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A massive, deadly worm. Definitely not natural.
Capturable? No
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 80 Radioactive 80 Poison 80 Electric 80 Fire 80 Ice 80 Cosmic 75 Shadow 80
ID megaburrower

Doom Wyrm is a worm-type mini-boss. It is found on many Sulphuric planets, and more rarely on land-based Aether Worlds.

It has over 80% resistance to most damage types except cosmic. Alongside that, it also has a total of 1700 base hit points (more on higher-tier worlds), with full immunity to most atmospheres and liquid types.


The Doom Wyrm works like most other worms and drops Xithricite, Lasombrium and Uranium Ore.


The Doom Wyrm is a boss that attacks mostly by close-quarters combat, hiding in the surrounding dirt and ambushing the player, ripping them to shreds when they get close.

  • Charge - The main attack of the Doom Wyrm is to aim its head at the player's position and burrow through dirt to attack the player, directly charging and damaging the player, then turning around to attack the player once more. Dealing lethal damage to players in seconds if they aren't careful.
  • Vortex - The secondary attack of the Doom Wyrm is used commonly throughout the player's encounter with the monster, as the Doom Wyrm will generate octagon like shapes around its body parts as a field to suck the player into its body, dealing massive damage to the player like a shredder, its recommended to not get near the Doom Wyrm if the field is active since it could mean the player dying without any chance to escape.


As any multi-segment enemy, Doomwyrm is vulnerable to piercing weapons like Flamethrower or Gravity Gun, as well as to explosive weapons with a big impact radius. Mining Laser (which is great against regular Burrowers) is not sufficiently strong against a Doomwyrm.

To distract the boss, you can send forth a tanky pet (such as Spookit) in hopes that it will be targeted instead of you.

How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 2 of the following:

Any 4 of the following:


Any 3 of the following: