Hendraat Il (codex)

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Item icon precursorcodex10-codex.png
Hendraat Il (codex)
Ancient precursor text
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 500
ID precursorcodex10-codex
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<Translation: We did it. We crossed over into a new universe. Unfortunately...we are now stuck here due to a rather unfortunate problem with the Core. We will need to locate an equivalent power source in this universe in order to return. Efforts are already underway.>

<We have seeded the first Proto-World. An interesting bi-product is a new form of...dare I call it metal? It has similar properties. We have deemed it Protocite. It seems exceptionally well suited to energy transference. It should be mentioned that unlike most ore, however, our people cannot digest it. Do not eat this metal.>

<Should you disregard the previous warning and ingest this metal, know that it will very swiftly rework your internal biology. You will become a hollow shell of your former self, and eventually completely transform into a nameless mutant immune to the ravages of time. You will effectively become a brain-dead husk for eternity.>

How to obtain


Treasure pool