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Kyani are tall creatures from another universe. They explore, build and seek prosperity and peaceful ascension. They are also known as a species of scientists and crafters. Surprisingly, they're the first to be fully made of metallic elements. Their tech went REALLY far ahead, but they're reluctant to share it with others. Kyani mastered the art of giving their things power without complications and being creative in simple ways. They prefer quality over quantity, building smaller but better, kyani architecture is simplist and usually aimed to the sky, without taking much land. Kyani tech relies on crystals and a queer proto-element - anophium, which is used as a metal.




  • Strength of a beast! You get increased running speed and jump height by 10%
  • Skin of lead! You get +8 defense from the start

Favored Play Style

  • Sniper
  • Tank


  • No oxygen
  • Fire
  • Burning

Attribute Adjustments

  • HP: 115
  • Energy: 135
  • Attack Power: 85%
  • Defense: 8


Physical Electric Fire Ice Poison Shadow Cosmic Radiation
25% -20% 30% -35% 0% -15% 15% -25%

Racial Benefits/Penalties

  • Water hurts! - H2O is notorious for melting kyani fur! Don't touch it without proper protective equipment!
  • Kyani are extremely morally soft and susceptive! You have -15% mental protection.

Environmental Bonuses/Penalties

  • Hot biomes - +15% Health and Energy
  • Lush, Chromatic and Forest - -15% Health and Energy
  • Rainforest, Atropus, Dark Atropus and Jungle - -30% Health and Energy
  • Snowy biomes and Ocean - -60% Health and Energy

Combat Perks/Penalties

  • Patriotism! With their national weaponry, gain +20% damage and +10% crit chance.
  • Never will miss ya! Sniper rifles give you +15% Damage and +7% crit chance.
  • That hits the point! Spears do grant you +7% Damage, +3% crit chance.
Playable Races
Vanilla Apex · Avian · Floran · Glitch · Human · Hylotl · Novakid
FU Eld'uukhar · Fenerox · Kirhos · Mantizi · Nightar · Peglaci · Pharitu · Skath · Slime · Tenebrhae · Thelusian · Vel'uuish · X'i
Other mods Aegi · Akkimari · Arachne · Argonian · Attarran · Avali · Avikan · Bunnykin · Callistan · Calskies · Carakinox · Deerkin · Droden · Eevee · Elunite · Elysian · Familiar · Felin · Fennix · Fragment of Ruin · Greckan · Harpy · Indix · Inkling · Kitsune · Lastree · Lombax · Lucario · Lutrin · Lyru · Maldacht · Mantid · Merrkin · Neki · Neko · Orcana · Phox · Protogen · Pyg · Remorian · Saturnians/Thaumoths · Sergals · Sharkkin · Skelekin · Spirit Guardians · Spirit Tree · Tauren · Terrakin · Tiknass'uut · Trink · Vulpes · Webber · Zombie
Legacy Alrune · Deerfolk · Gyrusen · Lamia · Munari · Viera · Wasps · Woggle · Zoroark
Discontinued Changenykt · Demon · Dragon · Everis · Gardevan · Irken · Kineptic · Kazdra · Kemono · Mauskin · Moogle · Ningen · Novakid-Avali · Shade · Tirastrolls · Vespoid