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Reliraptor Movement.gif
It's a freakin' dinosaur!
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 0 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 0 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID furaptor6

The Reliraptor is one of the many raptor types that inhabit Primeval Forests. Hunting coast lands and areas where dense fog rises. This creature blends into misty environments with it's naturally blue hued hide. Built for the hunt, upon reaching the age of a juvinile, these creatures forgo their stealthy tactics. Now choosing to rush headlong and rely on their thick hide for defense and crushing jaws to bring down targets. Able to perform distant bite attacks, and leaping strikes which don't pose much more of a threat than it's standard charge or collision damage.

All raptors are found on any form of Primeval Forest planets.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ The process of capturing and storing a monsters potential within capture pods is currently still a developing field. As it is now, the baseline for most creatures captured and stored within capture pods is around 50% efficiency when compared to their wildlife counterparts. Having less vitality and strength than when they roamed free. However, with the Reliraptor, their strength and vitality is reduced to a mere 20% of their wildlife counterparts upon capture.

~ Fiercely territorial, Reliraptors abandon their offspring at a young age and let them fend for themselves. If a Reliraptor encounters a baby raptor, even it's own offspring, the adult will attempt to hunt, kill, and eat the Baby. Below is a list of noted interactions among species raptor species.

Subject 1 Subject 2 Interaction
Reliraptor < Gorgoraptor Friendly
Reliraptor < Erichiraptor Friendly
Reliraptor < Corvulraptor Friendly
Reliraptor < Jallaraptor Hostile
Reliraptor < Baby Erichiraptor Hostile
Reliraptor < Baby Corvulraptor Hostile
Reliraptor < Reliraptor Friendly
Reliraptor < Dilophiraptor Friendly
Reliraptor < Gariraptor Friendly
Reliraptor < Baby Reliraptor Hostile
Reliraptor < Baby Dilophiraptor Hostile
Reliraptor < Baby Gariraptor Hostile
Reliraptor Luna's Lab.png

How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 5 of the following:

Used for


Monster drops

Trivia/Miscellaneous Information

  • - Design most likely inspired by the creature "Baggi" from the Monster Hunter franchise.