Ish'k Nevass (codex)

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Item icon precursorcodex1-codex.png
Ish'k Nevass (codex)
Ancient precursor experiments
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 2500
ID precursorcodex1-codex
Unknown technology.png Spoiler Warning!
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<Thankfully, translators are available for some Precursor language. While still spotty, you can glean that this is an important find. Continuing translation:>

Entry 1: We have at long last <unknown> the threshold. Through lacing the singularity with <unknown> we have managed to cross through. Without the Core, this would not have been possible. TK-7A Test subject appears to retain normal faculties. We may finally be able to return to our universe.

Entry 2: Carefully resyncing the <unknown> formula has gained us further insight into the new <unknown>. The portal, unfortunately, is unstable. Despite our efforts at <unknown>, it appears to resist becoming self-sustaining. Unfortunate, but not unexpected.

Entry 3: <unknown> the Proletariat! Because of their insistence on experiments, we have <unknown> the people! The portal is stable and growing at a geometric rate, but it no longer goes where it should. Nothing seems to affect it. Desperation may soon give way to <unknown>.

Entry 4: Should this record reach any species that follows in our footsteps: Do not attempt <unknown> at Delta Freya II. This world is tainted, and we dare not share why. Under no circumstances should you explore this world. Doom awaits.

How to obtain


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