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Biome: Garden
Biome image garden.jpg
Found on planets Garden (primary biome), Snowy, Tundra, Forest, Jungle, Savannah
ID garden

Garden (also known as Lush) is your starting planet. It is relatively safe (no harmful weather, all monsters can be handled with hand-crafted gear), it has a bright sun, many food plants and at least 4 species of bees.

It is abundant with tier 1 ores like Iron, Coal, Copper, Silver, Gold and Core Fragment. It also has Bones (hand-craftable into early gear like Bone Wand) and chemical elements like Sulphur and Lead. There are also many fossils.

Here you can meet Vinalisj (a prominent questgiver) and visit both the Mine (vanilla dungeon with lots of free materials) and Dark Cavern (which is a step to repairing your ship).


  • Name: Garden
  • Tier: 1
  • Found around stars: Gentle Star
  • Light level (day): 0.78
  • Average output of Wind Turbine: 0W - 11W: 7W (23%), 9W (23%), 0W (12%), 1W (12%), 2W (12%), 3W (12%), 11W (12%)


Layer Primary region Secondary regions Dungeons


  • Cave liquid: Water

biome/region ID: garden

Weather pools

Type 1 (average wind: 0W)

  • (clear) 100%

Type 2 (average wind: 3W)

  • (clear) 75%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 10%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 5%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 5%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 3%
  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 2%

Type 3 (average wind: 1W)

  • Weather icon groundmist.png Mist 25%
  • Weather icon fog.png Fog 25%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 25%
  • (fumisty) 25%

Type 4 (average wind: 7W)

  • (clear) 40%
  • Weather icon fupretty.png Butterfly Migration 20%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 20%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 20%

Type 5 (average wind: 9W)

  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 40%
  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 20%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 10%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 10%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 10%
  • (futhunderclaplesser) 10%

Type 6 (average wind: 7W)

  • (clear) 26.33%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 21.06%
  • Weather icon snow.png Snow 17.54%
  • Weather icon snowstorm.png Blizzards 17.54%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 17.54%

Type 7 (average wind: 9W)

  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 44.44%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 11.11%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 11.11%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 11.11%
  • (futhunderclap) 11.11%
  • (futhunderclaplesser) 11.11%

Type 8 (average wind: 11W)

  • Weather icon windstorm.png Windstorms 85%
  • Weather icon mistyrain.png Misty Rain 10%
  • Weather icon hurricane.png Hurricane 5%

Type 9 (average wind: 2W)

  • (clear) 85%
  • Weather icon drizzle.png Drizzle 6.25%
  • Weather icon rain.png Rain 5%
  • Weather icon storm.png Storms 2.5%
  • Weather icon glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 1.25%
  • Cave liquid: Water

biome/region ID: forest


biome/region ID: spring

Mushroom Patch

biome ID: mushroompatch
region ID: mushroom

Giant Flowers

biome/region ID: giantflowers

  • Cave liquid: Swamp Water

biome/region ID: swamp


biome/region ID: alpine

Birch Forest
  • Cave liquid: Water

biome/region ID: birchforest

Carrot Crop
  • Cave liquid: Water Healing Water

biome/region ID: fieldofcarrots

  • Cave liquid: Water Healing Water

biome/region ID: fieldofcorn

  • Cave liquid: Water Healing Water

biome/region ID: fieldofgrape

Potato Field
  • Cave liquid: Water Healing Water

biome/region ID: fieldofpotato

Bracken Field
  • Cave liquid: Water Healing Water

biome/region ID: fieldofbracken

Tomato Garden
  • Cave liquid: Water Healing Water

biome/region ID: fieldoftomato

Wheat Field
  • Cave liquid: Water Healing Water

biome/region ID: fieldofwheat

Flower Forest
  • Cave liquid: Water Healing Water

biome/region ID: flowerforest

  • Cave liquid: Water Healing Water Contaminated Water

biome/region ID: meadow

Apple Orchard
  • Cave liquid: Water Swamp Water Healing Water

biome/region ID: orchardapple

Cherry Orchard
  • Cave liquid: Water Swamp Water Healing Water

biome/region ID: orchardcherry

Peach Orchard
  • Cave liquid: Water Swamp Water Healing Water

biome/region ID: orchardpeach

Pear Orchard
  • Cave liquid: Water Swamp Water Healing Water

biome/region ID: orchardpear

Coniferous Forest
  • Cave liquid: Water

biome/region ID: pineforest

Winter Glade
  • Cave liquid: Water

biome/region ID: snowyforest

  • Cave liquid: Water

biome/region ID: taiga

  • Abandoned house
  • Cave Entrance
  • Mine
  • Vinalisj's Lab


  • Cave liquid: Water

biome ID: underground0a
region ID: subsurface

  • Cave liquid: Water

biome ID: underground0b
region ID: subsurface


  • Cave liquid: Water

biome ID: underground0a
region ID: shallowunderground

  • Cave liquid: Water

biome ID: underground0b
region ID: shallowunderground

  • Cave liquid: Oil

biome ID: tarpit
region ID: tarunderground


biome ID: mushrooms
region ID: mushroomunderground


biome ID: wilderness
region ID: wildernessunderground

Mini Village

biome ID: minivillage
region ID: minivillageunderground


  • Cave liquid: Water

biome ID: underground0c
region ID: midunderground

Luminous Caves
  • Cave liquid: Poison

biome/region ID: luminouscaves

Stone Caves
  • Cave liquid: Water

biome/region ID: stonecaves

Bone Caves

biome/region ID: bonecaves

Ice Caves

biome/region ID: icecaves


  • Cave liquid: Water

biome ID: underground0d
region ID: deepunderground

Cell Caves (vanilla)
  • Cave liquid: Poison

biome/region ID: cellcaves

Flesh Caves (vanilla)

biome/region ID: fleshcaves

Slime Caves
  • Cave liquid: Slime

biome/region ID: slimecaves


Garden Core Layer
  • Ocean liquid: Lava
  • Cave liquid: Lava

biome ID: gardencorelayer
region ID: core



biome/region ID: atmosphere



biome/region ID: asteroids


Biome blocks

Biome chests

Biome monsters

All of the following:

All of the following:

Any 1 of the following:

Any 2 of the following:

Any 2 of the following:

  • Critter: birdcritter 19.67% (day only)
  • Critter: hedgehogcritter 14.99% (night only)
  • Critter: tortoisecritter 14.99%
  • Critter: mousecritter 19.67%
  • Critter: bunnycritter 19.67%
  • Critter: snailcritter 19.67%
  • Critter: fishcritter 74.95%

Any 4 of the following:

Biome objects

Biome trees

How to obtain


See also