Soscalari (codex)

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Item icon precursorcodex12-codex.png
Soscalari (codex)
Ancient precursor text
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 500
ID precursorcodex12-codex
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Subject 552 has exhibited no signs of the mutagen. Artificer Voxlaar recommends releasing the specimen into a native population somewhere in order to observe how it thrives or perishes in a new ecosystem. I have seconded, and Yattak has thirded. Experiment 442 begins at dawn.
Fourteen cycles have passed since our experiment began, and in that time the specimen has not only thrived, but has taken to birthing young via parasitic infection in the pain-center of victims. No mutagen has resurfaced in subsequent generations. Experiment 442 successful.

How to obtain


Treasure pool