Shasa Uru Venddi (codex)

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Shasa Uru Venddi (codex)
Ancient precursor text
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 500
ID precursorcodex11-codex
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Our greatest, our greatest joy! At long last we have created the perfect servitor race. A blend of avian and reptilian traits, we've fortified them with non-carbon based cells. This should allow them to survive on the harsh outer rim worlds we are seeding with their genes.

They say we should name them, but I deemed that most unwise. At least, not until they have earned it. A fledgeling race still learning to be a species, these beings should provide us with the extra labor we require if the Generator is to be created in any decent period of time. With our physical bodies beginning to erode...time is precious.

<this book appears to span centuries. There are countless entries about this unnamed species they created , but none that give anything useful until roughly 824 years after the first entry.> It was assumed they would retain their docile traits, as we specifically erased the capacity for anger and rage in the initial generations.

Nature, on the other hand, had other ideas. They are rising up and revolting now, refusing our commands and worse...they are angry about it. While still the ideal candidate species, they have been unable to facilitate our requirements for construction on the Generator. Recommend expunging genes through purge.

The purge has failed! Somehow, they have taken control of the command vessels. I suspect inusurrection, most likely from the Naturalist caste. They sympathize with the plight of the Servants. Why they would side with fuzzy beyond me. We have been forced out of the system, and command has instructed us to simply abandon it, leaving the servants to their own devices.

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