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Kevin is an NPC who is a full time prankster and probably crazy!

Who is Kevin?

Kevin is a Mantizi NPC who was one of the first of his kind to emerge into the Galactic community. Refusing the glamorous life of a sandwich maker (one of the most valued in Mantizi society), Kevin had an itch. An itch to throw science at the wall and see what sticks, oozes though the wall, or otherwise removes the wall from existence.

Isn't he a troublemaker?

Kevin has been known to engage in many experiments at once. Sometimes these end up with recursive shrunken clones of himself, other times it ends with a pie in the face. As long as there's data, he's willing to do it. Mostly at the expense of others. His infraction log, conveniently located before anyone can actually get within visual sight of him details in great detail the various afflictions he has caused during his tenure at the Science Outpost. There is a 102-page codex located in a bookshelf near the front of the Science Outpost that details each and every one of his "pranks", which involve things such as pouring sulfuric acid on someone and hatching Ixoling eggs in the air vents. Everyone at the Science Outpost has been pranked by him, they all hate him, and want him dead. Several NPCs at the Science Outpost comment on Kevin's nefarious deeds such as him "drooling all over their lab notes" or simply just wanting to avoid Kevin.

Why the troubles?

He just won't. stay. away. Not even death banishes him for good, as he's got countermeasures against that, too.

Players should trust in his questlines. While some of the rewards are...questionable...the final reward is extremely worth the effort.


Appearances include, but are not limited to:

  • Next to the waiting ship on the Protectorate intro mission, although a boundary break is necessary to interact with him. if you can get right before the cutscene you can scope to see him without admin


  • Hidden in an inaccessible small out of bounds room in Delta Freya II, far under a cavern under a lake.
  • On the Apex mission "Infiltration", where he can be found in a locked room.
  • On Atropus planets, Kevin may appear and speak to the player. However, it is not Kevin at all. It is, in actuality, the players own mind playing tricks on them as they slowly lose their sanity.
  • There is a very rare chance, that when playing Pong at the Science Outpost, it will be given the name "Kevin Ball" instead, and the ball replaced with his head