Sulphur Troll

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Sulphurtroll macho.png
Sulphur Troll
One of the more dangerous varieties of troll next to Mr. Chow.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 0 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 0 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID sulphurtroll

Trolls are horrid carnivores found in all climes, from arctic wastelands to tropical jungles. This variety stalks the barren waste lands of desert and mountainous planets. Most creatures avoid these beasts, since trolls know no fear and attack unceasingly when hungry. Their frame appears bulky and muscular, but trolls possess surprising dexterity. Their arms and legs are long and capable. The legs end in great three-toed feet, the arms in wide, powerful hands with sharpened claws. The Sulphur Trolls’ rubbery hide is colored a mottled tan, or putrid brown. A writhing hairlike mass grows out of their skulls and is usually a matching color to the creatures skin. Their dull, sunken black eyes possess powerful vision, able to pierce the darkness of night. Trolls are capable of incredible strength, able to rip and tear through most of the mountains most brutal predators. Incredibly territorial, once a Sulphur Troll has claimed an area, it will attack any creatures that dare wander into it's domain. Sulphur Trolls most commonly claim desolate caves located in high peaks and arid mountaintops. From these caves, the Sulphur Trolls venture out at night, seeking prey and monsters to hunt. A Sulphur Troll will search far into the plains of it's region when descend on a hunt, covering many miles before the rays of dawn push the monster back toward their sheltered lairs. All trolls eat anything they can catch and devour, chasing without fear for their natural regenerative abilities make them all but impervious to most threats. 

Sulphur Trolls possess a melee attack which can crush most creatures in a single blow, Also capable of hurling large boulders at foes at a distance, these rocks are often seen moments too late by prey - moments before being crushed. Additionally, the Sulphur Troll is powerful enough to crush the ground beneath it, smashing many of the toughest blocks and armored hides. Despite this, Sulphur Trolls are not terribly quick, and a player can easily get out of range by hiding in small nooks and crannies that frequently appear on Sulphuric worlds.  

Luna's Lab Notes

~ This creature's assets are pulled from the game Tales of Eternia - which the rabbit like creature appears as a monster called the "Geo Monster". The original sprite-sheet used can be found here:

~ Capable of smashing the ground with enough force to break blocks - enough force to break blocks I had thought protected by a generator in my lab. Insightful -

Sulfur Troll Luna's Lab.png


How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 2 of the following:

All of the following:

Any 3 of the following:

All of the following:

Any 3 of the following:

Used for


Monster drops