Metal Bee

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Metal Bee Flying.gif
Metal Bee
Don't touch the pointy end.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 0 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 0 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID futinybeemetal

The Metal Bee is one of many types of flying insectoids, that make up this category of creature, this one being quite rare. This variety is noted by it's steely grey striped body and it's relatively tiny size.

When it charges, the bee swoops at a target quickly, striking for overall minimal damage, but leaving the target with a unique debuff called "Sting". This debuff inflicts radiation damage overtime similar to poison, and causes the player to glow brightly for a few seconds.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ Possessing only 8hp may make these creatures seem trivial to deal with, but their increased spawnrate, quick movements, and damage overtime can become troublesome in swarms. Quite befitting of bees really. Interestingly enough, these creatures group together when attacking. Rather than taking different angles of attack, it seems that any attacking Bees will first gather together into a swarm and all dive at once (dealing massive damage depending on the size of the swarm).

~ Dealing radiation damage, this creature can inflict a serious wound when in a group and facing a creature not resistant to radiation damage.

Metal Bee Luna's Lab.png