the attack [so I had thought]). The moment I took such critical damage, I go to back off, only to have three more of the smaller creatures circle in behind me, cutting off my escape route. Pulling out my most dangerous weapon, a weapon that has killed almost every other test subject in a single strike.... Is unable to immediately kill the one in front of me.

The glow grows more intense from behind... The smaller replicas begin to close in. Needing to escape, I desperately slide under the singular one blocking my front, my previous strike giving me just enough room to maneuver beneath it. I dash past, to my absolute horror of several more raising from the depths beneath me, watching my desperate attempt at fleeing. Now, at my back there is at least a dozen. I allow them to give chase, having knockback effect them and their only attack needing to touch - I eventually out maneuver the pursuers and after careful strikes and persistence, I slay the ones that had pursued me. Looking to continue my tests on the one I had summoned, I continue toward the pit in which I saw the creature retreat earlier…

I remember clearly the feeling of creeping dread. First when I saw how bright the low red glow had gotten. It didn’t take me long to realise - while I was busy fending off a dozen of the replicas, the Alien Queen Minion had made hundreds more… All cloaked within an unmistakable wave of red light… the color akin to the blood the creatures must spill of this I am sure… The moment I glimpsed the original creature that I called into this plane, thinking myself to study it, I realized then that it must be destroyed at all costs. To my dismay, and biggest regret, this is when the light began to rise, and with it, the innumerable ranks of the replicas it had produced. Filling up the depths of the whole entirely, blocking any chance I had at destroying the creation I brought forth upon this planet.

Note: I had chosen my primary test site as a planet without notable sentient life forms. This fact reassured me when I did what I know I had too.. The unknown, unnamed planet shall forever remain that way. All because of this…. Alien entity… Destroyed, all because of my drive to understand the unknown… In my studies, however, I have gained the suspicions that the one I had brought to the planet was simply a replica of another - one that I dare say is creating countless minions - akin to the one I brought forth. Amassing countless of the writhing ones, even as I write this warning.

This species must be eradicated - the threat is too great to ignore. Kill on sight - at all costs."

~ The Slime Behemoth is composed of two primary monsterparts.

  • Head - this is the slightly pulsing veins center of the monsters mass. This creatures moves the body, and is what gives off the eerie glowing red light.
  • Body - the primary mass of the creature, and what summons smaller Alien Queen Minions. 
  • Tendrils - These deal high contact damage, and serve as an additional bonus to movement and health regeneration for the body.

~ Not to be confused with the Gelatinous Behemoth, or Slime Behemoth

Alien Queen Minion Luna's Lab.png
