Tar Anglure

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Tar Anglure Sceam.gif
Tar Anglure
Spewing forth toxic bubbles is fun for this pest.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 20 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 20 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 20
ID anglure3

The Tar Anglure is a medium sized creature akin to it's relative the Anglure. Adapted to environments of decay, tar, and organic bi-product, this creature also hunts through deception using it's bio-luminescent stalk atop its head to lure in prey. The Tar Anglure has developed a soft purple hide to help it blend in with it's environment. More-so, the Tar Anglure has also developed a tail that assists it in balancing and climbing the slippery oiled mounds of it's home. There are not many lights in the areas these creatures live, and so the presence of their bio-luminescence attracts all sorts of creatures to them - easy hunting. Be wary of a glowing light in the middle of a dead of night for it might just be your end rather than your salvation.

The Tar Anglure attracts prey by almost completely submerging itself in tar pits or other viscous liquids all save for its glowing stalk which stick out of the murky liquids surface like a beacon. When close enough to prey, the Tar Anglure will fire freezing bubbles at a target in an attempt to disorient them long enough to lunge out of hiding in an attempt to bite and drag a target down into the murky depths it hides in. While not the most dangerous of attacks, it is when you are attacked at night, and at your most desperate when these creatures tend to strike. This is what makes an Anglure so deadly..

Luna's Lab Notes

~ The Tar Anglure lets off an eerie light blue glow that has a similar shining pattern as flashlights in game. Extraordinarily creepy in dark environments given it fills an area with a light foggy mist effect.

~ Often times Tar Anglures will travel in groups, several sitting beneath the surface of a sizable pool of tar. Here they all lie in wait, leaving their many glowing stalks to stick out above the tars surface. Many curious explorers have been fooled into thinking they've discovered a new type of bio-luminescent plant growth only to be dragged below the pools surface and devoured.

Tar Anglure Luna's Lab.png



How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 3 of the following:


Used for


Monster drops

Monster drops (hunting)