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Shockjelli Movement.gif
Shockingly shocking. Do not touch.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 0 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 0 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID deathjelly

The Shockjelli is a much larger, catch-able monster variant of jellyfish that has developed some unique and fascinating adaptations and evolution's. Firstly, This creature is capable of surviving outside of liquid, and has gained a mild ability to levitate and even fly. While able to minimally sail across the ground, being on land or in the air mildly limits this monsters mobility when compared to when it is submerged in liquid. The next, and most astounding adaptation this creature has developed is it's resistance to super chilled environments. This creature can withstand temperatures up to -375 °F allowing this creature to swim through liquid nitrogen and super chilled liquids with relative comfort.

The Shockjelli seems to posses mild intelligence as it is capable of seeking out and actively pursuing prey. Once it has found something to devour, it moves slowly but purposefully toward a creature, releasing bolts of electricity and lighting in an attempt to stun and wound it's target before closing in and shocking it to death with it's tendrils personally. The Lightning fired from the Shockjelli's tendrils strikes with enough force to damage blocks.

Shockjellis can be found in the Aether on any kind of Aether Sea planet and the Dark Water of Tidewater worlds.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ The Shockjelli has an immunity to Liquid Nitrogen, as such, you may find some of these creatures randomly swimming around in pools of liquid nitrogen.

~ The Shockjelli, once targeting a creature will attempt to pursue them an for an absurd distance. Their tracking abilities and seemingly ability to see through walls makes this creature a deadly persistent hunter.

~ Looking closely, it appears as if the Shockjelli possesses a face and a mouth, though this is likely just pareidolia.


Shockjelli Luna's Lab.png

How to obtain


Biome fish

Biome monsters

Any 2 of the following:

Any 2 of the following:

Any 2 of the following:

Any 2 of the following:

Any 2 of the following:

Used for


Monster drops