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Gariraptor Running.gif
It's a freakin' dinosaur!
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 0 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 0 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID furaptor8
Gariraptor Running smol.gif

The Gariraptor is one of the many raptor types that inhabit Primeval Forests. Upon growing into juveniles, the Gariraptor forgoes it's life as a pack hunter to seek larger, and more scarce prey. Most Gariraptors are either hunted down by bigger or more experienced raptors, or starve due to lack of prey upon reaching adolescence. With pale brown hide and powerful snapping jaw, this raptor has evolved in regions of arid deserts. While not the quickest, the Gariraptor makes up for this with sheer determination, and patience. With hooked teeth, once a Gariraptor bites a target, it digs it's teeth in and locks it's jaw. Once grappled onto a target, the Gariraptor doesn't release until it's target has collapsed from exhaustion or blood loss. This may sometimes take days, as such, the Gariraptor has adapted to going long periods of time without food. Upon spotting prey, the Erichiraptor let's out a piercing chicken sounding cry, signaling the hunt.

This creature will persistently pursue prey, snapping and charging in short bursts toward a target. This creature has no unique attacks to note, but is relatively tough and can deal decent damage if not dealt with quickly.

All raptors are found on any form of Primeval Forest planets.

  • Luna's Lab Notes*

~ The process of capturing and storing a monsters potential within capture pods is currently still a developing field. As it is now, the baseline for most creatures captured and stored within capture pods is around 50% efficiency when compared to their wildlife counterparts. Having less vitality and strength than when they roamed free. However, with the Gariraptor, their strength and vitality is reduced to a mere 20% of their wildlife counterparts upon capture.

~ Fiercely territorial, Gariraptors abandon their offspring at a young age and let them fend for themselves. If a Gariraptor encounters a Baby raptor, even it's own offspring, the adult will attempt to hunt, kill, and eat the Baby. Below is a list of noted interactions among species raptor species.

Subject 1 Subject 2 Interaction
Baby Gariraptor < Gorgoraptor Friendly
Baby Gariraptor < Erichiraptor Friendly
Baby Gariraptor < Corvulraptor Friendly
Baby Gariraptor < Jallaraptor Hostile
Baby Gariraptor < Baby Erichiraptor Hostile
Baby Gariraptor < Baby Corvulraptor Hostile
Baby Gariraptor < Reliraptor Friendly
Baby Gariraptor < Dilophiraptor Friendly
Baby Gariraptor < Gariraptor Friendly
Baby Gariraptor < Baby Reliraptor Hostile
Baby Gariraptor < Baby Dilophiraptor Hostile
Baby Gariraptor < Baby Gariraptor Hostile
Gariraptor Luna's Lab.png

How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 5 of the following:

Used for


Monster drops

Trivia/Miscellaneous Information

  • - Design most likely inspired by the creature "Wroggi" from the Monster Hunter franchise.