Bilgret Shinxax (codex)

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Item icon precursorcodex16-codex.png
Bilgret Shinxax (codex)
Ancient precursor text
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 500
ID precursorcodex16-codex
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Transitioning into a new dimension was probably the best thing we could have possibly hoped for for the Hegemony. Not only has this effectively stopped the in-fighting among the castes, but the Great Houses are even willing to listen to each other now...because every last one of them is looking to us for leadership. Their faith in the empire has allowed our power to truly expand.
As of today, we are moving forwards with the new initiatives. Specifically, the new Scientific Priority Doctrine and all of the various laws and regulations related to it. With this change in agenda, our people can move forward into a glorious age of new discovery. This dimension affords us new chances previously unimagined to us as a people!

How to obtain


Treasure pool