View table: monster

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Table structure:

  1. id - String
  2. name - String
  3. wikiPage - Page
  4. description - String
  5. capturable - String
  6. health - String
  7. protection - String
  8. damage - String
  9. physical - String
  10. radioactive - String
  11. poison - String
  12. electric - String
  13. fire - String
  14. ice - String
  15. cosmic - String
  16. shadow - String

This table has 792 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page id name wikiPage description capturable health protection damage physical radioactive poison electric fire ice cosmic shadow
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) adultpoptopfire Adult Magmatop Adult Magmatop I don't recommend petting one of these. Absolutely lethal. 1 320 40 15 80 80 99 80 100 -40 60 60
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) adultpoptopfire3 Magmatop Omega Magmatop Omega (monster) I don't recommend petting one of these. Absolutely lethal. 0 1220 40 25 80 80 99 80 100 -40 60 60
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) adultpoptopfirepet Adult Magmatop Adult Magmatop (pet) I don't recommend petting one of these. Absolutely lethal. 1 320 40 15 80 80 99 80 100 -40 60 60
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) apexbrainmutant Apex Brain Mutant Apex Brain Mutant The product of horrific experimentation. 0 72 15
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) ballista Ballista Ballista (monster) Don't get too close or you might get shafted 0 300 50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) bee_aquarum Aquarum Bee A aquarum bee. 0 1
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) bulbop2 Bulbop Hop Bulbop Hop Even more aggravating than the Bulbop. 1 50 11 50 50 -50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) burntrotter Burnt Rotter Burnt Rotter A half-dead, fire-breathing abomination. Great with kids. 1 120 13 100 -80
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) capricoat Capricoat Capricoat Its thick coat keeps it warm in the coldest climates. 1 75 13 -50 50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) cleaningbot Cleaning Bot Cleaning Bot For those too lazy to do the vacuum cleaning themselves. 1 32 1 15
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) clearjelly Jellyfish Jellyfish Likely unsafe to touch, despite its surreal beauty. 0 1 4
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) coldalabra Wickin Wickin Adorable, tiny little guys made of freezing fire. 1 55 10 25 75
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) collidingminion Minion Ancient Guardian/Colliding Minion Its movement is determined by temperature levels in the atmosphere. 0 60 10
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) deathjelly Shockjelli Shockjelli Shockingly shocking. Do not touch. 1 30 25 9
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) deathjellypeaceful Jelli Jelli Relatively harmless. 1 30 25 9
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) deepone Deep One Deep One This wretched evolutionary abomination is one of countless billions... 0 200 25 22 30 30 80 20 20 100 99
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) direstone_burrower Direstone Burrower Direstone Burrower A camoflauged worm burrowing through the earth 0 500 25 14 11 75 50 -75 50 -50 -50 75
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) doll2 Creepy Doll Creepy Doll (ranged) Possessed by an evil spirit 0 60 25 8 100 80 80 80 -50 80 -100 100
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) elderbeetle Elder Beetle Elder Beetle Despite what the name suggests, Elder Beetles don't live very long. 0 3 1 2 100 100
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) electricanglure Electric Anglure Electric Anglure At night, all you can see of the Anglure is its light. 1 80 13 -50 50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) electrichemogoblinhead Electric Hemogoblin Head Electric Hemogoblin Head The front half of a Hemogoblin can move independently, but it's still only half a monster. 1 65 12 -50 50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) electrictintic Electric Tintic Electric Tintic It doesn't seem to eat or sleep... Is it a machine? 1 70 10 50 -50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) erchiusghost2 Erchius Ghost Erchius Ghost (Lightless) When it closes its eyes it becomes immune to attacks by entering a different plane of existence. 0 6000 100 85 95 95 15 15 25 95 95
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) eyejelly Gelatinous Eye Gelatinous Eye An eye immersed in a violet viscous fluid. 1 129 9 35 100
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) eyeslimepet Slime Eye Slime Eye (pet) An eye immersed in a viscous fluid. 1 600 9 50 -50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) firemonopus Fire Monopus Fire Monopus An ancient species, know to be agile and mischievous. They have an intelligent look in their eye. 1 70 10 50 50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fishingcurl Silver Curloach Silver Curloach Its body curls up throughout its life, until it is too rolled up to even swim. 0 1
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fishingeel Blighteel Blighteel It has no eyes, so it prefers hunting at night when prey can't see it coming. 0 1
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fishingfan Crimson Fantail Crimson Fantail This echinoderm uses curious pink limbs to disguise itself as a decorated fish-like creature. 0 1
