Adult Shadowtop

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Shadowtop Giffy 2.gif
Adult Shadowtop
It's huge...
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 0 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 0 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 50
ID adultshadowtop
Adult Shadowtop Luna's Lab.png

Adult Shadowtop is a unique monster found in Lightless, Aether Sea worlds, the Grand Arena mission and the Delta Freya II mission. This creature is akin to it’s non-shadowy counterpart with a few key exceptions. An Adult Shadowtop can phase in and out of reality, turning nearly invisible to ambush prey. Possessing significantly more speed, mobility, and even more brutal melee attacks, this creature is best approached with a shoot first with a very big gun and ask questions later mentality. The Adult Shadowtop is also able to fire four globs of toxic tar at distant foes. Contact with this ichor both poisons and slows a target, allowing the Adult Shadowtop to close the gap on quicker prey. The Adult Shadowtop combines ruthless crushing claw swipes, frighteningly quick movement, and it’s natural translucence to firmly plant itself atop the food chain as an undisputed apex predator.

If you see one, it may be wise to turn back, leave the planet and not return. Head somewhere warmer, safer, livable. Start a farm, a colony, or choose to adventure elsewhere just for the fact that if this creature sees you first - you likely won’t have another chance. Watch the shadows.. And be quick on the draw if you're unlucky enough to have them stare back explorer.

Its comparatively large health pool and stature combined with its steady and predictable movement makes the Adult Shadowtop an excellent tank candidate for travellers seeking to Capture and use it. It should be noted however that the Adult Shadowtop lacks movement abilities and is very easily stuck on uneven terrain and in most procedurally-generated indoor areas due to its huge size - it is in fact unable to walk through most doors in the game.

How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 4 of the following:


Any 3 of the following:


Any 4 of the following:

Used for


Monster drops

Monster drops (hunting)

Category:Needs Revision