Frost Rotter

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Frost Rotter Nomm.gif
Frost Rotter
A half-dead, horrible thing. It wants to mate with your skull.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 0 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 0 Fire -50 Ice 100 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID frostrotter

The Frost Rotter is a half dead, yet still very strong husk of a large humanoid creature. It is unclear as to if this creature used to be a sentient race, and has changed and eroded in the harsh environment of unbearably cold and desolate worlds. Regardless, these creatures are viscous and dangerous. Shoot first, ask philosophical questions later. So unstable is this monster, that the air freezes around it, and sparks of electricity shoot from the creatures body, destroying everything it passes. Know well that if an area is devoid of life, it is not the harsh elements that have driven away the living, nature always finds a way. Frost Rotters are however counter to nature, killing and destroying all they encounter, leaving entire regions devoid of life if not stopped. Know too that the deep sighs and howls in the distant may be more than just the howl of the wind.

The Frost Rotter leaves a trail of frozen crystals in it's path, touching these crystals deals massive damage and completely freezes a target in place. Jumping into close melee with these creatures is dangerous due to these floating frozen mines. The Frost Rotter is also capable of firing a deadly blast of freezing cold, arcing and cutting through targets at a distance. Lastly, the Frost Rotter can condense the foul fluids within itself to fire a frozen ball filled with liquid nitrogen. This ball deals damage on contact, smashing into a target or surface to then spill freezing liquid nitrogen in the vicinity. Every attack possessed by the Frost Rotter inflicts the Deadly Chill debuff, causes a severe slow to a targets movements, and leaves all surfaces as slippery as ice to a struck target.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ The process of capturing and storing a monsters potential within capture pods is currently still a developing field. As it is now, the baseline for most creatures captured and stored within capture pods is around 50% efficiency when compared to their wildlife counterparts. Having less vitality and strength than when they roamed free. However, with the Burnt Rotter, their strength and vitality is reduced to a mere 24% of their wildlife counterparts upon capture.

~ The Frost Rotter has innate regenerative abilities, and is also 25% more powerful than any other creature of the same level or tier. This, combined with the powerful attacks of the creature and large hp value, can make the Frost Rotter a challenging foe.

~ This creature has an uncanny resemblance to one of the candy zombies seen in the show Adventure Time.


How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 2 of the following:


Any 2 of the following:


Used for


Monster drops