Gumball Gun

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Item icon gumballgun.png
Gumball Gun
All things considered, it's actually pretty awesome.
Category assaultRifle
Tier 3
Primary Damage per hit: 5.4
Rate of fire: 3.3
Alt Damage per hit: 6
Rate of fire: 0.5
Special: Force Bubble
Rarity legendary
Price 2320
Stack size 1
Two-handed? Yes
Upgradeable? Yes
Tags weapon ranged assaultrifle upgradeableWeapon
ID gumballgun

Contrary to what the tooltip indicates, each shot from a Gumball Gun actually has a 25% random chance each of being one of the following four pure damage types: fire, ice, energy, or poison. This weapon has not been observed to deal physical damage.

How to obtain


Treasure pool