Blood Queen

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Blood Queen Flying.gif
Blood Queen
Don't touch the pointy end.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 0 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 0 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID fugiantredbee2
Red Bee Flying smol.gif

The Blood Queen is one of many types of flying insectoids, that make up this category of creature, this one quite rare! This variety is noted by it's crimson red body and black stripes similar to a wasp, if that wasp was the size of a medium sized dog.

Before attacking, the Blood Queen spawns up to five (Tiny red bees were removed so it's just red bees) Red Bee's to fight for her. These drones are quickly replaced if killed, and can pose a threat if not dealt with promptly. When the queen chooses to attack, she swoops at a target surprisingly fast, striking for overall decent damage, and leaving the target with a unique version of the debuff called "Sting". This debuff inflicts increased radiation damage overtime similar to poison, and causes the player to glow brightly for a few seconds.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ Akin to many types of bees in real life, this monster will not pursue a player into liquids like other creatures might. In fact, this monster cannot see through liquids and so the moment a player submerges themselves, the bee(s) will eventually lose interest.

~ The Blood Queen has the least amount of health of all Queen type bees. Even less than the more common warrior of the hive, the Giant Red Bee.

~ The Blood Queen's status ailment "Sting" can stack with it's drone's, leading to both types of poison being active at once, draining health quicker than one might expect.

Blood Queen Luna's Lab.png

How to obtain


Biome monsters

Used for


Monster drops