Hyac Pliades (codex)

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Item icon precursorcodex15-codex.png
Hyac Pliades (codex)
Ancient precursor text
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 500
ID precursorcodex15-codex
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Dense materials can easily be repurposed via the Viadarra Engine, should we find ourselves low on materials on the opposite side of this unusual rift in space-time. We have decided to breach it tomorrow, as the potential for exploration is too great to pass up. We are, of course, bringing the Armada as well. We cannot risk splitting our society in two.
Initial scouting parties report favorable results. We are therefore authorizing full mobilization, and moving the Empire into the breach. We are going to risk the Core, as well. We may require the near-limitless power it offers. The Regent insists that it is in the best interests of the Hegemony for this to proceed without question. And so, we obey.

How to obtain


Treasure pool