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fishingshell Mortilus Mortilus This cephalopod's tendrils are coated with a deadly toxin that can paralyse even a fully grown Poptop. 0 1
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fishingtendril Red Hand Red Hand This odd creature is not a single entity, but rather a group of separate symbiotic organisms. 0 1
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fishingwimp Glacial Wimp Glacial Wimp It spends much of its time avoiding predators by scurrying away with its tiny legs. 0 1
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fleshreaper3 Flesh Reaper Flesh Reaper (red) A strange, ghost like creature native to dark, forboding places. 1 110 15 12 75 70 50 -15 -30 50 95 95
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fublackbat Vampire Bat Vampire Bat These highly aggressive blood suckers prefer dark places. 1 20 10 -50 70
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fucorruptflylarge Large Corrupt Fly Large Corrupt Fly He is the Lord of the Flies. 1 85 15 20 -20 100 90 20 60 -20 -20
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fudesertlizardcritter Lizard Lizard A tiny reptile that eats insects. It is commonly found in deserts. 0 1
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fudodofarmiron Ironbeak Ironbeak A handy farm animal, since they digest their food into iron pellets. Carnivore. 0 250
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fudragonflycritter Dragonfly Dragonfly A relatively large insect found in swamps and marshland. 0 1 0
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fughostlostcrasberry Nameless monster: fughostlostcrasberry 0 72 15
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fugiantredbee Giant Red Bee Giant Red Bee Don't touch the pointy end. 1 45 10
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fugiantredbee2 Blood Queen Blood Queen Don't touch the pointy end. 1 35 10
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fuheavydrone War Drone Heavy War Drone Designed specifically to kill you. You in particular. 0 350 30 80 70 100 -40 50 60
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fuhen Hen Hen 0 60
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fumechspider Spider MkI Spider MkI It's like a spider, but with a machinegun. 1 48 12
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fumechspiderletheiafacility Letheia Corp Spider Letheia Corp Spider It's like a spider, but with a machinegun and exploding fuel tanks. 0 48 12
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fumooshibaby Mooshi Calf Mooshi Calf A newborn mooshi! It'll eat most fruits and vegetables. 0 30
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) funewt Noot Noot Loves muddy and dark places. 0 1 1
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fuoildrip Aliveoil Aliveoil Great little pet. Also amazing for cooking. Cruel, but delicious! 0 1 1
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) furatthing Wretched Rat Wretched Rat What ARE these things? Devolved Elder beings? Ugh. 1 47 1 8
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) fushadowgolem Shadow Golem Shadow Golem Somehow, the very essence of darkness has taken shape into a living being. 0 122 15
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) futinybeemetal Metal Bee Metal Bee Don't touch the pointy end. 1 8 3
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) futinycockroach Cockroach Cockroach A tiny insect that seeks out unwatched food and garbage. They fear light 0 1 1
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) futwigunpet Cannon Cannon Ready and able to kill you. 0 125 20
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) iceagrobat Ice Agrobat Ice Agrobat Due to its sensitive eyes it prefers dark settings, like caves. 1 70 10 -50 50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) icefuguardianboss Ancient Guardian Ancient Guardian 0 2250 20 50 50 30 50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) icepeblit Ice Peblit Ice Peblit Because of the size of its head in proportion to its body, it can't run long distances. 1 70 9 -50 50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) iguarmor Iguarmor Iguarmor Iguarmor is not an aggressive species but the spikes on its tail can deal great damage. 1 80 14 50 -50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) isogen_burrower Isogen Burrower Isogen Burrower A camoflauged worm burrowing through the earth 0 500 25 14 75 50 -50 150
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) kluexsentry2 Aberrant Sentry Aberrant Sentry A stone temple guardian, animated with ancient technology. 0 560 35 10 80 60 100 50 80 -20 -20
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) largebipedminiboss Nameless monster: largebipedminiboss 1 120 15
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) lightsprite Lightsprite Lightsprite It just floats there like an idiot, glowing. 1 50 8
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) mandraflora Mandraflora Mandraflora Its sleepy lifestyle allows it to flourish underground and reach impressive sizes. 1 120 14 50 50 -50 -50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) mascagnite_burrower Mascagnite Burrower Mascagnite Burrower A camoflauged worm burrowing through the earth 0 500 25 14 75 50 75 -50 -50 25
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) mechmultidrone3 Nameless monster: mechmultidrone3 0
