Mega Poptop

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Mega Poptop.png
Mega Poptop
A massive, fully grown Poptop. Fearsome.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 50 Radioactive 0 Poison 50 Electric 50 Fire 50 Ice 50 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID megatop

The Mega Poptop is a fearsome foe, and a creature of great significance to the tribal Florans. Much like Ixolings, poptops have the potential to grow to massive proportions and legendary strength if given the time, resources, and environment. The Florans use this creature as a target for a great hunt, similar to the Ixodoom. A Mega Poptop is the result of survival of the fittest at its finest. Only the most brutal and cunning of poptops can ever hope to grow to such strength and size. Even the most powerful of poptops will likely be hunted down or die from other causes before reaching this level of raw power and might. It is unclear what pushes a poptop to reach this stage in development - regardless, it is incredibly rare.

A single swing from the Mega Poptop has enough force to tear a hole into a solid wall of reinforced Durasteel. It's massive claws have become serrated and are sharper than almost any blade forged by normal means. While not the quickest on it's feet, the Mega Poptops powerful arms have grown to such lengths that a creature standing a fair distance away might be caught off guard and slain as the Mega Poptop lunges a seemingly impossible distance with great speed and strength enough to decapitate a would be hunter. Even worse, if a creature is to survive a single blow from the Mega Poptop, they will be left reeling and dazed, affected by the Slow condition for several seconds, making escape nearly impossible.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ Possessing a huge amount of health, 50% resistance to almost every form of damage, health regeneration of 0.4 and a resistance to being stunned, this creature is hard to kill. Additionally, the Mega Poptop has a power multiplier of 1.5x meaning that it hits about 50% harder than anything else it's level.

~ By feeding poptops raw steak, thrown on the ground, you can evolve them to larger stages. Micro --> Poptop --> Juvenile --> Adult. 5 steak per stage. Farmed egg poptops do not evolve (yet). In the files, it mentions that a player could feed an adult poptop 20 steaks to get it to grow into a Mega Poptop. I will need to do further research on how this works exactly though.

Mega Poptop Luna's Lab.png


Used for


Monster drops

Monster drops (hunting)