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Erichiraptor Running.gif
It's a freakin' dinosaur!
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 0 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 0 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID furaptor
Erichiraptor Running smol.gif

The Erichiraptor is one of the many raptor types that inhabit Primeval Forests. With greenish brown hide and two hooked horns atop it's dense head, this raptor has adapted well to hunting in dense forest and jungle regions. While not the quickest, the Erichiraptor has made up for this with long distance pounces, having developed powerful back legs from pushing and jumping through thick forestry and foliage. Patient and perceptive, the Erichiraptor uses it's natural camouflage to sneak close to prey. When close, the Erichiraptor will kick off of the ground, trees, or other environmental obstacles, propelling itself at high speeds toward unsuspecting prey. By the time you hear this creature crashing through the forestry, you likely wont have enough time to turn and flee before it smashes into you with it's piercing horns. Upon spotting prey, the Erichiraptor let's out a piercing warbley cry, signaling the hunt.

This creature is capable of a moderate close range dash, able to close distance to most prey. Erichiraptors are persistent hunters, choosing to pursue prey no matter the size, and not giving up easily.

All raptors are found on any form of Primeval Forest planets.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ Erichiraptors are adept at hunting large prey, focusing their ranged bite attacks upward toward larger targets throats.

~ Interestingly enough, this is one of the few raptors that pauses long enough to initiate it's idle animation. Most other raptors, baby or adult, are in a constant state of running without pause. This remains true even in tightly compact environments... they just run into walls without pause.

~ There is a bug in which capturing this raptor while it is mid road causes it to die immediately upon being released, regardless of it's health. This bug is most notable on this raptor due to how often it screams mid combat. I haven't found the primary cause of it to die after release, but I have noted that it occurs most often when caught mid scream. More testing and digging will occur - further notes will be added here.

~ Fiercely territorial, Erichiraptors abandon their offspring at a young age and let them fend for themselves. If a Erichiraptor encounters a Baby raptor, even it's own offspring, the adult will attempt to hunt, kill, and eat the Baby. Below is a list of noted interactions among species raptor species.

Subject 1 Subject 2 Interaction
Erichiraptor < Gorgoraptor Friendly
Erichiraptor < Erichiraptor Friendly
Erichiraptor < Corvulraptor Friendly
Erichiraptor < Jallaraptor Hostile
Erichiraptor < Baby Erichiraptor Hostile
Erichiraptor < Baby Corvulraptor Hostile
Erichiraptor < Reliraptor Friendly
Erichiraptor < Dilophiraptor Friendly
Erichiraptor < Gariraptor Friendly
Erichiraptor < Baby Reliraptor Hostile
Erichiraptor < Baby Dilophiraptor Hostile
Erichiraptor < Baby Gariraptor Hostile
Erichiraptor Luna's Lab.png

How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 2 of the following:

Any 5 of the following:

Used for


Monster drops

Trivia/Miscellaneous Information

  • - Design most likely inspired by the creature "Genprey" from the Monster Hunter franchise.