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) megatop Mega Poptop Mega Poptop A massive, fully grown Poptop. Fearsome. 1 250 40 20 50 50 50 50 50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) miningdrone1 Ore Drone I Ore Drone I (monster) Provides information on nearby ores. 1 100 25 70 70 -30 20 20 50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) mutantflier Jheshrikaal Jheshrikaal The galaxies snuggliest widdle guy. 1 4500 30
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) nautileech Nautileech Nautileech They are a common pest to ocean divers, due to their persistence to feed. 1 95 8 95 -50 -50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) nutmidgeling Nutmidgeling Nutmidgeling It often groups with other Nutmidgelings, finding strength and safety in numbers. 1 50 5 50 50 -50 -50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) oculob Oculob Oculob (monster) It's unpleasant to look at. It's also unpleasant when it looks at you. 1 75 11 95 95 -50 -50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) ocumera Ocumera Ocumera A flying scorpion-tailed cyclops. 1 56 9
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) oogler Oogler Oogler It appears mystified when encountering new life forms. You can't help but feel watched. 1 80 15 -50 -50 50 -50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) pandorasboxerchiusorelitcaptive Erchius Orelit Erchius Orelit (pet) Though Erchius is embedded in its body, it seems unaffected by the Erchius sickness. 0 400 9 25 50 50 50 50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) pandorasboxhummingbug Hummingbug Hummingbug Though these monsters are small, the virus they pass on in their bite can be lethal if left unchecked. 1 40 0 95 50 -50 -50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) pandorasboxnocttop Nocttop Nocttop Its ghostly white eyes pierce through the darkness. 0 100 16 15 95 -50 -50 95
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) pangobaby Pangolin Pup Pangolin Pup A newborn pangolin! It'll eat most vegetables, fruits and prepared meats. 0 30
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) petcleaningbot Nameless monster: petcleaningbot 0 72 15
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) petlilodon Nameless monster: petlilodon 0 72 15
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) petmooshicalf Nameless monster: petmooshicalf 0 72 15
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) petricub Petricub Petricub It stares at you expectantly with its beady eyes. 1 75 12 50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) petslugbun Nameless monster: petslugbun 0 72 15
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) plutonium_burrower Plutonium Burrower Plutonium Burrower A camoflauged worm burrowing through the earth 0 500 25 14 11 150 100 25 25 25 -25 -50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) pogolem Po Golem Po Golem A heaping mound of refuse, walking under its own power. 0 80 15 50 50 -50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) poisonfuguardianboss Ancient Guardian Ancient Guardian (Poison) 0 2250 20 50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) poisonparatail Paratail Poison Paratail During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away. 1 70 8 50 -50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) poptop Poptop Poptop (monster) The Poptop hums beautifully to confuse its prey. 1 60 14 10 10 10 10 10
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) rolliepollie Nameless monster: rolliepollie 0 72 15
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) seedspawn2 Spikespawn Spikespawn Watch your step. 0 30 1 5
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) shadowbat Vorp Vorp A strange creature composed of pulsing sacks of shadowy material. 1 70 8 100 70 100 -50 50 60 100
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) shadowhound Shadow Hound Shadow Hound Hates ponex as much as any smart creature should. 1 60 9
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) slimeshoatbaby Shoat Lamb Shoat Lamb (slime) A newborn shoat's diet determines the type it grows into. 0 100
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) smallbiped Nameless monster: smallbiped 1 72 10
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) snaggler Snaggler Snaggler Its shell is impossible to penetrate which can make it a tricky foe. 1 95 8 25 95 -50 -50
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) solarium_burrower Solarium Burrower Solarium Burrower A camoflauged worm burrowing through the earth 0 500 25 14 11 75 50 100 -66 75 -75
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) spheresnake2 The head of a distortion sphere snake Spheresnake2 A snake-like construct composed of distortion spheres 1 100 14 10 25
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) sporgus4 Shadowwraith Shroom Shadowwraith Shroom This tough little bastard spits raw plasma. 1 75 30 12
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) starspawn2 Star Spawn of Cthulhu Star-Spawn Acolyte Ancient, and emanating malice. 0 455 25 14 -30 80 20 30 20 95
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) starspawn3 Star Spawn of Cthulhu Xtl-Brxall Kefrin'xshax Ancient, and emanating malice. 0 700 25 14 20 -20 70 30 10 60 95
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) tentaclecrawler Tentaclecrawler Tentaclecrawler The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot. 0 5 3
Template:Cargo/monster/Chunk1 (edit) toyknight Toy Knight Toy Knight A tiny knight animated by sorcery. 0 16 5 10 20 -30
