Bone Wand

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Item icon fuflamewand.png
Bone Wand
Primitive shaman's implement.
Category wand
Tier 1
Primary Fire Special: Flame Blast
Rarity common
Price 440
Stack size 1
Two-handed? No
Upgradeable? Yes
Tags weapon wand upgradeableWeapon fire bone
ID fuflamewand

Bone Wand is an extremely strong tier 1 weapon. It throws an explosive fireball into the enemies and sets them on fire. Warning: if you hit yourself, Bone Wand will harm the player! Aim it carefully and don't step on burning ground.

Fireball will appear at the mouse cursor when you start charging the wand. After it is charged, the fireball flies into the direction of cursor at the moment of releasing the mouse button. This allows you to fire from behind walls, etc. by summoning a fireball in the air.


  • Bone Wand is one-handed and can be dual-wielded for even more destruction.
  • Bone Wand may be hard to fire in corridors with low ceiling. When fighting underground, lure the enemies into larger caverns. Having a spare weapon is advised.
  • The ground keeps burning for several seconds. Lure the enemies into this.

How to obtain

Basic Crafting